The red-faced monkey flipped his hands and used sign language again.

He was very skilled, and it was obvious that he had learned it a long time ago.

Jiangnan nodded thoughtfully and said, "If there are friends in the live broadcast room who know sign language, I believe they have understood it, but there should be many people who don't understand it, so let me explain it."

"This red-faced monkey once challenged the Monkey King. It could have won, but the Monkey King didn't follow the ethics of martial arts and actually launched a sneak attack, which led to the defeat of the red-faced monkey."

"In theory, the monkey who failed the challenge does not need to be driven out of the monkey group, unless it offends the Monkey King's wife."

"The reason why the red-faced monkey was driven out is that the Monkey King has realized that he is getting old, and the red-faced monkey is in his prime and strong. This time it can defeat the red-faced monkey by sneak attack, but it may not be the case next time."

"In this way, the Monkey King drove the red-faced monkey out of the monkey group, and the red-faced monkey began a monkey life."

"As for the monkey group suddenly rushing over, it was because I broke the corpse-scented konjac."

"The monkey group has long been eyeing this small valley, just Because the corpse-scented arum is too smelly, no monkey dared to approach it, let alone destroy it, so the monkey king temporarily gave up the small valley. "

"After feeling the stench disappear, the monkey king immediately brought the monkey group here, just to occupy this place quickly to prevent it from being snatched away by other animals. Who would have thought that the enemy would meet the driven red-faced monkey on a narrow road. "

"Just now, the red-faced monkey pulled my arm and signaled me not to let the monkey king go, because it had fought with the monkey king and knew that the monkey king was despicable, and it was worried that the monkey king would attack again. "

"And now the reason why I let go of the monkey king and let it deal with it is because it wants to compete with it again and snatch the position of the monkey king. "

"As for the sign language, it happened that a long time ago when the workers were building houses here, there were a few dumb red-faced monkeys who lived alone and often wandered in the mountains. Over time, they learned it. "

Jiangnan finished the grievances and hatreds between the red-faced monkey and the monkey king in one breath.

"I didn't expect the story of the red-faced monkey to be so exciting."

"Who can write a novel? This is the theme. Write it quickly. I want to read it."

"Just like the royal family in ancient times, if you want to be the emperor, you can only kill the current emperor. If you fail, you will either be killed by the emperor or be exiled to the frontier. If you succeed, you will naturally be the emperor, such as Li Shimin and Zhu Di!"

"This red-faced monkey is so lucky to have met the island owner, otherwise there would be no chance to compete fairly with the monkey king again."

"I never thought that monkeys could sign language in my life. It's really a pity."

"Here I come, I finally found the island owner's live broadcast room. I was fooled into a man dressed as a woman just now. The live broadcast room almost spit out my overnight dinner. "" Women are dressed as men? The broadcast room is really wonderful, especially the wolf group just now and the monkey group war, it is amazing. " The popularity of the live broadcast room and the rise of the online people can not control it at all. "Is it true? Let me check it out, brothers, wait for me for ten seconds!"

"The spies ahead reported that the island owner really topped the Weibo hot search list!"

"Not only that! On short videos on TikTok, Toutiao and other platforms, the island owner also topped the list."

"It's a blast, the island owner's live broadcast content has been forwarded crazily on various platforms, and it has been edited more than a dozen times. It's as blurry as it can be, with typical mosaic quality."

"Weibo's evaluation of the island owner is the reincarnation of Sun Wukong!"

"Island owner: Bullshit! I'm so handsome, I'm clearly the Tang Monk that the female fairies are fighting to marry!"

"Congratulations, island owner. Today is such a happy day. Why don't you dress up and dance for us?"

"It's hard not to agree with this!"

No. 1 on the hot search of major platforms?

How could I get there?

Jiangnan was suspicious from the bottom of his heart.

You have to know that in this era where traffic is king, those who can be on the hot search are basically those young actors who are willing to spend money on themselves.

They earn a lot, and a play can easily make tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, so they are naturally willing to spend money on marketing for themselves.

Today this young actor is praised for how good his acting skills are.

Tomorrow that young actor is praised for how beautiful and handsome he is.

The more something is lacking, the more it will be promoted.

There are too many ugly and greasy men in the entertainment industry now, which is incomparable to the past. As for acting skills, it is even more a mess. It is precisely because of inferiority that they need to frantically promote themselves from these aspects, trying to confuse the audience, and even more self-deception.

Of course, the easiest thing to be on the hot search is when a star gets into trouble.

Today this female star knows three and takes three.

Tomorrow, that male star can't resist the temptation and actually goes to PC.

The day after tomorrow, another star secretly gave birth to a child, which surprised everyone.

It seems that after waking up, at least half of the stars in the entertainment industry will collapse.

In addition, there will be some famous big news that will cause public anger and top the hot search.

Anyway, as long as you keep an eye on the work schedule of Mr. Wang Feng and Mr. Han Hong, you can basically determine whether there will be explosive news on that day.

In a word, it is impossible for an ordinary amateur to top the hot search.

The probability is less than that of Gray Wolf eating sheep!

Unless there is a phenomenal amateur.

Ding Zhen is one of them.

Jiangnan also picked up his mobile phone, looked through Weibo, and quickly understood the ins and outs of the matter.

Today, his live broadcast content was edited and posted on the short video platform by some bloggers, and it inexplicably became the first hot search.

The previous live broadcast content has also been on the hot search, but it is far less popular than today.

It seems that today's battle between the wolf pack and the monkey pack is indeed wonderful.

"I didn't expect that I was just live-streaming my daily life, and it would be on the hot search list. It's really annoying."

Jiangnan was full of Versailles as soon as he opened his mouth.

He was full of pretentiousness.

[Koi drinking pesticides and blowing bubbles] rewarded 66 rockets.

Message: Congratulations to the island owner for getting the first place in the hot search list, six six six!

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