Although the monkey king was smart and knew how to climb up a tree to fight and dodge, he was too weak and was exhausted in a short while.

He must have been the monkey king for too long. He didn't need to do anything by himself, and he didn't know how to exercise. He only knew how to play and enjoy himself. Over time, his body became fatter and fatter.


The exhausted monkey king wanted to launch a final attack to turn the tide, but who would have thought that the red-faced monkey would hit him just after he jumped up.

He had no time to dodge, and was caught off guard and fell to the ground.

The red-faced monkey followed closely behind, jumped down from the tree, rode on the monkey king again, swung his fists, and started to hit him head-on.

This time, the speed was faster and the force was stronger.

Learned from the last lesson to prevent the monkey king from taking the opportunity to attack.

At this time, the monkey king was completely powerless. He had no strength to kick the red-faced monkey away like before, and he couldn't even raise his arms. He could only let the fists hit his face.

Soon, the monkey king had a swollen nose and swollen face, and vomited blood from his mouth.

The hero is old, destined to be desolate!


The red-faced monkey did not beat the monkey king to death. After seeing that it had completely fainted, it decisively stopped, slapped its chest with both hands, and screamed at the monkeys in all directions.

The originally boiling monkey group suddenly became silent, and all the monkeys were staring at the red-faced monkey jumping back and forth below.

This is their new monkey king!

No monkey dared to deny it. All they could do was to recognize and obey it, because this was the iron rule in the monkey group!

Just like the new emperors who successfully revolted in ancient times, no one dared to question it, and most of them flattered and protected it.

As for whether the old monkey king would be driven out of the monkey group or killed, and whether his wife and children would be suppressed, or the children would be killed and the wife would be occupied, it all depends on the mood of the new king.

The alternation between the old and new kings is so cold!

Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! !

After a short silence, the monkeys around began to cheer for the new monkey king one after another.

Several strong monkeys even jumped down from the tree, took the initiative to come to the monkey king, symbolically lowered their heads, and raised their right hands, as a way of expressing their loyalty to the new monkey king.

And the new monkey king would gently touch their right hands to express his recognition of them.

After dealing with all this, the new monkey king quickly ran to Jiangnan, flipped his hands quickly, and expressed his gratitude with sign language.

Thank you!

Jiangnan understood the new monkey king's sign language, waved his hand and smiled, "You're welcome! Congratulations on becoming the monkey king as you wished. The whole monkey group will be yours from now on. Lead them well and don't lead them to cause trouble."

Jiangnan was afraid that as the monkey group grew larger, the monkeys would become more and more arrogant, just like the monkeys in Mount Emei, who would attack tourists every now and then and snatch their food.

To be a monkey, you should be like the golden monkey!

The new monkey king nodded very seriously and sat in front of Jiangnan obediently.

For a moment, on Jiangnan's left hand was the dark red-faced monkey king, and on his right hand was the snow-white jungle wolf white wolf king, who looked particularly domineering.

"Monkey King on the left! Wolf King on the right! The island owner is awesome!"

"What are you waiting for? Take screenshots quickly. Such a harmonious picture is rare!"

"The island owner has made a lot of money today. He gained the trust of the Wolf King by fishing, and got a red-faced monkey that has just become the monkey king. In the future, the island owner will be able to walk sideways in this forest!"

"Isn't this my childhood dream? I want to lead a group of animals to walk the streets and domineering!"

Jiangnan looked at the scrolling barrage, and suddenly thought of something, and said: "Come on, I'm here to collect names again."

"Everyone, come and name the Monkey King and the Wolf King respectively. I have only one requirement."

"The Monkey King's name should sound black, but there should be no black characters. The Wolf King's name should sound white, but there should be no white characters."

As soon as the voice fell, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately showed their intelligence.

"The monkey king is called a developer or real estate, I ask you if you are black or not!"

"The agent is not convinced."

"My boss is even more dissatisfied."

"Capitalists: Sit down!"

"It's better to just call it Africa, simple and crude!"

"Mo, there is black, and there is you."

"Coal balls, or dung balls."

"It's not that simple, just call it Song Xiaobao, the little sea dog is not

It's called Fourth Brother, it's a perfect match."

"Politeness: Are you Song Xiaobao?"

"Simple! The Monkey King can't be called Bai, and the Wolf King can't be called Hei."

"The Wolf King is called Xiao Heizi, which is not only vivid, but also in line with our Ai Kun's temperament."

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"I'm more rebellious, the Wolf King must be called Xiao Bai, and the Monkey King must be called Xiao Hei."

"The Monkey King must be called Guan Gong, it's a pity not to call him Guan Gong with such a big red face."

"Delete it, let me post it, give you 50 cents, buy spicy noodles, eat with friends, isn't it beautiful!"

"That can't be done, the Monkey King may not be able to handle this name."

"What are you afraid of? I saw someone named their child Qianlong on the Internet, and some people named their children Zhao and called them Shi Guer! "

The barrage scrolled faster and faster, and became more and more outrageous.

Jiangnan searched for a long time, but couldn't find a satisfactory name. In the end, he could only think of it himself. About a minute later, he said: "Baicao Shuang! The name of the Monkey King!"

"Bai Yue, the name of the Wolf King!"

"In ancient times, there were many elegant names for black, such as ink, dark, and mysterious. One of them was called Baicao Shuang.

According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, Baicao Shuang is made by boiling the ash scraped from the bottom of the pot!

Everyone will feel confused when they say this. Isn't that just the ash at the bottom of the pot? How can the ash at the bottom of the pot be used to boil medicine?

In fact, the ash at the bottom of the pot is a layer of soft frost formed after hundreds of kinds of grass are burned, so it is called Baicao Shuang.

I believe many people have seen how black the ash at the bottom of the pot is, so naturally, the Monkey King is named Baicao. ”

“In ancient times, white also had many elegant names, and the bright moon was one of them. The moon white is a light blue. The ancients believed that the color of the moon was not pure white, but had a hue like thin ice, which just fits the cold and noble temperament of the White Wolf King.

The moon white has appeared in many literary works. Imagine a gentle girl wearing a moon white autumn skirt standing in the rain with an umbrella. How beautiful the picture is. ”

“My goodness, I didn’t expect the island owner to be so cultured!”

“The island owner is at least a walking encyclopedia, and this knowledge is just a little bit of water!”

“Black Monkey King Baicao Shuang, White Wolf King Bright Moon, sounds good, quite artistic.”

“I agree with what the island owner said.”

“Me too!”

The audience in the live broadcast room expressed their agreement.

This is not an agreement with Jiangnan, but an appreciation of the wisdom of our ancients.

The White Wolf King and the Black Monkey King are somewhat spiritual. They seem to know that they have a name given by humans, and they all look at Jiangnan deeply.

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