Wang Ting thought of Rose who was burned to death in Silent Hill because of his negligence. Although she was resurrected later, she has been in the surface world and can never return to the normal world.

Chengxun is not bad. He just thought he was pretty good. It would be a bit bad if he died here because of his negligence.

"You go downstairs and meet up with the others, I'll go find Chengxun."

Wang Ting said to Chengxu. He had already heard Cassandra's voice downstairs and knew they were back.

Chengxu nodded. Wang Ting began to listen carefully and seemed to hear Chengxun's voice upstairs, so he immediately went to the fourth floor. Chengxu had just woken up and his legs were still a little weak. He held on to the wall and slowly walked towards the stairs.

Both sides of the corridor were full of former wards. The doors were locked, but there was a long and narrow window on the door, which was used by doctors to observe the mentally ill patients in the wards.

Chengxu subconsciously glanced at the wall while holding on, and suddenly screamed! His legs completely softened and fell to the ground!


There was a terrifying face in the window!

At this moment, this face was staring at him with empty ghost eyes, and Cheng Xu was so scared that he screamed like a woman.

At this moment, he was horrified to find that there was a ghost face in every small window on the doors of the wards on both sides, all staring at him!

Just like those mental patients before.

Cheng Xu used his hands and feet, screaming, and crawling downstairs, almost rolling all the way down the stairs.

Cassandra had just put Charlotte on the ground when she saw a black shadow with a strange posture on the stairs rushing towards her. She immediately raised her pistol and was about to shoot!

But she heard a familiar cry of pain. Was it Cheng Xu?

That's right, it was Cheng Xu who rolled down the stairs.

He rolled all the way in front of Cassandra, twisting his body in pain, and panting and saying:

"Ghost! Ghost! Those patients....They are all back!"

Cassandra retracted her gun speechlessly:

"Can't you even walk down the stairs? I almost shot you!"

【Cheng Xu: Surprised? Unexpected?】

【Just now the Black Knight almost cut Chengxun, and now Sister Ka almost beat Chengxu to death. These people are so unlucky!】

【This must be the first time Cheng Xu saw a ghost. He was knocked unconscious before he saw a real ghost, so he was so scared.】

【He didn't know yet that everyone else had fought with the ghost....】

Facing Chengxu's reaction, Cassandra was very calm at this time.

While checking Charlotte's injuries, she said:

"That's right, they are all back. Perhaps they were summoned by our séance ritual, or perhaps they were summoned by Midnight, but they have come and will not give up until they achieve their goal."

Cheng Xu looked at her in horror:

"Purpose? What is their purpose?"

Cassandra loaded the remaining silver bullet with a click, looked into Chengxu's eyes and answered:

"Kill us so we can never leave"...

In the jungle.

The Black Warrior was chasing a black shadow closely, moving quickly!

As the Black Warrior himself was dressed in black, the two black shadows were almost one in front and one behind, and they could not be seen clearly in the dark jungle. Only the constant rustling sound could be heard.

All the audience watched intently, wondering who this black shadow that suddenly appeared was. Was it really the Rattlesnake Corps that had not appeared for a long time?

Or some thrill-seekers and imitators?

Or some other mysterious existence in the world of Gonjiam?

This can only be known when the Black Warrior really catches up with the other party.

【What do you think, can the Dark Warrior subdue the opponent this time?】

【It's hard to say. The Rattlers are all top killers, and we haven't seen their strength yet.~】

【The Rattlers extorted a lot of money in the early days, which was used to strengthen their physical data, so they are all very powerful. It's hard to say this time....】

【I am optimistic about the black warrior. He is a black panther, and cats are the natural enemies of snakes. How can a black panther fight a rattlesnake? As the audience said, this is a battle between a black panther and a rattlesnake in the dark night, a fight between a dragon and a tiger!

At this time, the black shadow in front seemed to be tripped by a fallen branch, and his body staggered and fell directly into the haystack next to him.

【Wow? No way, such a great killer actually tripped?】

【It's so dark in this forest, it would be strange if I didn't fall.】

【He's in trouble now~]

Seeing the other party stumble, the black warrior also stopped suddenly, and then threw two flying knives at him!

The flying knives made a slight sound of breaking through the air, which also made many viewers' eyes light up.

【Sure enough! I was wondering how the Dark Warrior could not use hidden weapons.~】

【It turns out that he is proficient in all kinds of weapons. It is true that using a gun here is not as good as using a flying knife!】

【Finally I saw the new skills of the Black Warrior! 】

In the dark woods, the sound of the pistol and the flames would only expose his position, so the flying knife would be more suitable.

Obviously, the Black Warrior became suspicious.

He didn't know whether the other party really tripped or was bluffing.

All is fair in war, and as the inheritor of ancient martial arts, he remembered this deeply.

