【Go straight ahead!】

【The homeowner still has a hammer! If you don't do it, you are not a man!】

【If I really did this, I could brag about it for the rest of my life....】

【You stinky men stop making trouble, the landlord is not that harsh!】

【Homeowner....Will it happen?】

When everyone was guessing what Wang Ting would do next, Wang Ting spoke up:

""Girl, it's a bit cold in the wilderness. Do you mind if I go in and sit for a while?"

Wang Ting's words confused everyone.


Free seat?

Who are you kidding? You are a superman, how can you be afraid of the cold?

The ghost girl pursed her lips, smiled shyly, and nodded slightly. Then, she moved her body to the side, freeing up half of the seat.

Wang Ting squeezed in without any hesitation, sat down next to the ghost girl, and said with a smile:

"Thank you, girl, it's much warmer here!"

Wang Ting said this, but the hot air he exhaled when he spoke was clearly visible, just like breathing in the snow.


It must be sitting in a refrigerator!

Everyone was speechless. Sitting next to a gloomy female ghost would be warm? No one would believe this.

But what exactly did Wang Ting want to do?

In the confusion of the audience, Wang Ting spoke again:

"Girl, it's late at night, in the wilderness, I'm lucky to meet you, otherwise I'd be really scared of meeting a ghost."

After Wang Ting finished speaking, the female ghost covered half of her face with a fan and laughed softly.

The audience was also frightened and broke into a cold sweat.

Mentioning ghosts in front of the other party is really bold and fearless.

Wang Ting continued:

"Is it funny? It's normal for such a place to have ghosts, right?....I wonder if those ghosts will harm people? What do you think, girl?"

The female ghost glanced at Wang Ting but did not respond.

Wang Ting smiled and continued to ask:

"I am also curious, why do people become ghosts after death? After becoming a ghost, do they have their previous memories? Will everyone become a ghost after death? What is the ghost world like? Please help me, young lady."

The audience suddenly realized it at this time.


It turns out that Wang Ting specifically found a female ghost to discuss questions about ghosts?

This is too bold and unconventional.

Although experts are used to answer questions, it is the first time that everyone has encountered such a thing.

【this....The landlord is so good at playing...】

【You know what, the question the landlord just asked has always been something I've been curious about, and I'm afraid only a ghost can answer it.~】

【Can humans and ghosts communicate? Humans and ghosts are different, isn't this a bit too much for the landlord?】

【I feel something is wrong. This female ghost seems unhappy....】

After Wang Ting asked the question, the smile and shyness on the ghost's face suddenly disappeared, and she slowly took the fan off her face.....

Instantly, a terrifying face appeared in front of Wang Ting!

It was no longer the charming face from before. The half of her face that was blocked by her fan was completely rotten, with rotten flesh turned outwards, and one eyeball still hanging on her face. It was completely a face of a highly corrupted corpse!


【I'm so scared! How did it become like this?】

【Oh shit, is this her true face?】

【I take back what I said just now! I don't want it anymore!】

【You boys, weren't you all trying to get closer just now?...】

At this moment, the temperature around them suddenly dropped!

The female ghost's terrifying face stared at Wang Ting, and a faint voice came from all directions:

"It seems that Mr.....I saw my slave identity.....Then give me your yang energy....."

After she finished speaking, she stretched out her hand, and the red silk cloth in the sedan immediately wrapped around Wang Ting, binding him tightly.

"Be proud...."

The voice of the female ghost Yin Shen was heard, and the four paper figures outside immediately stood up and continued to carry the sedan chair on the road.

Wang Ting did not struggle, but smiled calmly:

"Okay, I want to see where you will take me. By the way, girl, you should use the face you just used. This one is not good-looking now!"

The female ghost ignored him, sat stiffly in the sedan chair, and stopped looking at him.

Soon, the sedan chair was carried to a more gloomy and desolate place.

Mass grave!

In that era, not everyone could afford a coffin or choose a cemetery. Most of the poor people were wrapped in straw mats and thrown into nearby wasteland graves after they died.

Wang Ting's perspective eyes could see the scene outside. He smiled indifferently:

"So this is your home? But your hospitality is not very good.

The female ghost turned her scary face towards me:

"I want you...Yang...."

After that, Wang Ting was pulled out of the sedan by the red cloth and lay on a deserted grave. The ghost girl slowly flew in the air and then fell towards him.

At this moment, the ghost girl's appearance has returned to its previous beauty, with a fluttering red dress, revealing her snow-white long legs.

This is a bloodless white, whiter than Cassandra's skin.

The ghost girl's charming eyes slowly fell, making people imagine.

【Holy shit! I think I'm good again!】

【This time I really can...】

【This will not...Everyone is dead, right?】

【The ghost should not be able to absorb the yang energy of the owner of the house, because the energy in his body is equivalent to the sun.

Everyone waited and watched Wang Ting's next move.

