The audience was stunned

【This is Uncle Jiu’s strength? So amazing!】

【I think Uncle Jiu kills ghosts faster than the landlord.....】

【I've learned a lot! Is this Eastern witchcraft? It's really powerful!】

【Eastern Taoism, Eastern martial arts, the East is so mysterious....】

【When I traveled to the East, I met many Taoists in Wudang Mountain. I wonder if they are so powerful?】

【No wonder the owner asked his teammates to come and become his apprentice. I'm impressed~]

After hearing Uncle Jiu's words, Wang Ting was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that Uncle Jiu was a Taoist who understood dialectical materialism and was not as old-fashioned as his contemporaries. It is the nature of wolves to eat sheep. If they don't eat, they will starve to death, so the wolves are not wrong.

But we are sheep. If we don't want to be eaten, we must eliminate the wolves. This is fair.

Uncle Jiu looked at Wang Ting and said strangely:

"It's really strange. This female ghost is wearing red clothes. She is the most ferocious type of ghost. There are gray, white, black, red and green. The red evil spirit is already a fierce ghost. It is very ferocious. But you are still fine after being abducted here. You are really lucky."

Wang Ting looked ruddy and full of blood at this moment. How could he look like he had just encountered a fierce ghost in red clothes?

Cassandra asked Qiu Sheng again:

"Do ghosts also have different colors?"

Qiu Sheng said with a smile:

"Of course, Master just said that among the five ghosts of gray, white, black, red and green, the weakest are the gray ghosts, which are lonely ghosts that cannot harm people. They can only float around in the air and will immediately float away when they see people. This is because people are 30% afraid of ghosts, and ghosts are 70% afraid of people. This is what we are talking about: gray ghosts."

"The white ghost is also called Baisha, which is already scary enough. People with weak bodies and bad luck may lose half their lives if they are scared by Baisha! The black one is Heisha, which is already a very powerful ghost. It can harm people and find a scapegoat."

"Even more powerful is the Red Evil, or the red-clothed evil spirit! This color of ghost, ordinary people will be in danger of death if they see it, even some Taoist priests with little Taoism will be killed by it, their ferocity is amazing! The most powerful is the green Green Evil, but the Green Evil is the ghost king, it is almost impossible to meet it."

Wen Cai, who was standing aside, saw Qiu Sheng and Cassandra talking, and was very envious, and immediately interrupted:

"So, brother Wang Ting is really lucky. Fortunately, we came to save him, otherwise he would have died. However, his horoscope must have a strong Yang energy, otherwise, even if he was fine when he encountered the Red Evil, he would have had a high fever for three to five days."

Uncle Jiu said to Wang Ting:

"Don't walk on the road at night. If you walk too much at night, you will always encounter ghosts.....If there is something really urgent, go find Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to go with you. Although their skills are not very good, they can still drive away ghosts if they encounter them."

Wang Ting nodded:

"Thank you Uncle Jiu for saving me this time, but how did you know I would be in danger?

Uncle Jiu sighed:

"Today is the day when Po Jun is in conflict with the moon. The yin energy is extremely strong. All the big and small ghosts will come out for a walk. If you are not careful, you will run into them."

Speaking of the strong yin energy today, Uncle Jiu immediately looked at Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai:

"You two, have you used the ink fountain to smear the coffin? On a day like today, it is very easy for the corpse to turn into a corpse, so you must not be careless."

The two nodded:

"Don't worry, Master, we have hit them all."

After getting the affirmation from the two, Uncle Jiu nodded.

But he obviously still overlooked the carelessness of his two apprentices!

Just when they were fighting with the female ghost, in the charity cemetery, the coffin of Old Master Ren shook.

Then, a pair of dry hands with long green nails stretched out from the gap in the coffin, and even wanted to lift the lid of the coffin.

But just when his hand touched the ink line on the coffin, he shrank back as if he was electrocuted!

At this moment, the coffin was surrounded by fine ink lines played by the ink fountain. These lines were electric nets, suppressing the evil corpses inside with the power of Taoism.

But....Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai still overlooked one thing, the bottom of the coffin!

So, the coffin began to ooze out black corpse gas, which was very strong and kept seeping out from the gap at the bottom of the coffin.

Finally, the bottom of the coffin was corroded, and the whole coffin began to be shrouded by black corpse gas, and the traces began to become blurred and melted.

Because the ink line was not fully stretched, it was like a net with a gap, which would only get bigger and bigger.


With a loud bang, the coffin broke into pieces, and a zombie with a blue-black body jumped out of it!

Its skin was shriveled, with a layer of green hard hair, and its facial features were distorted, but it revealed two sharp fangs. After opening its mouth, black corpse gas came out of its mouth.

It raised its hands straight and jumped out of the house.

The reason why zombies are called zombies is that their bodies are stiff and their joints cannot bend, so they can only jump and walk.

And this green-haired zombie is now a zombie king level, and can jump four or five meters in one step, and soon disappeared from the charity cemetery.

In the town.

Although it was late at night, there was still a room in the Ren family's mansion that was still lit. That was the head of the Ren family, Master Ren.

At this moment, he was using an abacus to carefully check the daily revenue. As the richest man in the town and the largest landlord, the Ren family had a large business and a large amount of cash flow every day.

Master Ren was used to personally checking every three days, and he couldn't sleep if he didn't know everything.

