Not only that.

Super vision also has extremely strong microscopic capabilities. He can see clearly the bacteria in people's skin, the microorganisms on their faces, and the mites.

Even tiny viruses and DNA sequences, Wang Ting can distinguish them.

If there are two identical twins in front of him, Wang Ting can directly see the difference between them through the gene sequence.

This is Superman's super vision, impeccable.

Moreover, super vision also has the most powerful night vision ability. Even in the darkest corners of the universe, where there is no light at all, Wang Ting's vision can see everything clearly.

Perspective, night vision, farsightedness, microscopic vision.

With super vision, Wang Ting's naked eyes can be said to have no blind spots.

At this time, there were women with good figures walking on the street. Wang Ting was suddenly embarrassed. He cursed himself in his heart. Perspective eyes are not used for crooked ways.

Ahem.....Better pay attention.

Next is super hearing.

Wang Ting's mind moved, and suddenly, the sounds of the entire city were transmitted to his ears!


Wang Ting felt that his head was about to explode.

It was as loud as the conversations of the people in the whole city, the honking of vehicles, and the sound of construction sites.....

As small as the sound of people breathing, insects crawling, and the breeze in the air....

All the sounds gathered together, as if they had become a million times louder, just like dropping a bomb in Wang Ting's ears!

But he quickly learned to control it, and learned to focus only on the sounds he wanted to hear.

Then everything returned to normal.

Super hearing is like an extreme version of a sound amplifier and tracker.

Wang Ting can hear all the sounds in the entire city. Even if a grain of rice falls on a table in a household at the other end of the city, he can hear it.

But he must control it, otherwise it will definitely not be a pleasant feeling to hear all the sounds.

But as long as he concentrates his mind, he can accurately control the range of his hearing to any place in the city and hear any words he wants to hear.

Wang Ting said self-deprecatingly:

"Isn't this the ability to see and hear from afar?"

Next is the super sense of smell.

As the name suggests, like super vision and super hearing, it is the ultimate enhancement of the sense of smell.

Wang Ting can now distinguish almost all smells. It is said that the top perfume makers can distinguish the differences between thousands of smells.

And Wang Ting's ability is tens of millions times theirs.

At this moment, Wang Ting can analyze from the smell of every passerby where they are from, what they have eaten, what they have touched, and even the speed at which the smell dissipates, accurate to the hour.

These are super senses.

Although not as shocking as super strength and super physique, the degree of strength is by no means inferior to any ability.

Next is the bio-force field.

This is Superman's most iconic ability, and it is also the auxiliary ability that best matches his super strength.

The so-called force field is an energy field.

The bio-force field is an invisible energy field surrounding Wang Ting.

Wang Ting can control this energy, allowing him to transfer, wrap and protect other people or objects.

Wang Ting is ready to try the effect of the bio-force field.

He directly threw a double-decker bus a hundred meters high!

The people around screamed and fled, but these were all simulated, and Wang Ting didn't know what to do. Don't worry.

The bus fell from a height of 100 meters.

Wang Ting stretched out his hand to catch it.

An amazing scene appeared. The bus stopped steadily in Wang Ting's hand and was caught by him without any damage!

This is not in line with the laws of physics.

Because the area of Wang Ting's hands is very small compared to the area of the bus, the local pressure will be very large.

Even if he is extremely strong, according to the laws of physics, with the gravitational acceleration of the bus falling from 100 meters, after being touched by his hand, it should be directly pierced by his palm or cut in half by his hand.

Just like an apple falling on a knife is an effect Results.

But the bus landed safely!

This is the effect of the biological force field, because the moment Wang Ting touched the bus with both hands, he had released the force field energy and wrapped the entire bus, so that the bus was safe and sound.

There is another example.

Superman in the movie often flies at hypersonic speeds and can fly with a companion at the same time, but at such a speed, a normal person would have died long ago.

It is precisely because Superman uses his biological force field to protect the other party that the other party can also withstand the gravity of hypersonic flight.

So the biological force field and super strength complement each other.


The reason why the biological force field can be called one of Superman's most iconic abilities is that under the effect of this force field, Superman can completely get rid of gravity!

Wang Ting took a deep breath.

The next moment, his body slowly rose into the air.....

He flew up.

That's right, the bio-force field wrapped around him, allowing him to ignore any gravity and gravitational pull, and fly truly freely!

Wang Ting's freedom at this moment is indescribable.

Although he could jump a thousand meters before, it was a completely different feeling from flying.

Flying is the dream of all human beings. The most iconic ability of gods, immortals, and angels imagined by humans is flying, which means that people are free from all constraints.

Wang Ting soared into the air and rushed forward!


In an instant, his speed broke the speed of sound, and the huge sonic boom shattered the windows of all the buildings within dozens of miles. The huge explosion echoed in the city, and many people became deaf and knelt on the ground in pain.

Wang Ting had already rushed into the sky, and the surrounding scenery passed by him at a very fast speed. In a blink of an eye, he had rushed out of the atmosphere and came to the space, quietly looking down at the simulated blue planet below.

His current version of the Iron Man Superman has a maximum speed of 200 Mach, which is 200 times the speed of sound!

What is the concept of 200 Mach?

The speed of a rifle bullet is 2-3 Mach. The fastest aircraft invented by humans can only reach 20 Mach at most in the weightless environment of space.

And Wang Ting's speed is a full ten times that.

If he enters the weightless environment of space, Wang Ting's speed will be even faster!

Boom boom boom!!!

Wang Ting exerted force again, and a series of thunderous explosions came from the air. He flew back to the ground from space and landed heavily on the ground


There was a violent shock.

The entire ground was smashed into a 1,000-meter-wide depression. Wang Ting stood in it, very satisfied with his current abilities!

In addition to the iconic laser eyes and freezing breath, Wang Ting now basically has all the abilities.

After exiting the warm-up room and the system, Wang Ting woke up in his old room.

Having made so much money, it's time to improve the living environment!

But at this moment, Wang Ting suddenly felt that his body was full of strength. Although not as strong as Superman in the system, it seemed to be far beyond the limits of humans.

He was shocked.

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