The female ghost had already fallen down, and the red clothes covered her and Wang Ting's body. Her face was less than a palm away from Wang Ting's face, which looked a little charming.

At this time, the female ghost opened her mouth slightly and gently sucked


The yin energy of the surrounding graves seemed to have moved, and the weeds and trees rustled.

But the next moment, the ghost girl was stunned, because she did not suck out any breath from Wang Ting, not even a trace of yang energy.

The ghost girl's face became even colder, and she tried again!

But Wang Ting was still motionless like before.

At this time, Wang Ting smiled:

"You want to suck me dry? That's why your ghost energy is so strong���'s reason? These corpses around should all be caused by you, right?"

There are dozens of skeletons around Wang Ting at this moment, some have completely turned into skeletons, and some have not yet completely decayed.

But these corpses are all male without exception.

They should be the innocent passers-by whose yang energy was sucked by the female ghost before.

Wang Ting thought that he had had enough fun.

So he exerted a little force, and with a"swish", the red cloth that bound him was torn by him, and he slowly rose into the air and flew up.

The female ghost was obviously surprised!

He can fly too?

People can't fly, even the most advanced Maoshan Taoist priests can't fly, only ghosts can.

But Wang Ting is definitely not a ghost. The yang energy on his body exceeds that of anyone the female ghost has ever seen!

The female ghost felt uneasy at this time, and she immediately stretched out her hand and made a grabbing motion towards Wang Ting through the air.

Then, the skeletons on the ground suddenly raised their hands together, and the bones of the entire arm flew out of the body, piercing Wang Ting like an arrow from a string!


These hand bones poked Wang Ting's body like an egg hitting a stone, and they all shattered into pieces.

Wang Ting frowned:

"If you can't get it, destroy it? Women have the most vicious hearts!"

After saying that, he suddenly rushed forward and threw a punch.


The huge fist blew away all the thick fog on the ground, but did not touch the ghost girl. Because the ghost girl was an energy body, she dissipated the moment Wang Ting was about to touch her, and then reappeared behind him.

Wang Ting cursed inwardly, damn, an energy body again?

He is a superman with full physical attack, and the most troublesome thing is the existence of these energy bodies.

"Then you try this..."

Wang Ting's eyes suddenly became hot and fiery red.

Hot vision!

He wanted to see what energy body could block the temperature of the sun's surface.

At this time, the female ghost seemed to feel a huge threat gathering in Wang Ting's eyes. Ghosts are afraid of the sun, and what Wang Ting saw was the power of the sun!

At this moment.

A sharp shout suddenly came from behind Wang Ting:

""How dare you sneak around! Why don't you just surrender!"

Then, a golden talisman flew through the air and hit the ghost girl's chest directly. With a bang, the ghost girl seemed to be hit by a huge force and fell directly from the air.

Then, a Taoist in a yellow robe rushed up from behind Wang Ting. It was Uncle Jiu!

Wang Ting looked back and saw Qiu Sheng, Wencai, Cassandra, and Bai Ying all coming. Wencai looked at Wang Ting with concern:

"Are you okay? You are so careless. It is very dangerous to walk on the road at night so late at night.

Cassandra stepped forward and said:

���"Uncle Jiu was worried that Old Master Ren might have turned into a corpse, so he came out in the middle of the night to check, but he found that you were not there. I told him to go out for a walk, and Uncle Jiu immediately came out to find you."

Wang Ting nodded and sighed in his heart.

Uncle Jiu came at a really bad time. If he had come a little later, his thermal vision would have been shot out.

Wang Ting had always wanted to try out how lethal his thermal vision was to ghosts, but he had already gathered enough strength and was about to shoot it out, but it was suddenly interrupted and he had to hold it back. It was really a bit unpleasant.

But Uncle Jiu was also trying to save himself, so Wang Ting had nothing to say....

In the desolate graveyard, the female ghost stood up and pounced on Uncle Jiu, who bit his finger and slashed it across the short sword made of Five Emperors' coins in his hand, muttering:

""Slay demons and subdue evil, golden light appears quickly, command!"

Then, the copper coin short sword in his hand flew out at high speed! Going straight to the female ghost!


The dagger instantly pierced through the ghost girl's body. She screamed, a burst of white yin energy emerged, and she fell to the ground in the desolate grave, dying.

The ghost girl looked at Uncle Jiu with tears in her eyes, feeling very pitiful.

Uncle Jiu looked at the corpses around him and snorted coldly:

"You were originally a wandering ghost. Perhaps your life span has not yet ended and you cannot be reincarnated. It is a bit pitiful, but you should not do evil and hurt people's lives! Now you have harmed so many innocent people! How can I let you go!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiushu sighed, and a talisman appeared in his hand. As he said the spell, it burned by itself. Jiushu threw the burning talisman at the female ghost, and the female ghost was immediately swallowed by the flames. The female ghost's miserable screams were immediately heard in the flames, but soon there was no sound.

Jiushu turned his back, sighed with his hands behind his back:

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