At this moment, he suddenly heard strange footsteps coming from outside the room, like walking, or jumping?

""Who's outside?"

Master Ren stood up and prepared to go out to check, but as soon as he opened the door, he saw an extremely terrifying face!

It was the zombie king that Master Ren had transformed into!


Master Ren didn't recognize that this was his father who had been dead for 20 years, and he screamed in fear.

When the zombie saw Master Ren, it let out a terrifying growl, and then suddenly pounced on him.���, the claws of both hands pierced into his chest, and the sharp teeth instantly bit through his neck. The next day.

Early in the morning, Wang Ting and others were woken up by someone knocking on the door.

Uncle Jiu opened the door and found that it was a neighbor who seemed to have run all the way here, panting:

"Uncle Jiu, go and have a look. Master Ren was killed last night!"

Uncle Jiu's face changed and he said in a deep voice:

"I'll be there soon!"

Wang Ting and the others also heard it, and they were all very surprised. They had met with Master Ren yesterday, but he died at night?

Uncle Jiu seemed to remember something at this time, and he immediately said to the others:

"Go and see if the body of Old Master Ren is still inside the charity cemetery!"

Wencai and Qiu Sheng ran over immediately. Not long after, they were sweating and said in panic:


"coffin....Also scattered...."

Uncle Jiu suddenly looked annoyed:

"As expected! Oh! I should have burned the body yesterday, and something went wrong!"

Wang Ting asked:

"Uncle Jiu, are you saying that Old Master Ren turned into a zombie? And then he went to kill Old Master Ren?"

Uncle Jiu nodded:

"That's right, and he has green hair all over his body, I'm afraid he has become a zombie king! Zombies are more difficult to deal with than ghosts, and the zombie king is much more powerful than the red evil you met last night!"

Cassandra said puzzledly:

"But you haven't seen Mr. Ren's body yet, how do you know he was killed by zombies?"

Uncle Jiu explained:

"After a person becomes a zombie, he has no consciousness or thoughts, and only some fragments of his memories from his previous life remain. Old Master Ren must have only remembered where his home was, so he returned home and happened to meet Master Ren, so he attacked him."

Uncle Jiu said to Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai:

"Hurry up and pack up your things. We have to rush to Master Ren's house immediately. If he was really bitten to death by zombies, we will become zombies too!"

Several people packed up their things and rushed to Master Ren's house immediately.

The audience did not see the zombies appear and were very surprised at this moment.

【Master Ren is dead? So many things happened last night?】

【We can’t see any zombies appear from our perspective, what a pity!】

【The owner of the house, Sister Ka, and the goddess Baiying are all together at night, so a perspective should be set aside to focus on the Yizhuang】

【I haven't seen what zombies look like yet.~】

【Uncle Jiu just said that the corpse king is more difficult to deal with than a ghost. I can't imagine it!

Uncle Jiu, Wang Ting and others came to the Ren family.

At this moment, the Ren family mansion was surrounded by people. Everyone was sighing. The Ren family, which had always been prosperous, suddenly suffered such a disaster.

People said that it was because Master Ren wanted to move the ancestral tomb, which angered the ancestors.

But in fact, from the perspective of cause and effect, this is indeed the case.

In the room, Master Ren's body was covered with a white cloth.

His daughter Tingting was kneeling beside him and sobbing softly. This very beautiful girl was still a jewel in the palm of her hand yesterday, but today she became an orphan.

At this moment, there was also a wretched man comforting her. He was the captain of the town's police force, Awei, and Master Ren was his cousin's husband.

After Uncle Jiu arrived, he immediately stepped forward and lifted the white cloth, and Master Ren's body was also exposed.

He was bleeding from all seven holes, his expression was hideous, and his death was very miserable. He must have been greatly frightened!

There were several blood holes on the chest and two deep wounds on the neck, but not much blood could be seen in the blood holes on the chest.

Wang Ting's perspective eyes could see that all the blood vessels in Mr. Ren's body were empty, and his blood had been sucked dry!

There was no doubt that it was done by a zombie.

Moreover, at the place where his neck was bitten, Wang Ting's microscopic vision also saw a black substance that was infiltrating into his body and brain.

It was like some kind of virus!

But Mr. Ren no longer had blood circulation, and the virus was still penetrating deeper, as if it didn't want blood to be transported.

Wang Ting frowned immediately.

Could this be the zombie virus?

Wang Ting estimated that it would take two or three hours for the virus to reach the corpse's brain.

Perhaps if the virus controls the brain of the deceased, he will become a new zombie.

Uncle Jiu stood up and said seriously:

"Mr. Ren was killed by zombies. His body must be cremated immediately using the cherry tree!"

The surrounding villagers were suddenly panicked.

"Are there zombies?"

"There haven’t been any zombies in our village for a hundred years. Is this true or false?"

"Uncle Jiu shouldn't lie, it's so scary~"

But at this moment, the captain of the police force, Awei, looked at Uncle Jiu with a proud look and waved his hand:

"No! My cousin's husband hasn't passed the seventh day of his death yet, how can you just burn it? Didn't you see how sad my cousin is?!"

Uncle Jiu immediately explained:

"Master Ren was killed by zombies. If you don't burn him, he will soon turn into a zombie!"

Ah Wei pouted his lips indifferently:

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