Live Fortune Telling: No One Knows Fortune Telling Better Than Me

103: The best solution to eat a few bowls of flour

103: The best solution to eat a few bowls of flour


"my eyes!

"You actually destroyed my third eye! 35

"Two junior brothers, help me take revenge, quickly help me take revenge..."

The monk Yimu's eyes were dripping with black and red blood, and he was screaming hysterically, asking the other two monks to avenge him.


The two monks had shocked expressions on their faces, cold sweat oozing from their foreheads, and they didn't dare to move even when they stood there.




Look how good Lin Xuan speaks.

They thought Lin Xuan was a soft persimmon.

But when Lin Xuan started, they found that Lin Xuan's speed was so fast that it was almost impossible to catch with the naked eye.

With Lin Xuan's speed, how could they dare to trouble Lin Xuan?

at the same time.

The live broadcast room is also very popular:

"Master Lin, 666!

"Mom, just button your eyeballs."

"Can you see clearly now?"

"It's all in the kitten's belly, I must have seen it clearly.

"Stop talking, I kneel to Master Lin.


While the live broadcast room is lively.

Lin Xuan put his right hand on Yi Yi's shoulder and chuckled: " Yi Yi, the eyeballs are all in my cat's stomach, can you see how many mice it is? 39


Furious, he threw his left fist at Lin Xuan.

Seeing Yi Mu shot, Lin Xuan still acted lightly, but his right hand on Yi Mu's shoulder suddenly exerted force.

"Crack clap..."

On Yimu's shoulder, there was a sound of broken bones.


Yiyi screamed again, and his expression became hideous.

Lin Xuan asked again: "Have you seen it now? How many golden mice did my cat eat?"

"One by one. 39

Feeling the pain in his shoulders and eye sockets, he hurriedly screamed and answered.

"Crack clap..."

Lin Xuan pinched Ichimoku's already fractured shoulder into a comminuted fracture: "Didn't you just say two?"

"Ah, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

He screamed in pain, his expression extremely painful and distorted.

Lin Xuan put his hand on his left shoulder, which was intact, and said in a flat tone, "Is there a relationship between the Peach Tree and you Buddha?

"No fate, no fate!"

With a sight that was almost painful, he quickly replied.

Lin Xuan laughed again: "What about Bingbaoshan, didn't you say Bingbaoshan is related to Buddha?

"No luck.

The monk Yimu screamed again and again.

Dejected, Lin Xuan's expression turned cold: "Then you said that you were destined?"



"Master Lin, please let me go, please..."

At this time, the monk Yimu knew that he had encountered a hard stubble, and quickly apologized!

Lin Xuan chuckled: "Don't say I'm sorry, I said it as if I could forgive you.

"Crack clap..."

Lin Xuan flexed his palm.

Monk Ichimoku's left shoulder was also pinched into a comminuted fracture.

Then, Lin Xuan let go and threw the monk on the ground like a trash.

Next, Lin Xuan looked at the remaining two monks and smiled, "You saw my cat just now, how many mice did you eat?35

"did not see it."

"did not see it."

"We didn't see anything..."

Seeing Lin Xuan look at him.

The two monks were almost scared to pee.

Shake your head like a rattle.

After all, the fate of Ichimoku and Lin Xuan, they can see clearly.

In today's legal society, Lin Xuan stopped making things difficult for the three monks and looked at Hu Linger: "You said the monks took your things?

"Yes Yes Yes.

"These bald thieves have taken my magic weapon. 35

Hu Linger was so excited that she was so happy that she turned into a human shape, and three fox tails suddenly stuck out from behind her buttocks.

"Go to 35


"Look at what.

"Go get it yourself.

Lin Xuan glanced at the three monks and instructed Hu Linger.


Hu Linger looked excited.

Immediately go over to search for the treasures on the three monks.

I have to say that Hu Linger's search was really ruthless, almost stripping off the three monks, not even the monks' robes and shoes.

