Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

814: Why does this picture seem familiar?

814: Why does this picture seem familiar?

Director Yang paused and continued:

"After I heard my mother's words, there seemed to be a power to soothe my frightened heart. 35

"After knowing that my father was here, not only was I not afraid, but I was clamoring for my mother to take me to find my father."

"My mother agreed. On the way, I learned that my father did not die because of the famine at all."

"It's because of suicide."

"When I had another famine, I still had two big bags of grain at home, so saving a little bit of food would definitely be able to get through this difficult time.

'But at that time, I was only two months old when I was sick, and my father was in a hurry at home. At the expense of food, he asked the village's barefoot doctor to come and see a doctor. "5


When Director Yang said this, he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists in resentment, his whole body trembling with anger.

When the audience in the anchor room saw this, they asked:

"What's the result!

"What did you say in the end?"

"Let's go faster with Colima!"

"Do you know that talking and gasping for breath will kill you! 99

The audience in the live broadcast room kept urging, but Director Yang fell into memory and did not continue talking for a long time.

Helpless, the audience could only ask Ye Xuan.

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan continued: "The barefoot doctor was a liar back then.

"Deliberately exaggerating the condition and not treating it seriously, and finally defrauded more than half of Director Yang's family's food."

"It took more than half a month of treatment, but the disease was still not cured. By the time it was discovered, the barefoot doctor had already disappeared."

"In the end, Director Yang's father couldn't stand the blow, and he was still suffering from famine. He didn't want to involve Director Yang and the others, so he committed suicide. 99

Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed one by one:

"Why does this picture seem familiar?"

"Yes, isn't it the same as Lin Tianxiang's situation?"

"Could it be that Director Yang is like this because he was hit by his father's affairs?"

"Even if it is true, this is not the reason for your evil!

"Yes, this is not a reason, it must be punished!"

At this time, when Director Yang heard Ye Xuan's words, his eyes were excited, he just wanted to nod his head, and then buy another wave of misery, but the barrage underneath was like a slap in the face.

The excited heart sank all of a sudden, ignored the barrage below, looked at the camera and continued:

"My mother told me that after the barefoot doctor ran away, my father committed suicide because he didn't want to get us involved.

"After my father committed suicide, I, who had been suffering from a high fever, miraculously recovered.

"My mother said that it must be my father who is in heaven and blesses me.

"She didn't want me to never see my father in my life, so she brought me to see it.

"At that time, my mother took me through corpses one after another, some of which had been weathered into bones."

973 "Some have only been gone for a few months, and the maggots are still crawling around on the corpse.

"Looking at the flesh maggots, I felt itchy all over my body, as if there were large pieces of flesh maggots crawling on my body.

"But these fears were overwhelmed by the desire to see my father."

"After walking for a long time, my mother finally stopped, pointed to a small mound in front of me, and said to me: [Yang Yang, your father is there, go and talk to him.]

"At that moment, I seemed to see a vague figure standing beside the mound and waving to me."

"Although I couldn't see the face clearly, I felt in my heart that this figure was my father, and he came to see me.

"My father, here he is!

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