When Jiangnan returned to the beehive, other animals had already taken the lead.


The honeyguide stood on a broken beehive, tasting the flowing honey with relish.

After seeing Jiangnan, it called twice as a greeting.

It couldn't wait for Jiangnan, so it decided to go back and take a look. Who would have thought that the bees in the beehive had all left, and it picked up a big bargain and started eating.


When the black bear mother saw the lost honey, she stumbled over and started chewing the beehive in big mouthfuls.

The black bear cubs Xiong Da and Xiong Er followed closely and started eating like their mother.

Jiangnan looked around and confirmed that there were no bees. He sighed: "It seems that the bee colony has left."

"Generally speaking, as long as the hive is broken, the bees will find a more hidden place to rebuild the nest under the leadership of the queen bee."

As he spoke, he had already come to the broken hive and picked up a piece.

At the same time, he took out the bottle and aimed the broken opening at the bottle mouth.

As the honey found a breakthrough, it poured out. Instantly formed a sticky "small waterfall".

This small waterfall still has color, which is unexpectedly purple.

Even though Jiangnan was careful, some honey still dripped into his hand.

It was very sticky and looked a bit like...

Jiangnan didn't think so much and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

The next moment, waves of sweetness swept through the entire mouth and spread to the taste buds.

"Wow! So much honey!"

"The bottle mouth is facing the honeycomb mouth, mouth to mouth, why do I think of some kind of sports? (dog head)"

"The honeycomb mouth also flows out of sticky honey, it's really exactly like some kind of sports, and it's also quite sticky! (dog head)"

"Why don't you say it more clearly? Since you don't say it, then I won't say it either!"

"For sweet lovers, seeing so much honey will drive them crazy!"

"These honeys look delicious and the colors are beautiful!"

"It's purple! I've seen it for the first time!"

"Xu Song didn't lie to us. Purple is really charming. Not only does it look good on girls, but it also makes the honey look more fragrant!"

"It's so thick and sticky. Compared with this honey, the honey I've eaten in recent years is simply garbage!"

"If you don't understand, just ask, why are these honeys purple?"

Some of the viewers in the live broadcast room were driving, while others were full of curiosity.

Jiangnan smiled and explained: "Honey will only be thicker and darker in color if it is stored for a long enough time and the water in the honey evaporates."

"The honey we usually buy from supermarkets is basically for the sake of yield, so the honey cut from the hive quickly has a higher water content, so the honey is naturally not sticky or thick, and it will not be particularly sweet when eaten." This

"Some people even add water to honey, so it is naturally not as delicious as wild honey!"

As he spoke, Jiangnan had already poured himself a full bottle of honey.

He put away the honey, rode on the back of the moose Lufei, waved to the black bear family of three and the honeyguide, and said: "I have something to do, so I will leave first, you eat and drink well."

The black bear family of three and the honeyguide were eating with relish, looked up at Jiangnan, watched him leave, and then continued to devour.

After this incident, Jiangnan felt that if the honeyguide found a beehive in the future, it would first look for the black bear mother robes instead of himself.

Because the black bear mother is more reliable and more durable than himself.

But they are indeed a very good combination.

Honeyguide likes to eat honey and is good at finding honey, while the black bear mother also likes to eat honey and is better at destroying beehives. One is responsible for leading the way and the other is responsible for working. It is simply perfect.

Just like the Ma Yao combination in "King of Glory".

Leaving the palm tree forest, Jiangnan went straight to the Parrot Valley. After preparing to feed the parrots, he started to catch lobsters.

On the way, he was enjoying the scenery while watching the barrage.

Soon a very interesting barrage appeared in sight.

"Island owner, I have a question. Why do people say that mice are thieves when they steal food, but people say that bees are hardworking when they steal honey?"

This question is very interesting and instantly attracted the attention of the audience in the live broadcast room.


"This is a fake


"Oh my god, my head hurts, I don't know why!"

"The good and bad, right and wrong, good and evil, beauty and ugliness of anything are interpreted by the ruler, isn't that the case with society?"

"Now that we humans are the highest animals on earth, we will naturally point fingers at other animals and redefine them."

"The question is, in the world of mice, when they successfully steal our human food, will they also say that humans are really hardworking?"

Jiangnan looked at the scrolling barrage and gave the most intuitive evaluation, saying: "Why do we say that mice are thieves? Because after stealing our food without any effort, mice will also spread viruses, diseases, etc."

"Not only that, after they are full and drink enough, they will even poop and pee on our food."

"They are not stealing food, but wasting it! ”

“But we humans are different. Nowadays, most bees are artificially cultivated. We humans have to manage bees and help them treat mites. After their queen bee dies, in order to prevent chaos in their society, we have to replace her with a new one in time. ”

“We will not let them work hard all the time, and we will leave some honey for them as food. ”

“Especially in winter, in order for the bee colony to successfully survive the cold winter, we will leave them a lot of food and only take a small part of it for sale. ”

“The most important thing is that because they are artificially raised, we will not destroy their nests, but give them a home. ”

When Jiangnan finished speaking, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly felt as if they had been enlightened.

To be honest, this question is indeed a bit difficult to deal with. It is really difficult to tell who is right and who is wrong among humans, bees and mice.

In fact, what he said is just defending humans from the perspective of humans.

It is a bit specious.

After all, not all honey is cultivated artificially now, and a lot of it is obtained from wild beehives.

Because wild bees are more fragrant and nutritious, their value is higher than artificial honey, which leads to many people making money by buying wild bees. For money, they would destroy their nests to get honey.

For wild bee colonies, humans are not only thieves, but also robbers.

It's a pity that humans are now the dominant ones on the earth, and they can only be forced to accept the natural law of "the survival of the fittest".

In response to this issue, the animated film "Bee Mobilization" has a detailed discussion.

In the movie, the protagonist is a little bee. After seeing humans stealing bees, it defines humans as thieves and takes them to court.

Although it is an animation, it is particularly educational.

It can make people think more than those domestic movies that are still obsessed with monkeys and Nezha.

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