After Ah Wei finished speaking, the surrounding police officers immediately raised their rifles and pointed them at them.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai saw that someone was pointing a gun at their master, and immediately stepped forward angrily:

"What are you going to do!"

A Wei said proudly:

"What do you think I'm going to do? I suspect you want to take away my cousin's husband's body and destroy it, but I don't know if you stinky Taoist priests can be as invulnerable as the legendary gods."

The audience was all very angry at this time.

【This captain, Niaomao, really uses chicken feathers as his authority!】

【This is simply courting death. How could such a person become sheriff?】

【According to previous movie routines, this kind of person is often the first to die.】

【Let him be arrogant, it would be better to carry Mr. Ren’s body to his house!】

【The villain is successful! 】

At this moment, Cassandra walked out of the crowd and frowned:

"Uncle Jiu is my teacher. How dare you, a sheriff, point a gun at my teacher without knowing right or wrong? Then you'd better point it at me too! Let's just make this an international incident!" It was then that Awei noticed Cassandra and was shocked.

A foreign lady?

Such a beautiful foreign lady!

She was dressed in extraordinary clothes, and it was obvious that she was either rich or noble. He immediately put on a flattering smile and walked forward:

"Oh~ So it's a Western friend! Misunderstanding, misunderstanding! I just saw that my cousin was sad, and wanted her to observe mourning for seven days. This is a custom in our country, uh....I wonder where this distinguished lady lives now? How is the security around here? As the local sheriff, I have the responsibility to protect our overseas friends 24 hours a day!"

The audience was all amused by Cassandra's move.

【People of that era had such strong diplomatic rituals, hahahaha~】

【What a spineless person! How can such a person be the sheriff?】

【That era was really humiliating.....】

【Sister Ka is really full of tricks~】

【This sheriff is a complete licker! 】

Uncle Jiu naturally didn't want to listen to A Wei's nonsense at this moment, so he turned to Wang Ting and said:

"Can you use your foreign identity to put pressure on him? We must burn the body, otherwise it will definitely turn into a corpse."

Wang Ting frowned:

"I don't think it's going to be easy. Captain Awei seems to have been coveting Master Ren's daughter for a long time. In order to please her and show his power, he will definitely not let us take the body away. The main reason is that he himself does not believe in zombies. I think he will suffer a lot."

Uncle Jiu thought for a moment and nodded:

"This Ah Wei was notoriously lustful and had coveted Master Ren's daughter for a long time. Now that Master Ren was dead, if he could get Tingting, he would not only get the beauty but also inherit Master Ren's property. Of course, he would not give up......So what do you think we should do?"

Wang Ting smiled calmly:

"We have said everything we should say, but he still doesn't believe it, so let him suffer the consequences.���Tonight, Master Ren's body will be left here. Master Ren's daughter Tingting will be keeping vigil. In order to show his responsibility and be alone with Tingting, Awei will definitely stay here with her to keep vigil......"

Wang Ting stopped talking here.

Uncle Jiu immediately shook his head:

"Do you want him to see the zombies with his own eyes? No! Although Ah Wei is abominable, the ancestral motto of our Maoshan lineage is to eliminate demons and defend the way. We cannot put others in danger just to vent our anger! Besides, Tingting is here too, as are these servants. They are all innocent people."

Wang Ting naturally expected Uncle Jiu to be so upright, and explained with a smile:

"Uncle Jiu, don't worry. I won't let the zombies harm anyone. I just want to scare them. We hid outside the Ren family mansion in advance and rushed in as soon as there was any movement inside. As long as we time it well, nothing will happen."

At this time, Qiu Sheng, who was eavesdropping on their conversation, immediately interrupted and said:

"Master, Brother Wang Ting's idea is very good!"

Uncle Jiu frowned:

"Zombies are no joke. If we rush in too late, we'll be in trouble."

Qiu Sheng thought for a moment and said:

"That will allow me to find an excuse to stay here and protect them. I will definitely be able to delay until you, Master, come in."

Wang Ting looked at him:

"Looking for an excuse to stay? What's your reason?"

Qiu Sheng smiled:

"Master Ren was killed, and there must be a ritual tonight. That Ah Wei is wary of my master, so he will definitely not let my master do it, so you can let me do it. I can also bring Wencai as an assistant. By then, won’t the two of us be able to hold back a zombie?"

Wang Ting thought about it and nodded:

"In this case, let Bai Ying stay with us. No one will be suspicious if there is one more girl.

"Miss Bai? This is a very dangerous thing! What if Miss Bai gets into an accident?"

Wang Ting smiled calmly:

"You don't need to worry about her."

Uncle Jiu nodded:

"This is a good idea."