In the end, all three monks walked barefoot.

Three monks were sent away.

Fans in the live broadcast room cheered:

"Tsk, as expected of Master Lin's fox. 99

"That's right, the search is really clean.

"Hehe, I even took off my clothes and shoes, can it be clean?

"The monk is pretending to be the weakest B and being beaten the most...

Fans are gossiping.

Lin Xuan gave an order to let Wang Miaomiao chat with the fans, while he received the guests.

President Zhao...


Huang Guijun...

These people just congratulated Lin Xuan and were soon dismissed by Lin Xuan.

Xu Zhengtian told Lin Xuan that the primary Tianji Mountain had been built according to his instructions.

Lin Xuan flew into the sky and looked down on the whole of Dongguan, and found that the formation of Tianji Mountain had been completed, and it was only the last step to start.


Lin Xuan gave Xu Zhengtian another 100 million.

The old man Xu Zhengtian was stunned: "This...this is?"

Lin Xuan took out the mid-level Tianji Mountain formation map he had already prepared: "Mr. Xu, please upgrade the Tianji Mountain. 55

"Okay, it's a pleasure to serve Master Lin!" Mr. Xu Zhengtian patted his chest and agreed.

After sending Mr. Xu Zhengtian away, Lin Xuan's eyes turned to Zhao Tianshan!

Before that, Lin Xuan had already read through the Wordless Book, and knew the purpose of Mr. Xu Zhengtian's visit and what gifts he brought him.

"Mr. Zhao, are you here for your wife's business?" Lin Xuan chuckled.

Zhao Tianshan, the first real estate developer of Xia Guotang, had a smile on his face: "Yes, yes, Master Lin has a clever plan, nothing can be hidden from you."5

"You entered the door, so your face was scratched?

"Yes, yes, my cheeks were almost caught."

"You stood outside the door, trying to impress Li Guihua, but Li Guihua put the knife on her neck and said that if you pestered her again, she would commit suicide?"5

"Because you were afraid that Li Guihua would hurt yourself, you had no choice but to leave, and now you don't know what to do?



Zhao Tianshan's eyes lit up, his face excited, and he patted his thigh in amazement:

"Oh, oh, oh, oh.

"Master Lin, you are really a master. 35

"How do you know everything, it's almost like seeing it with your own eyes.

"I know I owe Osmanthus too much, so I want to ask you...Is there still a chance for me to get her forgiveness?"

At the end of the day, Zhao Tianshan, an old man in his sixties, had hope in his eyes.

Lin Xuan nodded, and his dream came true.

Lin Xuan shook his head, and his dream was shattered.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan nodded: "There is a chance!"


Zhao Tianshan was overjoyed, his old face was full of joy, and he hurriedly asked: "Master, what do you think I should do to get Osmanthus' forgiveness."5

Lin Xuan said meaningfully: "I can say it, but I'm afraid you won't dare to do it!""


"For Li Guihua."

"I will do anything for my son and grandson!"

As soon as Zhao Tianshan gritted his teeth, his face and eyes were filled with determination.

Lin Xuan said lightly:

"Didn't Li Guihua say you were pestering her and she committed suicide?"

"You want to get Li Guihua's forgiveness, and you will die for the reason."

"The specific method is, when she is holding the knife, you take out another knife and stab yourself in the neck."

"It must be deep, it must see blood, and it must be resolute!

Rao is that Zhao Tianshan was prepared.

But after hearing the solution given by Lin Xuan, he couldn't help but sweat.

This place on the neck is no joke, and since I am old, if I don't care about it... I might get cold.


Love and family are important.

Or is life more important?

Zhao Tianshan fell into deep hesitation.

Lin Xuan went on to say:

"After you commit suicide, Li Guihua will panic and call 120 to call an ambulance and accompany you to the hospital."5

"Then, Li Guihua will tell your son and grandson your identity.

