The Dark Warrior stared at the computer screen in front of Captain Ha Jun.

Although Ha Jun couldn't see the expression under the Dark Warrior's mask, he also noticed the abnormality of the Dark Warrior at this moment.

He must have noticed something very wrong.

"Hey, Black Warrior, what did you find?

Black Warrior ignored him.

Ha Jun thought that Black Warrior might have retreated because of the supernatural events in the building, and sighed:

"Okay, I admit that there is something wrong with this building. There may be some unknown force at work.....But we have come to this critical moment, we can't just give up, otherwise we will lose a lot of money!"

But the black warrior still ignored him.

At this time, he was still looking straight at the painting.���In the scene, Chengxun ran down from the third floor in a panic and found Wang Ting and others to seek help!

The audience was all shocked.

【Isn't this the scene that just happened? Why is the computer screen still at this moment?】

【Oh my god, isn't this the scene from half an hour ago? Is Ha Jun watching the replay?】

【It’s not a replay. Look at the upper left corner, it shows the real-time live broadcast!】

【What’s going on? Why are the times in the camp and the building different?】

【WTF....It’s terrifying to think about it, has Ha Jun’s timeline been tampered with?

That’s right, everyone finally discovered at this time that the scenes Ha Jun saw were not happening in real time at all, as if his time was trapped half an hour ago. Was it done by the evil spirits of Gonjiam?

They messed up Ha Jun’s timeline, and what was their purpose?

Or, is there no purpose at all, just to torture and play tricks on them?

At this time, the black warrior pulled Ha Jun up and walked directly out of the tent!

There is a problem here, there is a problem with the entire camp, it is too dangerous, so the black warrior wants to take him away and cannot stay here!

Ha Jun didn’t understand and kept struggling:

""Hey! What are you doing! What's wrong with you? Let me go! I'll be mad if you keep doing this!"

But Ha Jun's strength was no match for the Black Warrior, and he was dragged out of the tent.

Suddenly, the struggling Ha Jun suddenly became quiet, and his eyes stayed on the fixed power supply outside the tent.

Seeing that he stopped struggling, the Black Warrior let him go.

Ha Jun had a serious face at this time, and slowly walked to the location of the fixed power supply. He squatted down and was shocked to see that the power cord connected to the computer fell to the ground. It was not plugged in at all!

Without electricity, how does the computer work?

At this time, he continued to check and found that all the wires were not plugged in to the power supply!

How do these lights and these devices work!?

At this time, the audience's scalps were also numb.

【I think this is a bit scary.~】

【Not only has the timeline been changed, but is everything here also the work of evil spirits?】

【Do you remember that right after the séance, there was a brief power outage in the camp? Perhaps from then on, all events and scenes were controlled by the ghosts....】

【This is too scary.....Is the live broadcast I am seeing now also fake?】

【Substitution, substitution!

Everyone analyzed that the power outage in the camp was caused by the ghost disconnecting the power line, but it was automatically restored immediately afterwards, so the ghost may have been wandering around the camp since then.

Ha Jun thought he was safe away from the Gonjiam Building, but he didn't know that they were all cursed by the evil spirit and no one was spared......

At this moment, a gust of cold wind suddenly blew from all around the camp!

The next second, Ji Hyun appeared beside the tent.

She lowered her head quietly, her long hair covering her face. She stood there strangely, without saying a word.

The black warrior immediately drew his pistol!

However, due to the time difference in the picture, Ha Jun did not know that Ji Hyun was no longer a human. He hurried forward, frowned and shouted to the black warrior:

"What are you doing? This is Ji Hyun!"

Then he walked towards Ji Hyun with a curious look on his face.

"Ji Hyun, what happened to you? Why is the equipment gone? Aren't Charlotte and Cassandra with you? Let me see how the wound on your arm is."

Ha Jun came to Ji Hyun while speaking, holding her shoulders with both hands, wanting to see what happened to her.

At this moment, Ji Hyun suddenly raised her head.....

The eerie, pale face, dark eyes, strange black hair sparsely falling on her face, she quickly muttered the ghost language of Shen Ren!

Her face was almost pressed against He Jun's face.


Ha Jun was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, twitching and the fear in his eyes was indescribable.

But this scene made the audience laugh.

【Ahahahahahaha! A close kill! The most recent close kill!】

【Ha Jun is asking for trouble. He actually took the initiative to put his face close to the ghost. I am dying of laughter.~】

【Haha, the Dark Warrior is so bad that he didn't even remind him~】

【Ha Jun must be traumatized by this....】

【It's obviously a high-energy horror scene, how can it be so funny~】

The audience had seen Ji Hyun's ghost face before, and knew that Ji Hyun was already a ghost, so they were mentally prepared and were not too scared this time.

But Ha Jun, who took the initiative to step forward, was naturally scared to death!