Sure enough, when talking about the ritual, Awei said he would not let Uncle Jiu do it. Although the neighbors knew that Uncle Jiu was the best Taoist priest in the area, Awei still refused to allow it.

So Qiu Sheng volunteered to host it, and left Wencai, Baiying and Cassandra.

Uncle Jiu and Wang Ting left the Ren family mansion, found a teahouse outside, and waited quietly.

In the teahouse.

The two were bored and drank several pots of tea. Uncle Jiu went to the toilet several times, but it was still some time before dark.

According to Uncle Jiu, it is very likely that Master Ren will turn into a corpse when it is extremely yin, which is about three quarters of the midnight.

Taking advantage of this time, Wang Ting asked Uncle Jiu for some knowledge about ghosts.

After all, he is a horror movie anchor, and Uncle Jiu is definitely an authentic professional! It is a rare opportunity to let him explain!

I believe that many viewers who like to watch horror movies are also curious about this.

So, Wang Ting came to the outside of the teahouse on the pretext of going to the toilet, and said to the live camera:

"Audience, now is the bonus time for you. As you have seen, Uncle Jiu is one of the most famous Taoist priests in the East and an expert on ghosts. So if you have any questions, you can ask them online. I will ask Uncle Jiu the questions with the highest votes!"When the audience heard this, they were immediately excited!

【What the hell? There is such an opportunity! ?】

【I want to ask myself! Uncle Jiu is definitely the most professional person!】

【I already have a lot of questions about the supernatural, this is great~】

【Everyone go vote on my question!】

【Raise your hands! Host, please read my question~]

The comment area suddenly became lively, and a lot of random questions appeared.

After all, there are many people and many opinions. Millions of viewers rushed to ask questions, and some people asked more than one question, and the comment area was immediately in chaos.

There were even questions like"Can a Taoist priest marry a nun?","Can humans and ghosts be combined?","Can zombies have children with zombies?" and other questions came up.

Wang Ting couldn't help laughing when he saw them. These stupid netizens had really big imaginations.

He returned to the teahouse and asked Uncle Jiu:

"Uncle Jiu, I have been having many questions about ghosts and gods for a long time. I wonder if I can ask you for advice?"

Uncle Jiu took a sip of tea and said calmly:

"You have been living in the West, studying science, and I heard that you are all atheists. Are you also curious about these things?"

Wang Ting smiled:

"Didn’t I say that my hometown was haunted by ghosts, so we escaped? I naturally believe in ghosts and gods."

But Uncle Jiu looked at him with a meaningful look:

"Your words are full of loopholes. Do you think I will believe them? The night you came to see me, I took you in only because it was getting late and for your safety. But I don’t believe the reason you gave. You don’t look like you are fleeing at all."

Wang Ting was secretly surprised. Uncle Jiu’s eyes were really sharp.

Uncle Jiu continued:

"But I can also see that you have no ill intentions, so I did not point it out to you, but have been observing you. That is why I have not taught you any entry-level Taoist techniques."

Wang Ting smiled calmly:

"Uncle Jiu is indeed an expert. In your opinion, why are we here?"

Uncle Jiu shook his head:

"I can't read your mind, so I don't know what's in your mind, but based on my observation, you are more out of curiosity?"

Wang Ting laughed immediately!

"Uncle Jiu is indeed very discerning. To be honest, we are not in trouble in our hometown. We are just curious about Taoism. After all, I was born in China, so I naturally respect the things of my ancestors.

Uncle Jiu nodded:

"I don’t want these things to be lost in the future.....If you can tell me the truth, I won't hide anything from you. Tell me, what's your question?"

Wang Ting immediately checked the ranking of questions in the live broadcast room's message area and said the question with the highest votes:

"Uncle Jiu, since people become ghosts after death, why are there so many murderers and war criminals at large, without being avenged by vengeful ghosts?"

Uncle Jiu smiled calmly:

"Ghosts are indeed created after death, but not everyone will become a ghost. Most people will be taken to the underworld by ghost messengers after death, waiting to be reincarnated into the six realms of reincarnation after their life span is exhausted. They can only return to the world of the living to take a look on the seventh day."

"A very small number of ghosts remain in the world of the living because of resentment or unfinished business, but their energy is limited and will completely dissipate within 49 days. Therefore, they cannot leave too far and can only wander around the place of death."

"Furthermore, ghosts have no consciousness and no thoughts. They mostly act according to their habits in their previous lives, so they don't know what revenge is, unless some of them have deep grudges and can absorb Yang Qi and practice, and stay in the world of the living forever."

Wang Ting nodded. Uncle Jiu basically explained it in detail.

So he continued to look at the second question and was stunned!

Is Uncle Jiu a virgin?

What a bullshit question!

If I ask this question, I'm afraid Uncle Jiu will beat me out of the teahouse with his shoe soles!

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