"You can recognize each other in the hospital! 35

Finished talking.

Zhao Tianshan gritted his teeth: "Okay, I'm done!"

"Anything else?" Lin Xuan asked.

Zhao Tianshan took out a wooden box and said with a smile:

"Master Lin, this is a treasure that I collected in my early years.

"There were several lamas who offered a lot of money to buy them, but they were all rejected by me.

"Now, to you!"

While speaking, Zhao Tianshan handed over the box.

Lin Xuan opened the box, and inside the box was a black carving knife that was only two inches long.

The entire carving knife is exquisite and small, with a faint black streamer flashing on the surface. Holding the carving knife in his hand, Lin Xuan's whole body suddenly trembled.

Nice knife!

This knife is nothing else.

It is the carving knife used by the warlocks to carve the formation.

With this knife and some raw materials, he can create something better than a magic charm.

Because the knife was too useful to him, Lin Xuan gave Zhao Tianshan some magical amulets.


Lin Xuan sent Zhao Tianshan off, and he politely said a few words to Dong Longmen, and gave Dong Longmen some magical amulets.

After sending Dong Longmen away, Lin Xuan first placed the Bingbao Mountain under the peach tree, and then went down the mountain with a few peach cores.

Go to the entrance of the mountain.

Lin Xuan took out the peach pit and the knife, and used the knife to carve the walnut.

These peach pits are the peach pits, and they have a huge spiritual energy themselves, and they are rare treasures for array formation.

After carving, it can form various formations.

For example, what he carves now is a kind of maze.


After a while of carving.

Nine peach pits were carved into a formation by Lin Xuan.

With a flick of his hand, the nine peach cores sank into the ground.

In the blink of an eye, where the nine peach pits sank, a peach tree appeared.

Each peach tree is seven or eight meters high. These peach trees are actually a kind of formation, with their own psychedelic functions.

People who have no fate with Lin Xuan will encounter ghosts hitting the wall when they walk in front of the peach tree, and they will go to where they came from without knowing it.

Why do these.

It is because the XX base in the United States will announce his address.

At that time, there will be many netizens and foreign curious people who come to explore with him.

Lin Xuan prefers quietness, so he arranged the maze in advance.


Lin Xuan returned to Taoism.

The next day, Lin Xuan was eating peaches.

A farmer in his forties came with a mother in his sixties.

It stands to reason that now the country is strong and the people's nutrition can keep up with it. She should be very energetic in her 60s. This old lady... can't even walk?


After flipping through the book without words, Lin Xuan immediately knew what was going on.

"Master, where are you worshipping the gods here, my mother ran into the evil spirits and wanted to worship the gods! 35 The farmer looked anxious.

Lin Xuan shook his head: "It's useless to worship God like your mother."5

"Useless? The peasant man frowned.

Lin Xuan chuckled: "Is your mother a Buddhist?"

"Yeah, my mother is the most believer in Buddhism, and she has never killed anyone in her life. 35 The farmer looked sad.

But then, the man from the Zhuang family reacted and widened his eyes: "Little... little master, how do you know that my mother believes in Buddhism?

Lin Xuan didn't answer, but instead asked: "Is there a butcher living next door with the surname Zhang?"


"Are you a god?

"How do you even know this?"

The Zhuang family man showed a ghostly expression and exclaimed directly.

At this time, the old lady also saw that Lin Xuan was not an ordinary person, so she raised her head hard: "Little Master, you are so powerful, do you know what evil I have run into?"


Lin Xuan smiled: "Auntie, it's not evil that you are colliding with, but a god!


The old lady looked horrified: "Little Master, I haven't even killed chickens or eaten meat. I would avoid ants when I walk. I'm so kind, how can I collide with the gods?"

The peasant man also looked terrified: "Yes, yes, my mother is so kind, how could she collide with the gods?"

