Cassandra sighed:

"Alas, Alyssa might be selfish for doing this, but a little girl who has experienced such a tragedy now just wants to enjoy the most complete maternal love, what's wrong with that?"

Wang Ting nodded:

"Without tragedy, there is no human world. The human world is purgatory. There is no right or wrong. As long as you have a clear conscience, that's enough.

Cassandra smiled.

"You sound like a monk, but it's all over now, and we should go back. If I'm not mistaken, you will become the most popular anchor on horror movies, but don't be too proud, because fame brings troubles~" Wang

Ting also laughed, and said to Cassandra and the Dark Warrior:

"Thank you very much for this time. Live broadcasting is really not something that one person can do. If you two don’t mind, we will continue to cooperate next time."

Cassandra shook her long hair and raised her delicate face and said:

"We'll talk about the next thing next time. I need to take a good rest for a while. Remember, don't contact me within three days~"

After saying that, he left directly.

Wang Ting smiled indifferently. In fact, he had tricked Cassandra a lot. For the horror effect, he could only let Cassandra face many extreme situations.

As a girl, Cassandra was already rare. A slightly more delicate girl might have collapsed long ago when facing these monsters, perverted murderers and the like.

After all, watching a movie is completely different from experiencing it in person.

Even those escape rooms with poor props and fake atmosphere, countless girls are scared to collapse and give up every day.

Therefore, Cassandra is still very strong in Wang Ting's heart.

Moreover, Wang Ting can see that Cassandra is the kind of person who is afraid and likes to play, so she will definitely come to him again in a few days.

Black Warrior The warrior was very concise. He nodded to Wang Ting, gave him a thumbs up, and left.

Wang Ting's intuition told him that this would not be the last time he and the Black Warrior would work together, and he and the other party would definitely have intersections in the future.

He is still quite satisfied with this trio for now.

As he said, live streaming is not something that can be done by one person, there must be a team, and at present, three people are just right.

Because there are inherent characters in the movie world itself, it is a bit overwhelming to have too many people in the team.

At this time, Wang Ting also left the live broadcast room, and the Silent Hill live broadcast officially ended!

The discussion in the live broadcast hall has been extremely heated, but Wang Ting is too lazy to pay attention to these at the moment. What he really cares about is the final scare index and whether he can unlock new abilities!

Soon, he saw the live broadcast data summary:

The anchor level has been upgraded to: Level 4

Live broadcast time: 9 hours

Maximum number of viewers: 1 million

Final revenue: 3.12 million yuan

Current number of fans: 1.1 million.

Wang Ting was also a little shocked when he saw these numbers.

3.12 million yuan!

This is the money that many ordinary people cannot earn in half a lifetime. He made it in a 9-hour live broadcast, and it was the money after the platform took half of the commission. It was really a lucrative industry!

Moreover, his anchor level has been upgraded to level 4, which is the intermediate anchor level.

Levels 1 to 3 are elementary anchors, and levels 4 to 6 are intermediate anchors.

When he became a level 4 anchor, the number of viewers in his live broadcast room increased from a maximum of 1 million to a maximum of 5 million.

Moreover, the upper limit of the daily fan growth has also increased from 100,000 to 1 million.

So Wang Ting now has 1.1 million fans.

An increase of 1 million fans a day, such a growth rate is absolutely extremely rare. No wonder Cassandra said that she is about to become the most popular horror movie theme anchor.

Of the 3.12 million in revenue, Wang Ting only kept 1 million for himself, and then gave Cassandra and Darth Vader 1 million each. The remaining 120,000 was used as red envelopes, and will be returned to the fans through a lottery in the room next time!

In fact, as the owner of the room, no one would say anything even if Wang Ting took more revenue, after all, Cassandra and Darth Vader also had their own live broadcast revenue.

But Wang Ting really doesn't love money!

He knows very well that according to the current revenue, he will never lack money in the future, and it is useless for him to have money now.

This superhuman strength cannot be bought with any amount of money.

Then, Wang Ting received the fans' shock index evaluation.

5 stars!

Wang Ting was extremely surprised, it turned out to be a 5-star evaluation!

He thought that his and Darth Vader's performance would have a significant impact on the shock index, and it would be good to get 3 stars, but he didn't expect to get 5 stars in the end?

Are you sure?

He immediately went to check the comment section

【I gave it 5 stars, I wanted to give it 3 stars, but the ending was horrible.】

【Me too, the landlord was too strong, the movie wasn't scary anymore, but the ending really made me break out in a cold sweat...】

【I gave it 5 stars because of the ending. Alessa actually replaced Sharon, and Rose was trapped in the surface world forever. It's really weird.....】

【This live broadcast really had a terrifying reversal in the last scene, 5 stars for sure! 】

Wang Ting then realized that the so-called 5 stars were given to the final ending.

Fortunately, he explained it at the end, otherwise many people might not have discovered this reversal at all, nor would they have found it terrifying when they thought about it carefully.

At this moment, Wang Ting also understood that what was really scary was not the bloody scene or the sudden appearance of the ghost face, but the terrifying plot when they thought about it carefully.

But no matter what, this was the first time he got a 5-star rating!

A 3-star rating can unlock new abilities, and a 5-star rating can unlock one more new ability. Wang Ting couldn't wait.

Soon, Wang Ting in the system hall felt a new power emerging from his body, manifesting.....

【Unlock Superhuman Abilities: Super Senses】

【Unlock Superhuman Ability: Bio-Force Field]

Wow! As expected, two abilities were unlocked, and both are very iconic superhuman abilities! They are also extremely powerful.

Without saying anything, Wang Ting immediately opened a warm-up room and began to feel the new���ability.

This time, the room simulated a more ordinary urban scene.

Super senses!

It is the extreme enhancement of the five senses, including super vision, super hearing, super smell, etc.

According to the version of Superman in the Man of Steel, the sharpness of these senses is enough to surpass all the most advanced technologies of mankind!

At this moment, Wang Ting looked at the surrounding streets.

In an instant, all objects in his eyes became non-existent, but they were really in front of him, because Wang Ting could see through them easily.

His sight can see through all objects, whether it is plastic, wood, stone, metal, no matter how thick the wall is, how dense the alloy is, it can't be blocked!

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