The truth is, there is no way to tell the truth.

"I have reason to believe what Zeng Xiaoxian said in "Love Apartment III", that the origin of the Internet is due to a spider called Inter, is correct!"

"I know, did the ancient Western wizards make predictions by observing the words woven by spiders?"

"If a spider that can write words like this appears in a tomb-robbing novel, it will be absolutely terrifying!"

The audience in the live broadcast room said more and more outrageous things.

Jiangnan couldn't help but smile bitterly, and could only explain: "In fact, this is an ordinary golden spider, which is very common in the wild."

"Nowadays, the places where people live and work are very clean, and they are basically cleaned every day. It is naturally difficult for golden spiders to grow up, and their size will be relatively small."

"Occasionally seeing a big spider will naturally feel very rare."

"As for the text that everyone is talking about, it is just that when the golden spider spins silk to weave a web, the one it weaves is larger and looks clearer. Coupled with our excessive interpretation, it becomes text."

"If you have to analyze it from the perspective of literary quality and connotation, these written spider silks themselves have no meaning."

"But for the survival of spiders, spider silk is very useful."

In order to let the audience in the live broadcast room see more clearly, Jiangnan picked up a branch from the ground and pointed to the spider web woven by the big golden spider.

Compared with ordinary spider webs, these spider webs are thicker and more eye-catching.

Jiangnan explained: "In the folk, there are three theories about this thickest spider web."

"The first is that if this spider web is thicker, it will be particularly conspicuous, and some birds will naturally not accidentally hit it, thus avoiding the destruction of the spider web.

After all, it is very hard for spiders to weave spider webs, and they have to keep spinning silk and spinning silk again and again."

"The second theory is to attract insects."

"The third theory is to better protect themselves and prevent being caught by other animals."

Jiangnan said it very seriously and did not mean to stop.

"After a large number of comparative experiments, it was found that these spider silks did not have a very obvious bird-proof effect. The first bird-proof theory is not valid."

"The second point of attracting insects, I don't think it is valid either."

"Everyone look carefully, the golden spider itself is very colorful."

"Huh... where did that spider go?"

Jiangnan was talking halfway when he found that the golden spider that was still in sight just now suddenly disappeared.

After a circle of searching, he found that it had unknowingly climbed onto the spider web above his head and continued to weave crooked words.

"Found it! You can see that there are many yellow spots on the legs of the golden spider!"

"Don't underestimate these spots, they can actually reflect ultraviolet light."

"And some insects like light sources and will rush towards them uncontrollably, just like moths to a flame!"

"Therefore, the attraction of these spider webs to insects is not as great as the charm of the golden spider itself!"

"Just like some rich women or local tyrants, they always think that young, beautiful and handsome girls or boys really like them, but in fact, they just like their money, and their money is more attractive than them!"

Jiangnan smiled and continued: "I personally think that the golden spider weaves these spider webs for better survival."

"Once there is danger approaching, the spider web will first bind the other party, thus giving the golden spider time to escape."

"Although the colors and stripes on the golden spider are bright, if it hides in the branches and lies motionless, it is really difficult to be found. Now."

"Here is a little-known fact for everyone. In nature, there is a kind of spider that specializes in hunting golden spiders. This spider is called the hole spider."

"The hole spider is not as big as the golden spider, but it has developed eyesight and superb jumping ability."

"When hunting, the hole spider will first shake the spider web with the front pair of walking legs, making the golden spider mistakenly think that the prey has come."

"At this time, the golden spider moves towards the suspected prey, but it does not know that it has entered the death trap set by the hole spider for it."

"When the golden spider moves into the jumping range of the hole spider, the hole spider will jump on the back of the golden spider, and then use its venomous claws to make the final blow to kill."

"Because of this, the golden spider weaves the web as thick and complex as possible. This is not for beauty or art, but simply to buy more time for escape before the danger comes. "

After Jiangnan's explanation, the audience in the live broadcast room understood the golden spider.

"Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books!"

"I finally understood!"

"What is professionalism? Look, this is professionalism!"

"Trust the island owner, that's right!"

"I just didn't believe those doomsday prophecies, they were just bragging!"

"I don't believe it either, I just cooperated with him!"

"The above, that's not right, I saw your name, it was clearly the Internet you said just now!"

"Then you must have seen it wrong, I didn't say that."

In the live broadcast room, there are many hindsight viewers.

Just like the "King of Glory" anchor Lu Dehua in the Huya game area: the most stubborn one is his mouth!

Jiangnan smiled and said, "If you pay attention to your surroundings, you can find a lot of interesting small animals, especially in the community and garden downstairs."

"It's just that everyone is either busy with work or busy with work every day, and there is no time and leisure to observe."

"Finally, I must add one more thing. If you encounter a spider on weekdays, don't touch it with your hands, because you can't tell whether it is poisonous or not."

"The most important thing is that spiders are cold-blooded. Like mantises, they like to kill each other."

"Even if the other party is a fellow who comes to seek pleasure, it will be eaten as prey!"

"Males hunt for beauty, and females hunt for food. For spiders, as long as it is delivered to their mouths, it will be a meal on the plate!"

"Especially the golden spider in front of you. Don't look at it. It doesn't feel gloomy at first glance. It's even pretty at first glance. It won't attack like other spiders, but this is actually the strategy of the golden spider."

It is pleasing to the eye when facing beautiful insects, and its usual posture is not as fierce as other spiders. Its eight legs are put together in pairs, and at first glance, it looks like it only has four legs. It doesn't seem to show much ferocity, but this is actually the strategy of the golden spider.

"There is a saying that high-level hunters often appear as prey!"

"The golden spider will package itself as a good baby, so that the prey will think that it is not a threatening spider, so it will relax its vigilance and finally be killed."

"The female golden spider is obviously larger than the male spider. The reason for the size is that it can carry more eggs and have stronger power to protect the offspring in stages."

"Similarly, they will eat their own kind."

"If you see a smaller spider wandering around the golden spider's web, it is likely that it is a male spider seeking to mate. Don't think that such behavior is romantic."

"Because the male and female spiders will flee from this place immediately after being intimate."

"As long as the legs are weak and slow, you will be eaten."

"Some will be eaten alive when they are lingering."

"It's hard to believe, how terrifying it is!!!"

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