Lin Xuan smiled and asked again:


"Some time ago, you stopped by your neighbor Zhang Butcher's house."

"As a result, I saw the Bodhisattva statue in his house, stained with pig blood. 35

"You persuaded Butcher Zhang to respect the gods and Buddhas, and not to contaminate the bodhisattva statues with dirty things like pig blood, right?

Hear the word!

The old lady's eyes widened, and her whole body seemed to be halfway through, and she exclaimed: "Little... little master, you are not a fairy, how do you even know this? 35

Lin Xuan did not reply to the old lady's words, but continued:

"You advise Butcher Zhang.

"But Butcher Zhang was holding a pig-killing knife and said with a grinning smile that he didn't care about gods, gods, or Buddhas, if he dared to make trouble and kill him with one knife.

"If it weren't for the fact that his wife thought that he had killed too many pigs and that he had sinned a lot, he would not have wanted a Guanyin statue.

"So, you took a towel and wiped off the blood on the Guanyin statue.

"is that so?"

This is over!

The old lady tries hard to break free from her son:

"Shuan'er, hurry up and put your mother down, hurry up and put down your mother.""

"We have met an immortal, hurry up and make my mother kneel.

"You kneel down too, what are you doing standing?"

The peasant was extremely filial, and looked at Lin Xuan naively: "Little Master, my mother is not well, can you let me kneel for her? 35

"No need to kneel!"

Lin Xuan said, and looked at the old lady:

"After wiping the Guanyin statue, your originally tough body quickly collapsed."

"And as long as you fall asleep, you will dream of a Guanyin Bodhisattva, cursing at you, but you can't hear what Guanyin is cursing."

"You went to the monastery to seek Buddhahood.

"But every time you go to a temple, the sound of Guanyin scolding you when you sleep gets louder.

The old lady nodded hurriedly: "Little Master, you are really a genius, what the hell is going on with me? I've been eating fast and reciting Buddha all my life, why did I encounter such a thing?"

"You better ask it yourself!"

Lin Xuan chuckled, then put his fingertips on the old lady's eyebrows.

Immediately after.

A very strange scene appeared.

A golden light dot appeared between the old lady's eyebrows.

After the golden light spot flew out from the middle of the old lady's eyebrows, it quickly expanded into a phantom image of Guanyin Bodhisattva the size of a real person.

The old lady believed in Buddhism all her life, and when she saw Guanyin Bodhisattva, she was stunned and exclaimed, "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva?


"Is this Guanyin Bodhisattva?"

"Son, let go of mother quickly, and let mother kneel before the Bodhisattva.

At this time, the peasant man was also frightened, and hurriedly put down the old lady, ready to let the old lady kneel, and kneel himself.


Lin Xuan waved his hand lightly.

Both the old lady and the peasant man who were kneeling felt a soft air flow under their knees, and they couldn't kneel down no matter what.

At this moment, Lin Xuan looked at the Avalokitesvara and asked, "The old lady has been chanting Buddha all her life, why do you still punish her?"

The phantom Avalokitesvara replied: "All living beings are equal, that butcher kills pigs every day and makes a lot of murders, but the old lady, as a follower of my teaching, doesn't stop her, so I punish her!

Lin Xuan asked again: "Since it was Butcher Zhang who killed pigs, why did you punish the old lady who believed in Buddhism?

The peasant man felt sorry for his mother, and asked: "That is, you are a god, why didn't you punish Butcher Zhang? But punish my mother?

But the old lady opened her mouth to defend Guanyin Bodhisattva: "Son, don't talk nonsense, the Bodhisattva does this because of her own reasoning.

"Because Butcher Zhang is too evil, I'm also afraid of him!" Avalokitesvara replied.

PS: The recent update is too frequent, and I only sleep three or five hours a day to hang the bottle. . .

It will keep at least 10,000 days later, and the rhythm will be faster. I hope the reader will continue to look down, and the later will get better and better, thank you!

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