Chengxun and Chengxu looked at each other, neither of them spoke, and watched the scene almost holding their breath.

After a few seconds, after making sure there was no other movement, Chengxu continued to speak to the camera:

"Audience, as you can see, this wheelchair just moved here strangely. There is no one else here except the two of us, so who pushed this wheelchair here?"

While he was talking, Chengxun beside him suddenly pointed to the room with a look of horror:

"Prime Minister...Cheng Xu...This is...."

Cheng Xu immediately turned around, and then he was also stunned.

An extremely strange scene appeared in front of the two of them!

All the objects in the storage room were suspended in the air and attached to the ceiling!

The iron bed, wheelchair, stretcher....

The two were completely dumbfounded at this moment, unable to make any sound, and just stared at this scene blankly.

【This is....What operation?】

【The ghosts here are very fierce and seem difficult to deal with!】

【A classic scene from supernatural events, where objects levitate on their own!】

【this���I'm afraid it's going to get cold.~】

【This ghost is so powerful. The ghost on the third floor is indeed more difficult to deal with than the one downstairs.]

Chengxu and Chengxun were stunned and had no idea what to do.

But in the next second, all the things fell down heavily again!

The loud noise seemed to wake the two of them up completely. They turned around and were about to open the door to escape, but before they could open the door, the objects on the ground began to hit them quickly.

All kinds of objects of different sizes were smashed around, and the two could only dodge in panic! The room was pitch black, and the two couldn't see clearly with the light of the headlights.

At this time, Chengxu, who was standing in the front, suddenly groaned, was hit on the head by something, and fainted on the spot.

Chengxun immediately stepped forward to wake him up. He kept shaking Chengxu.

"Cheng Xu! Cheng Xu! Wake up!"

Cheng Xu's head was bleeding. It was obvious that he was hit hard. He showed no signs of waking up.

The things in the room were still hitting them crazily. Cheng Xun could not care about Cheng Xu who was unconscious on the ground. He could only open the door and escape..

"I can't stay here! I can't stay here!"

Sung Hoon was so scared that he wanted to run away, but when he thought of Cheng Xu still in the room, he didn't want to leave him here, so he started shouting for help.

"Help! Black Warrior! Wang Ting! Are you here? I need help!"

At this time, He Jun in the camp saw it and immediately shouted angrily into the headset:

""Sung Hoon! You can't leave! The live broadcast hasn't ended yet, you have to go to the fourth floor!"

Then Sung Hoon realized at this moment that what they were facing in this building was definitely not something that just wanted to scare people, these things were too dangerous, and they might be fatal! No matter how much money you have, it's useless if you lose your life.

So Sung Hoon threw away the headset and started running downstairs to ask for help.

Second floor.

Wang Ting and the Black Warrior came to the room where they had just held the spirit-sentence ceremony, which was the dean's office.

Wang Ting had used his perspective eyes to see that ghosts had appeared here before, and he was very curious, so he came to meet the other party.

After entering the room, everything was no different from when they had just left.

Wang Ting came to the middle of the room, and the Black Warrior stood in the corner. At this moment, the Black Warrior may have noticed something strange, so he quietly put his hand on the hilt of the sword behind him, ready to attack at any time!

At this time, the audience was also very curious.

【Didn't the black warrior's Tang sword break last time? What sword did he use this time?】

【Judging from the shape, it is still a Tang sword, but I wonder if it has been modified into an exorcism weapon like Sister Ka?】

【How else can a knife be used to exorcise evil spirits? Make it out of silver? Or have it consecrated?】

【I hope the Dark Knight is prepared, but the homeowner has been unarmed. Can he expect to punch a ghost?】

【No matter how strong the physical attack is, it will probably be ineffective against ghosts, right? 】

At this time, Wang Ting, who was standing in the middle of the room, once again sensed the appearance of an abnormal magnetic field!

In front of him, a white shadow suddenly flashed, and then the white shadow rushed straight towards Wang Ting.

Wang Ting frowned and threw a punch!


This punch passed through the white ghost without touching anything.

The powerful fist wind made a sound of breaking through the air, and the bells on the ceiling were shaking violently, which showed the terrifying power of Wang Ting's punch!

But as the audience thought, no matter how strong the physical strength was, it seemed that it could not attack these ghosts.

It was like hitting the light with a fist, which could not hit it at all.

But the white ghost did not touch Wang Ting either, because the biological force field around him was as solid as a rock, and no energy could break through this barrier.

So the scene of Charlotte's scarf being lifted up before would never happen to Wang Ting.

The white ghost could not touch Wang Ting, and suddenly turned around and rushed towards the black warrior in the corner!

The black warrior also saw the strange white shadow that was coming towards him and flashed by. Without saying a word, he raised his hand and slashed!


