The more you go, the more you will be rewarded.

As Koi gave rewards, the other big brothers in the live broadcast room also started.

[The Angry Bull Demon King] gave two rewards.

Message: Congratulations to the island owner, a little thought.

[The Drowned Fish] gave three rewards.

Message: New friends, don’t forget to follow us, so that Nantianmen can grow bigger and stronger and create more glory.

[Ant Teeth Black] gave ten rewards.

Message: Island owner, what are you going to do next? Will you let the Monkey King go and let them compete and fight for the position of Monkey King again?

In addition to these big brothers, some newcomers also gave rewards according to their own conditions.

Those with conditions gave hundreds or dozens of yuan.

If you don't have the conditions, just use the free tiger food.

Before this, Jiangnan had already ranked first in the outdoor area reward list of Huya. Now, after this reward, he is rushing towards the weekly and monthly rankings.

"Thank you for the gifts. Everyone should give according to your own situation. Don't get carried away. Don't sell your car or house in real life or even take out a loan for the so-called online face."

Jiangnan sincerely thanked and reminded from the bottom of his heart.

The reason why the live broadcast industry is disliked by some passers-by is that some people are too easily carried away. Just to say thank you to the big brother or to meet the female anchor in person, they give crazy rewards.

Some people give all their monthly salary to the reward, and they only eat instant noodles every day.

Some people even steal batteries to reward the female anchor.

Some people buy houses and cars and go to take out loans.

"Next, please watch the battle of the monkey king!"

As he spoke, Jiangnan had already let go of the monkey king.

Now there are jungle wolves everywhere, and it doesn't dare to sneak attack like before.

Jiangnan patted the red-faced monkey and said solemnly: "Go! Take back everything that belongs to you openly, don't let me down!"

The red-faced monkey nodded at Jiangnan, walked to the open space in front of him first, and locked his eyes on the Monkey King.

Although the Monkey King is old, he is still a king, and he still has the spirit he should have. He twisted his neck and walked forward to fight.

"Shake your hands every day!"

"Be energetic!"

"Three hundred and sixty trades!"

"Each trade has its own strengths!"

"The Olympics have athletes!"

"Monkey show has a monkey king!"

"The Flower and Fruit Mountain stage!"

"Welcome to support us!"

"Today's protagonist!"

"Make a brilliant appearance!"

Before the Monkey King battle began, Jiangnan actually played the song "Monkey Show" in the live broadcast room, instantly igniting the atmosphere.

"Fuck! The song the island owner chose is amazing!"

"When the suona sounds, it's worth a ton of gold!"

"I admit that I'm sick, I just like to listen to Auntie Long's songs!"

"I don't agree, I think the music from the True and False Monkey King in Journey to the West should be played at this time, that's more exciting."

"Let's start, get the stools ready."

"Selling melon seeds and snacks."

It's rare for two monkeys to fight for the position of the Monkey King, and the audience in the live broadcast room became active.

Some even turned on the screen recording to save it.


The Monkey King took the lead in attacking.

It knew that it was old, and tried to take the absolute initiative right away.


The red-faced monkey was not panicked at all, and his body flashed out to attack.

The right arm swung, like a long whip, towards the Monkey King who had already attacked.


The arm hit hard.

The Monkey King's claws also pulled the red-faced monkey's chest.

But the red-faced monkey was too powerful, and the monkey king staggered back on the spot.

The red-faced monkey did not give the monkey king any chance to react, and rushed forward, grabbed the monkey king's neck, and dragged him violently to the ground.

Bang bang bang bang!

Then, he rode on the monkey king, turned his hands into fists, and smashed his head repeatedly.

This is the monkeys' favorite move.

Jiangnan was terrified.

Even if a human was hit like this, he would have a bloody head and a slight concussion at best.


"Too fierce!"

"Monkeys are always so fierce when they fight. Although they are the simplest and most direct moves, they are indeed fierce."

"Excellent, wonderful. I suggest that future martial arts films should be made in this way. I like to watch them."

"Island owner, please lend me the red-faced monkey for a day. I want to use it to educate my ex-boyfriend."

"My good sister, you are so financially savvy. I also want to give one to my ex-boyfriend."

"The monkey king is old, fat and weak. He is no match for the red-faced monkey. It's over."


What a pity, I haven't seen enough yet! "

The audience in the live broadcast room all thought that this battle was a foregone conclusion, but Jiangnan didn't think so.

Although the red-faced monkey was young and strong, it still lacked combat experience.

On the surface, it seemed that it was suppressing the Monkey King, but if you look closely, you will find that the Monkey King was very smart and raised his arms to protect his head.

Otherwise, he would have fainted after such a mess.


Soon, the red-faced monkey's attack slowed down.

The Monkey King seized the opportunity and kicked the red-faced monkey in the lower abdomen.

The red-faced monkey felt pain and was kicked away directly.

The Monkey King took the opportunity to open his mouth, revealing his ferocious teeth, roared at the red-faced monkey, and turned around to climb up the big tree next to him.

The red-faced monkey was anxious and angry, and followed decisively.

The battlefield of the Monkey King's battle immediately moved from the ground to the tree.

The old man is still the best, and the Monkey King is still more skilled. He tried to fight on the tree to make up for his body. The disadvantage of poor health.

Aw! Aw! Aw!

Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!

Suddenly, the monkey that had just escaped turned back and rushed towards this place with a rumble.

Like ants moving house, the number seemed to be even greater than before.

As far as the eye could see, the shadows of the monkey group almost covered the forest, densely packed and powerful.

The escaped monkeys must have returned to call for help and brought all the monkeys in the monkey group.

Because Jiangnan observed that some female monkeys were still holding palm-sized monkey babies in their arms.

Originally, they wanted to bring reinforcements to rescue the Monkey King, but after seeing that the Monkey King and the Red-faced Monkey had already started fighting, they understood what was going on and stood on the treetops and screamed to cheer for him.

Organized, disciplined, and with strict hierarchy and strict discipline, this is the monkey group.

They knew that they should not intervene in the fight between the Monkey Kings, so they naturally would not rush to help.

"There are so many monkeys!"

"These should be all the monkeys in the Great Barrier Reef! ”

“It feels like there are more than 200, nearly 300, the scale is still very large.”

“It seems that Wu Chengen was still very realistic when he wrote Journey to the West. Monkeys really like to call for help!”

“I hope the red-faced monkey can win, otherwise the island owner will be miserable with so many monkeys!”

“White Wolf King: Are you looking down on our wolf pack? We have plenty of wolves too, and we are not afraid of the human wave tactics anymore!”

The audience watched and commented.

Jiangnan looked up, always keeping an eye on the battle between the red-faced monkey and the monkey king.

He found that the monkey king was about to give up!

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