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"Fuck, fuck! It's so scary!"

"It sounds creepy!"

"Isn't this the Spider version of "Human Meat Barbecued Pork Buns"!"

"No wonder Spider is called the Black Widow, she doesn't even let her husband go "However, it's really scary!"

"Why do I think Black Widow is sexy? When she died in Avengers 4, I cried for a long time!"

"Grandma Li, we are still in Aba Aba, you are so "Sex is like a knife that scrapes your bones. This is absolutely true. I solemnly declare that from today on, I will never reconcile with gambling and drugs!" Hello, my child is very interested in insects and often goes to the garden downstairs to catch some small insects. I am really afraid that he will catch a poisonous spider one day. How can I tell whether a spider is poisonous or not? "

Live broadcast room Some of the audience were amazed, some drove, and some humbly asked for advice.

"Simple! In fact, distinguishing poisonous spiders from poisonous ones is almost the same as distinguishing mushrooms!" Jiangnan blurted out without thinking, saying: "Non-poisonous spiders are relatively simple in color, usually black or colorless, while poisonous spiders are usually larger in size and have different colors. Bright colors. "

"In addition, the webs woven by non-venomous spiders are relatively uniform and neat, while the webs woven by venomous spiders are irregular. "

"Also, venomous spiders are usually distributed in tropical rainforests or tropical areas. There are no poisonous spiders, so you can rest assured if you encounter them. ”

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiangnan saw the waves in the sea in the distance rising and falling, and the silhouettes of the mother and child great white sharks could be vaguely seen.

“A shark is here to pick me up, Peter, Goodbye!"

Jiangnan waved to the golden spider.

Before leaving, he did not forget to give it a name.

When they arrived at the beach, the mother and son of the great white shark were so excited that they kept spinning in circles after seeing Jiangnan.

Since sending Jiangnan After landing on the heart-shaped island, they stayed in this sea area and did not go far away.

Especially after yesterday's heavy rain, they were still worried that something might happen to Jiangnan, so they came to the beach early in the morning, hoping to see Jiangnan. Unexpectedly, they really met him.

"Thank you for waiting for me here. We Go home!"

Jiangnan climbed onto the back of the great white shark skillfully and returned to the main island of the Great Barrier Reef.

Along the way, the quokka twins, Xiyangyang and Lazy, and the sugar quoll family of ten saw a huge shark for the first time. , and it was their first time running on the sea, and they seemed extremely nervous and scared.

They curled up in Jiangnan's arms, trembling, and didn't dare to look out.

The Steller's sea eagle Tai Sui was not afraid, and seemed very natural. Following the head.

The great white shark is the overlord of the sea, and it is also the master of the sky, so it is not afraid at all.

All the way was peaceful.

Jiangnan also took the opportunity to throw the last bionic fish into the sea.

After returning to the main island and landing, Jiangnan couldn't help but blurt out three words when he saw the scene on the beach: "Gentle! Gift!! Crab!!!"

On the beach, there was a group of densely packed Marine animals.

These animals have thick shells, like turtles, but behind them, there is a thin and long tail.

At first glance, they look a bit like extinct trilobites.

"This is What is this thing? "

"Why can't I see its face and limbs?"

"It's just a shell and a tail. It looks really unique!"

"This is the first time I've seen such a strange animal!"

"Did the island owner just say Swearing? Report it! "

"Island owner: That kid Lu Dehua curses people in the live broadcast room every day, and you haven't reported him. How can you be so hypocritical?"

The audience in the live broadcast room was also quickly attracted.

"I'm not swearing, this animal is called Houli Crab!"

Jiangnan didn't blush, and began to explain seriously, saying: "This animal is called horseshoe crab (hou), because it looks like a horse hoof, and it is also called a horse crab. It is called horseshoe crab, and when combined, it is called Houli crab! "

"Don't be fooled by its strange appearance, it is a serious and most primitive arthropod!"

"Houli crab looks like a trilobite, but its ancestor is not a trilobite." "They have the same ancestor, which appeared in the Devonian period of the Paleozoic era in geological history, before the rise of dinosaurs and the emergence of primitive fish."

"As time goes by, the animals of the same era either evolve or extinct, even trilobites have become fossils, and only the Houli crab has appeared since more than 400 million years ago

To this day, it still retains its original and ancient appearance.

"Therefore, they have a very loud title: living fossils!"

"Not only that, they also have a title called: underwater mandarin ducks!"

"Because once they become a couple, they are inseparable. Since the female Houli crab has a fat body, she will often carry her thin husband on her back and stagger along."

"At this time, as long as you catch a Houli crab, you will find a pair."

While speaking, Jiangnan has already walked forward and stretched out his hand to lift the tail of a Houli crab. There really is a pair.

It's just that the male Houli crab is too thin, less than one-third of the female. Those who don't know would think it's Pan Jinlian and Wu Dalang, but more like mother and son.


Just then, several Houli crabs passed by Jiangnan.

To be precise, they slide!

They use their long tails to control the direction to prevent hitting people, and then slide on the fine sand little by little.

"Gugu! "

At the same time, the sound of birds came to Jiangnan's ears.

He looked and saw a group of seagulls.

These seagulls gathered above the beach, staring at the crabs on the beach.

If it weren't for the Steller's sea eagle Tai Sui who had been following Jiangnan, they would have been too scared and would have flown down and started to kill them.

Even so, one seagull was probably starving, so it swooped down, easily picked up a crab, and flew away at a very fast speed.

The rest of the seagulls surrounded it and prepared a "reunion dinner"!

Although the crab has a shell, its shell is actually very soft and not as hard as a turtle. It can't protect it at all. In addition, it crawls slowly and can't avoid the seagulls that keep gathering around it, so it can only be forced to eat it.

"Strange! "

Jiangnan looked around and said to himself in confusion: "The Houli crabs are not good at swimming and can only use a pair of body wings to survive in the water. Therefore, they live on the seabed. The soft mud on the seabed is most suitable for them. There are also many small clams and larvae for them to use. "

"Only in the spring when they mate and lay eggs will they come to the beach in large numbers and leave immediately after laying eggs. "

"The eggs need to be incubated for four weeks. After hatching, they will be washed into the sea with the rising and falling waves. "

"Occasionally, some will come up to lay eggs in summer, but not so many. "

"Why are there so many of them here today?"

Jiangnan simply used his eyes to estimate and found that there were at least sixty or seventy Houli crabs on the beach.

And judging from their size, they have obviously laid eggs.

This time they came ashore for laying eggs!

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