After picking all the mushrooms and putting them in his backpack, Jiangnan sat on the ground and said happily: "There was a fan in the live broadcast room who knew the goods. These are really chicken mushrooms."

"Chicken mushrooms have a strong fragrance and taste like chicken, so they are named after this. They can be sold for about 200 yuan per kilogram."

"In addition, everyone must pay attention to the symbiosis between chicken mushrooms and termites. Generally, termite nests can be found where there are chicken mushrooms."

While speaking, Jiangnan swept the weeds on the side with a wooden stick. Sure enough, a pile of brown loose mud blocks appeared in sight.

Termites went in and out from time to time in the gaps between the mud blocks.

Jiangnan came to the termite nest, looked around, and found a lot of chicken mushrooms in other directions.

He immediately picked them all up without hesitation, just like the devils entering the village.

After eating the chicken mushrooms, Jiangnan did not plan to go back, and continued to search in the forest.

After a while, he really found other mushrooms.

Black mushrooms, matsutake mushrooms, straw mushrooms, shimeji mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, etc. were all picked from the soil and put into the backpack.

"Oh my God, so many, I'm numb."

"The island owner is so lucky that he can find so many chicken mushrooms at one time."

"Is picking mushrooms so easy? I feel like I can do it!"

"The two biggest illusions in life, she seems to like me and I can do it!"

"No more words, when it rains here one day, I will also go to the mountain to pick mushrooms."

[Hope of the whole village] rewarded a treasure map and left a message: Island owner, I am willing to accept the loss!

[Chicken and Fish Stewed in One Pot] gave a tip to Tiger Teeth No. 1 and left a message: I can afford to lose, Tiger Teeth No. 1 is here!

[Drowned Fish] gave ten tips and left a message: What a pity, we can't see the island owner dancing in a black silk hip skirt!

For a while, the audience who made the bet just now gave gifts to fulfill their promises.

They were willing to accept the loss and would not deliberately cheat.

Jiangnan smiled and thanked them for their gifts, and said: "Everyone is really too polite. Do your best. If you have pocket money, spend it. If you don't have pocket money, just think of it as bragging just now. Anyway, I often brag, just think of it as a fun thing."

"Next, I will teach you how to pick mushrooms. You can write it down. Maybe you can use it in the future."

Jiangnan is very smart and knows how to behave. He knows that some of the audience who made the bet just now are just bragging, so he doesn't care and quickly changes the topic to prevent some netizens from continuing to delve into the matter or even exposing it online.

Watching live broadcasts is fun!

The audience was excited when they heard that they were going to teach how to pick mushrooms.

Nowadays, most people live in cities and don’t know how to do farm work, let alone how to distinguish mushrooms. If they pick mushrooms in the wild and eat them, they will be poisoned and hospitalized, which is not worth the loss.

Over the years, the number of people hospitalized for eating mushrooms is countless, and it is doubling every year.

After all, there are too many foodies!

"Island owner, I have taken out my notebook, please tell me."

"Teacher Jiang, I will be your student in the future."

"When I was in school, I was not as serious as I am now. (dog head)"

"When I was in junior high school, I never understood mathematics because I picked up an eraser. I must not be careless today."

Jiangnan first used a wooden stick to move the grass, and then continued to move forward.

This can prevent mushrooms from being accidentally stepped on.

"Mushrooms are actually very easy to distinguish. The brighter the color, the more toxic it is. On the contrary, these gray ones can be eaten, but... there are also surprises!"

Jiangnan came to a big tree and stopped.

"These are big red mushrooms. Big red mushrooms are rich in protein and vitamins. They can strengthen the body, nourish yin and nourish the kidneys. People with weak bodies can replenish them, but the price is a bit expensive, at least 2,000 yuan per kilogram."

"What? Tonify the kidneys? I have a friend who needs it!"

"To be honest, I have a friend who also needs it."

"Don't say 2,000 yuan, even if it's 20,000 yuan, I will buy it for my future happy life, ah, no, it's for my friend's happy life."

"Hahaha, the one upstairs, you showed your chicken feet, right?"

"Chicken feet? The one upstairs, I suspect you are a little black man, don't say anything, let's start a group!"

When the audience in the live broadcast room started a group, Jiangnan had already started picking.

This is not picking mushrooms, but picking up money!

As all the red mushrooms were picked, Jiangnan’s backpack was finally full.


"Today's harvest is great. I'll go and shoot two more hares and pheasants, and then I can go home."

Jiangnan stretched and said comfortably.

Suddenly, there were bursts of noise from the bushes next to him.

At the same time, the mother bird standing on the shoulder chirped again, looking very frightened.

"Is there something in the bushes?"

"Is it another beast?"

"My dear, island owner, run quickly, don't fight hard this time!"

The audience in the live broadcast room were all terrified.

For people, facing unknown creatures, they will definitely be afraid.

Especially in the wild.

This sense of fear is engraved in DNA.

"Hiss hiss hiss!"

The familiar sound reached Jiangnan's ears.

Jiangnan held the stick tightly again and stared at the bushes. About a minute later, a king cobra emerged from it.

It was the one that had fought with Jiangnan before.

"Why did you follow me?" Jiangnan asked curiously.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

After seeing Jiangnan, the King Cobra did not continue to move forward, but turned around and was about to leave.

It still spit out its tongue and looked back at Jiangnan several times.

"What do you mean? Do you want me to go with you?"

"Hiss, hiss!"

"Don't repay kindness with enmity, or I will not spare you with the stick in my hand."

When these words came out, those who didn't know would think that it was said by Sun Wukong.

"Hiss, hiss~"

After getting Jiangnan's affirmative answer, the King Cobra led the way without looking back.

Jiangnan was not vague either, and followed the King Cobra and got into the bushes.

The man and the snake walked like this for about ten minutes, and the King Cobra stopped under a towering tree.

Jiangnan looked around and saw nothing.

What the hell?

Is this snake playing tricks on me?

After all, it knows the art of war!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The king cobra screamed again, and this time, it got into the tree hole under the big tree.

Jiangnan hurried over to check, and was shocked when he saw it.

"Fuck! This is... a giant white mushroom!"

Jiangnan's eyes widened, and he didn't dare to breathe.

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more confused.

"What is a giant white mushroom?"

"It sounds amazing!"

"Looking at the island owner's expression, it should be very valuable."

"No matter whether it is valuable or not, it is so big anyway, more than ten times the size of the mushrooms I saw before."

"How can it be more than ten times? It is clearly dozens of times!"

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