This was the first time he saw a ghost with his own eyes. He was also the only one among the 8 people in the team who had not seen a ghost before. He didn't expect to be so close.

The audience was also sighing that the heaven would spare no one~

At this time, Ji Hyun's body strangely moved horizontally towards Ha Jun, that is, it moved horizontally on the ground without any moving track, and at the same time, his hands were stiffly raised in front of him!

Ha Jun was almost scared to collapse. For a while, he couldn't even shout for help, and could only make a gurgling sound in his throat.

Just when Ji Hyun was one meter away from falling on Ha Jun, the black warrior on the side suddenly rushed up and kicked Ji Hyun!

But this kick did not send Ji Hyun flying. Ji Hyun's body just paused for a moment, but the Black Warrior was shocked by the reaction and took several steps back.

At this time, everyone realized that the power of ghosts was absolutely not something that humans could resist, even a top master like the Black Warrior who had strengthened his body. The

Black Warrior took advantage of the situation and pulled Ha Jun from the ground to behind him.

Although the Black Warrior did not have the upper hand just now, he felt more at ease than before.

After all, he can contact the opponent this time!

Unlike the ghost he faced in the dean's office before, it had no entity and could not be hit at all.

And this ghost has a physical body because it is attached to Ji Hyun. Although it is also a ghost, it is no longer an energy body.

Ji Hyun showed a terrifying and weird smile on his face, and then rushed towards the Black Warrior!

The Black Warrior raised his hand and fired.

"Bang Bang..."

The silver bullets hit Ji Hyun's body, but there was no bleeding, only two puffs of white smoke.

Ji Hyun was immediately pushed back a few steps, and his expression became even more ferocious.

The Black Warrior wanted to continue shooting, but he found that he had no bullets!

He didn't have many silver bullets left, and he had used some when fighting with the Rattlesnake Killer just now, so there were only two bullets left in the magazine, and now they were completely used up.

Obviously, two silver bullets were not enough to stop Ji Hyun, and she rushed up again!

The Black Warrior could only hold the Tang sword in his hand tightly and rushed forward!

Ji Hyun stretched out his hands to grab him, but the Black Warrior quickly turned his body to dodge, turned back and slashed with a backhand.


This knife directly chopped off Ji Hyun's hands!

At this time, white smoke suddenly came out of Ji Hyun's broken arm, just like the effect of holy water sprinkled on the body.

Ji Hyun glared at the black warrior fiercely, then retracted his arms and quickly retreated back into the woods and disappeared.

Only a pair of dried hands fell to the ground.

The black warrior and Ha Jun were a little confused.....


They forced the evil spirit back?

The black warrior was also a little puzzled. How could the other party be repelled by him when he started to attack?

At this time, he looked at his Tang sword and suddenly found that there was a scarlet blood on the blade.

It was the blood left when he killed the rattlesnake killer just now!

Could it be that this blood....Can it exorcise ghosts?

At this time, there are already guesses and answers in the barrage

【Human blood can drive away ghosts, and the most useful one is the blood from the heart, which is the most yang blood!】

【That’s right, I’ve seen in some movies that Taoist priests bite their fingers and use the blood to fight ghosts!】

【Fingers are connected to the heart, and the blood on the fingertips is the blood of the heart. Just now, the black warrior pierced the killer's heart, and this is real blood of the heart, with a great effect!】

【This time the Dark Warrior got lucky, otherwise both of them would have died....】

【How could the black warrior have the heart to beat a woman? Female ghosts are also women, too cruel~】

【The guy upstairs, if you want to fight, get out of here! 】

Ha Jun was still a little shocked, he looked at the black warrior and said:

"I���What should we do now?"

The black warrior looked in the direction of the Gonjiam Building and pointed there.

Ha Jun understood what he meant and went to gather with everyone! Ha Jun originally thought about running away, but when he thought about walking through the woods for an hour, what if he encountered a ghost halfway?

Obviously, it was unrealistic. Now he really had to reunite with everyone and think of a solution together.

And it seemed safer to follow the black warrior. This mysterious black warrior seemed to know some ways to exorcise ghosts.

"Wait for me!"

Ha Jun ran back to the tent. Not long after, he came out with a two-way camera and a drone in his hand.

He said to the black warrior:

"I want to record some of this. We are in such a dangerous situation at the moment, we can't take risks in vain! If these scenes are filmed, the benefits will definitely be huge, and you will not be short of money when the time comes!"

The audience was very surprised. They didn't expect Ha Jun to be so obsessed.

【My goodness, you’re still thinking about making money now?】

【In an era where traffic is king, money is more important than life....】

【He is a talented person. He is thinking about shooting live broadcast at this time. I don’t know whether to say that he is dedicated or greedy.

The black warrior did not stop him, but walked towards the building calmly.

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