"You two go explore the next room now."

Captain Ha Jun's reminder came from the headset.

Chengxun and Chengxu were shocked and their scalps tingled.....They cursed Ha Jun in their hearts!

This guy, he stayed in the camp without taking any risks, and let them face the supernatural? There was such a big commotion next door just now, who knows what terrible things are waiting for them.

But when they thought about the fact that Ha Jun had just increased their share of the live broadcast by 20%, they could only pluck up their courage and start to walk to the next room.

In the camp.

Ha Jun looked at the screen with a sneer on his face, and said to himself:

"Do you two really think that money is so easy to make? If you want to share such a big sum, you have to complete this task in excess!"

At this time, the popularity of the live broadcast has almost exceeded 2 million!

Thinking of the huge profits that are about to be obtained, He Jun's mouth can't help but rise.

At the same time.

In the woods not far from He Jun, three girls are still moving forward cautiously.

"Go Slow....Go Slow....I can hardly walk anymore..."

Charlotte said with a heavy breath at this time. She was holding onto a tree and felt exhausted.

Cassandra supported Ji Hyun. Although she had the physique of a top athlete, she was also a little tired at the moment.

Mainly physically and mentally exhausted.

In a fearful environment, people's adrenaline surges and metabolism increases, so they will quickly fall into a state of fatigue.

Of course, the main problem is not this, but that they have been walking for more than half an hour! It takes at most ten minutes to get from the camp to the Gonjiam building.

After leaving Gonjiam, the three of them traveled at a faster speed than when they came in order to get to the camp as soon as possible.

But now half an hour has passed, and the three of them are still in the forest, and they haven't even seen the lights of the camp. What's going on!

Ji Hyun suddenly screamed, and then pointed at the small tree that Charlotte was holding on to:

"that....That's not...."

The other two immediately looked up and saw a white cloth tied to the branch of the tree. It was the one they had tied to mark the tree.

This meant they had come back after a long walk!

The three of them looked unhappy. Charlotte shook her head and said in surprise:

"This is not a desert, nor a big forest. There is only one path, so why are we going around in circles?"

Ji Hyun was about to collapse at this time, she whispered in tears:

"It's over. We can't get out....We're going to die here...."

Cassandra clapped her hands immediately:

"Don't be discouraged, it's normal to get lost in the woods at night. We're not far from the camp. We'll definitely get out if we keep going."

Charlotte and Ji Hyun were obviously completely at a loss at this moment, and could only follow Cassandra and continue forward.

The audience had already noticed something was wrong.

【It's over, they are stuck in a dead end!】

【It must be a ghost wall. I told you, those ghosts would never let them leave so easily!】

【How to solve the ghost wall? I won’t be wandering around here all night, will I?】

【My grandfather told me that if you encounter a ghost wall, just pee on the side of the road immediately!】

【Those upstairs, please tell them this method quickly.~】

【Are the three of them just standing still? 】

Ten minutes later, the three girls couldn't walk anymore, so they sat down on the ground and began to breathe heavily.

At this time, Ji Hyun screamed again.

"Ah! We are back again!"

On top of the three people's heads, there was still the tree fork with white cloth tied to it!

At this moment, Charlotte and Zhixian completely collapsed. They both began to sob and kept whispering to themselves.

"I just knew it....I just knew it....We can't escape.....We'll all die...."

"I shouldn't have come....I shouldn't have come...I don't want to die..."

Cassandra was also confused.

After all, she had only experienced the adventures of the two horror movies"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and"Silent Hill", and did not have much experience worth referring to.

At this moment, she was facing a completely different emergency.

In the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, she was facing a perverted killer, not a ghost, so everything could be dealt with logically.

In Silent Hill, although there are monsters, they can only be encountered in the inner world, and the inner world and the outer world appear alternately, so the monsters will disappear and she still has time to rest. But in this Gonjiam world, everything is unknown!

This is a real ghost, a supernatural unknown force!

If these ghosts are really those mentally ill patients who died mysteriously, it would be even more troublesome.

When those mentally ill patients were alive, they could not think and communicate with common sense.

Now that they have become ghosts, they are even more unpredictable.

At this moment, Cassandra not only missed the reasonable dark Alessa who understood that every grievance has its perpetrator, but also the dark Alessa who understood that every grievance has its perpetrator......

At least they can communicate.

She also regretted that she should have brought the Dark Warrior along. It would have been much safer with him.

At this moment, Cassandra suddenly noticed that Charlotte and Ji Hyun, who were sobbing and whispering just now, were silent.

She immediately looked up and saw Charlotte looking at her in confusion, and said in horror:


Cassandra was stunned.