The Tang sword that had left the body made a buzzing sound. This sword was extremely swift, and at this moment, the top swordsmanship of the martial arts master was fully demonstrated.

Sharp and fast, like a flash of lightning.

But this extremely beautiful and powerful sword also missed.

The Black Warrior himself was obviously a little surprised. He had never encountered such an opponent before, an opponent with no entity at all?

In Silent Hill before, the monsters he encountered could at least be killed, but now he was facing something invisible and intangible. How to fight?

The Black Warrior held the Tang sword diagonally with both hands and began to look around.

At this moment, a white shadow suddenly flashed behind him, and the next second, an invisible force directly lifted the Black Warrior's body into the air!

The Black Warrior encountered such a passive situation for the first time, but his reaction was also very fast. He was thrown into the air and immediately did a somersault, and his body was already upside down in the air.

Then, he stepped on the ceiling with both feet and kicked hard! He immediately jumped down from the air, rolled on the ground and stood up.

The Black Warrior who stood up again sheathed his sword, pulled out two pistols and started shooting at the white shadows that were still flashing around.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Bullets were fired densely in all directions, almost chasing the direction of the white shadow.

The white shadow kept flashing and moving in the room, so the black warrior's bullets were also all over the room. His bullets seemed to be special bullets that had been modified, so they would not ricochet and would not rebound and accidentally injure himself.

But Wang Ting, who was standing in the room, was unlucky. The black warrior didn't care about his existence at all, and many bullets hit Wang Ting directly when he fired.

Of course, this was because the black warrior knew that Wang Ting's body ignored bullets.

After these bullets hit Wang Ting, they only produced sparks on his body and smashed his camera equipment to the ground.

He was like an indestructible god of war!

【It's true that the body is bulletproof, the strongest body!...】

【What are the physical characteristics of the owner? Even if he were to appear in a sci-fi or fantasy movie, he wouldn't be able to compete with anyone, right?】

【It is highly recommended that the homeowner go to other movies to play and let's see what crushing is!】

【Can the Dark Warrior really handle this ghost? I think it's dangerous....】

【Weapons are useless against ghosts, it seems a bit troublesome.

After the black warrior finished firing, the white shadows were still flashing and circling in the air. At this time, the black warrior also realized that both cold weapons and hot weapons were ineffective against these things.

Wang Ting was also a little surprised.

He had heard some sayings before that ghosts are afraid of evil people and ruthless people. These people have evil spirits, but the black warrior obviously did not scare the other party.

It seems that this may not be an ordinary ghost, but an evil spirit!

Suddenly, the black warrior flew backwards, as if he was dragged directly to the back by a huge force and dragged out of the door.

"Too arrogant!"

Wang Ting frowned and chased out quickly.

As soon as he went out, he saw the black warrior being dragged deep into the corridor!

But the black warrior was naturally not a person who would sit and wait for death. He immediately drew out his Tang sword and fiercely stabbed it into the wall beside him!

The sharp Tang sword pierced through the wall directly under his fierce stab. The black warrior held the sword tightly and stalemate with the ghost. His body, which was moving backwards, also slowed down.

At this time, Wang Ting also rushed up and directly covered the black warrior with the biological force field.

In an instant, the power of the white ghost was blocked by the biological force field and disappeared without a trace.

Everything became quiet again.

Wang Ting retracted the energy of the biological force field, looked at the black warrior and smiled:

"Haha, I saw you at a disadvantage this time, brother. If I remember correctly, this should be your first defeat since your debut, right?"

The Black Warrior nodded helplessly, then pulled out the Tang sword from the wall and shook off the dust on the blade.

At this moment, Sung Hoon was running down from upstairs in a panic, shouting for help. The

Black Warrior's sword was still in his hand. Due to the poor light, Sung Hoon didn't stop until he ran to the front!

His neck almost hit the Black Warrior's Tang sword, and he would have died. He didn't die in the hands of a ghost, but in the hands of his own people.~

【The black warrior is indeed no match for the ghost....】

【The homeowner is really amazing. Didn’t he notice that nothing happened to him from beginning to end?】

【The owner of the house may have a bad fate, or may have had his body blessed?】

【What the hell is body consecration?....】

Naturally, no one knew about the bio-force field, because this kind of energy is invisible to the naked eye.

Cheng Xun saw the Black Warrior and Wang Ting, and the fear and helplessness on his face finally eased. He panted and said:

"Hurry! Go save Cheng Xu! Otherwise he will die!"

Wang Ting nodded:

"Which room is he in? Take us there."

At this moment, Wang Ting suddenly heard a noise coming from outside the building. He looked up and saw Charlotte running in panic.���, I burst into tears immediately after seeing Wang Ting and the other two

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