The Black Warrior drew out his Tang sword and held it horizontally in front of him, slowly approaching....


A slight thumping sound came from behind the haystack. The moment the black warrior heard it, he suddenly ducked, and then he heard that the tree behind him seemed to be shot by something.


The sound just now was the sound of the crossbow bow being released. Fortunately, the black warrior reacted quickly enough to dodge it.

The trip just now was indeed a trick!

However, this time the location can be determined.

The black warrior directly pulled out his gun and fired more than a dozen bullets!

A series of sparks immediately appeared behind the haystack.

The presence of sparks is naturally not the reaction of hitting the human body. It must be shot at a harder object. The opponent must be protected by high-strength alloy armor. The black warrior rushed over with a knife without saying a word, and a long dagger instantly stabbed out from the haystack!

In the darkness, the two white blades collided with each other.

"Ding ding ding...."

The two exchanged dozens of blows in a matter of seconds. The noise was so intense that the audience was stunned.

【Wow, a horror movie turned into a martial arts movie?】

【This painting is changing...I almost sprained my waist...】

【The Darth Vader should win, right? His sword is longer, and every inch longer is an inch stronger!】

【Not necessarily. In close combat, an inch shorter means more danger!】

【Two brothers, there are ghosts here, why are you fighting?....】

During the fight between the two, everyone finally saw the black shadow clearly.

The other party was also a strong man, wearing a gray and black camouflage uniform and a mask with two scary snake eyes painted on the mask. It was indeed a rattlesnake!

This is their iconic mask.

Although there had been some speculations before, when the identity of the other party was really confirmed, all the audience were still a little scared.

Because Rattlesnake is an out-and-out terrorist organization, the largest underground criminal group!

And everyone just came to watch the live broadcast for entertainment, and it is inevitable that people will feel uneasy when they come into contact with such an organization.

After all, no matter how scary the ghosts in horror movies are, they will not run into their world. They just scare people through the screen, but the Rattlesnake Corps is really in their world.

At this time.

The Rattlesnake Killer groaned. It turned out that he was at a disadvantage in the battle. He was kicked three or four meters away by the Black Warrior and hit heavily against a tree. The

Black Warrior did not pause at all. He rushed up with a kick on the ground, and the Tang sword in his hand pierced the opponent's chest.


An unexpected scene appeared.

The knife did not penetrate, but got stuck in the opponent's chest, as if the opponent was wearing some kind of high-strength body armor.

At this time, the opponent held the blade tightly with both hands, and the black warrior continued to try to pierce him.

The killer tilted his head and looked at the black warrior, sneering:

"Darth Vader....You are really great. We will meet again....."

After saying that, he loosened his hands, and the black warrior's Tang sword finally pierced through his armor and went straight through his chest, piercing through the tree trunk he was leaning against!

The killer groaned again, his hands and head drooped down, and he died.

【Haha! I knew it! The Dark Warrior will win!】

【As long as the opponent is not a ghost, the black warrior will never be defeated.~】

【Rattlesnake is just so-so. Although it is quite powerful, the Dark Warrior is better.】

【After all, Darth Vader is the most popular action movie star in recent years. If Rattler's killer has such ability, why would he be a criminal? Wouldn't it be more profitable to be a star?】

【It's different. Rattlers are a bunch of perverts. They pursue excitement and killing, so they won't take the regular live broadcast route....】

The black warrior sheathed his sword and prepared to return.

But just as he was about to go back the way he came, he was suddenly stunned.

Because a familiar light suddenly appeared not far away.

It was the light of their tent in the camp. Then, the black warrior saw their tent. He had unknowingly returned to the vicinity of the camp!

What a coincidence, he had not noticed it just now.

The audience was also dumbfounded.

【The Dark Warrior came out?】

【Charlotte, Cassandra and the others had been walking for so long and hadn't come out yet, and the Dark Warrior suddenly came out?】

【Just now, the three of them encountered a ghost wall, and then Ji Hyun was possessed by the ghost. Charlotte and the others could only run back, but then Ji Hyun was driven away by Cassandra's holy water grenade and silver bullet, so the Dark Warrior was naturally able to come out.

Everyone speculated.

At this time, the Dark Warrior walked towards the camp. He lifted the curtain of the tent and saw the captain Ha Jun directing everyone's live broadcast in front of the computer. He was so engrossed that he didn't even notice that the Dark Warrior behind him had returned.

It was not until the Dark Warrior patted him that Ha Jun suddenly turned around:

""Shit! I'm so scared, Black Warrior, why are you back? We are broadcasting live! Charlotte and the others just ran away, and only Chengxu and Chengxun are left inside. If you come back, our live broadcast will not be able to continue!"

Black Warrior paused after hearing this, and turned the computer screen around. The content on the screen stunned him and the audience......

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