Gone? She was clearly here just now.

She immediately looked around with a flashlight, and Charlotte turned on the night vision function of the camera and began to look around.

Suddenly, under a tree a few meters away, they both saw Ji Hyun at the same time.

At this time, Ji Hyun was standing stiffly with her back to them, motionless.

Ji Hyun's behavior was too weird!

Cassandra and Charlotte looked at each other solemnly, then slowly walked towards her, calling her in a low voice.

"Ji Hyun? Ji Hyun, what's wrong with you?"

Just as the two of them were getting closer and closer and were about to reach out to touch Ji Hyun's shoulder, Ji Hyun suddenly turned around.....

Then, a pale face with disheveled hair appeared before them! The eyeballs had turned completely black, and the lips were cracked. It was completely a female ghost!


Charlotte and Cassandra screamed in fear.

At this moment, Ji Hyun suddenly opened his mouth and started to speak nonsense at a very fast speed, making completely incomprehensible sounds!

This sudden scene also frightened the audience in the live broadcast room.

【Ah!!! I was so scared!!!】

【MLGBD! I was so scared that my shit was broken!】

【Damn, killing him right in the face! Can you please stop doing this? It's so scary....】

【This high energy is too scary. It's over. I dare not sleep alone at night....】

【Sister Zhixian is possessed by a ghost! What a pity, such a good girl!】

【Was that ghost language she just said?】

【This scene will become my nightmare....】

Cassandra and Charlotte turned and ran!

Just after they ran a few steps, they found the barbed wire fence of the Gonjiam Building in front of them.

They are back again?

They were still in the forest a few seconds ago, how come they turned around and ran back again!

Only then did they realize that maybe someone really didn't want them to leave.

Behind them, Ji Hyun was still standing in the distance like a ghost, grinning at them and constantly speaking ghost language.

Such a scene made the two of them almost collapse.

Cassandra gritted her teeth and said to Charlotte:

""Charlotte! Go back to the building and find the Dark Warrior and the others! Follow the Dark Warrior and don't run around. I'll hold her back!"

Charlotte nodded fiercely, almost sobbing as she climbed over the wire fence and ran back to the building.

At this time, Cassandra was left alone to face Ji Hyun who had turned into a female ghost.

Cassandra took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down. She kept comforting herself in her mind.

"Calm down, Kashan, you have faced the perverted killer, the triangle-headed demon, the dark Alessa, the cult leader, and now you are just facing a female ghost...."

As she spoke, she reached for her waist and pulled out a round grenade!

Upon closer inspection, the grenade was a spherical glass bottle filled with water and also had a fuse.

The audience was stunned.


【Sister Ka has upgraded her equipment and even brought this thing!】

【Wow, what a big deal! What's in the grenade? 】

Cassandra frowned and said:

"This is a holy water grenade. It contains holy water from St. John's Cathedral and has been blessed by the Knights of St. John. Have a taste!"

After saying that, he threw the grenade directly at Ji Hyun who had turned into a female ghost.


The explosion of the grenade was not loud, and there was no splash of fire, but the holy water inside was blown out and immediately splashed on Zhixian's body.

With a hiss, white smoke suddenly came out of Zhixian's body, and the holy water seemed to boil on her body!

Zhixian immediately retreated and disappeared into the jungle.

"It really works!"

Cassandra said in surprise, then took out her Desert Eagle pistol, scanned the woods vigilantly, and shouted at the woods:

"Come out! Let me show you the power of the silver bullet blessed by St. Peter's Basilica!"

The barrage exploded directly.

【Holy shit! That's so cool! Did Sister Ka find a weapon to fight ghosts?】

【Holy water grenades? Silver bullets? This is St. John's Church and St. Peter's Church. Sister Ka has made a lot of preparations this time.~】

【It turns out that this is how weapons are used. She has figured out how to exorcise ghosts....】

【I will go to the church to get some holy water tomorrow! 】

There was no more movement in the jungle, and Cassandra stopped posing and turned to run towards the Gonjiam Building.......

Inside the building.

On the third floor, Chengxun and Chengxu left the bathroom and walked cautiously towards the next room, which was the room where the loud noise came from.

The words"Storage Room" were written on the door of the room. They took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in.

There were all kinds of hospital sundries, wheelchairs, stretchers, and trolleys placed in a mess inside. The two did not find anything unusual.

"Audience, we have come to the storage room. There seems to be a strange sound coming from here just now, but we haven't found out what it is yet...."

Before Cheng Xu finished speaking, a strange sound suddenly came from behind them.

They quickly turned their cameras to look!

They saw a wheelchair coming over by itself and slamming into the wall....

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