Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 458: Giantess Elonaya

Remember [New] in a second! Some people in the barrage accused Salayan of killing the enemies who had no ability to resist. Salayan didn't bother to pay attention to these Madonna patients. He never showed mercy to the enemies.

After cutting off the head of the trogg that stole the key, Brian jumped out before Sharlayan took the blood-stained key away.

"Let me come! Let me come!"

Under Sharlayan's astonished gaze, Brian, who had snatched the key, happily inserted it into the slot in the center of the map hall.

‘This nima... really deserves the title of monster madman. '


Gently twisting the wand-shaped key, the mechanism hidden in it was activated, and the sound of gears running was faintly heard deep underground.

In a corner of the map hall, a closed marble door automatically opened inward.

A female giant over 5 meters tall walked out of the door slowly, her diamond-like eyes revealing confusion.

"Where is this? Why would I..."

Due to the long sleep time, the giantess couldn't recall the experience before she fell asleep for a while.

When she subconsciously lowered her head to look at Sarlayan and the others, her originally bewildered eyes suddenly shot fiercely.

"Flesh creature! How dare you invade the sacred Titan Hall?! Die!"


Raising the heavy stone hammer in her hand, the giantess threw it at the group of people without saying a word.

Due to the advance notice from the barrage, Salayan did not try to rush forward to talk to the giantess, and was prepared in advance.

Sharlayan crossed the two Valarjar swords above his head as the hammer came down.

According to the barrage, this giantess is named Elonaya, classified as Titan Defender, Azeroth's first-generation Titan creation, and a follower of Azadas and Tyr.

At the beginning, Ailonaya and Azadas sealed themselves up and fell into a deep sleep because the curse of flesh and blood spread wildly in Uldaman.

Although he couldn't remember the past for the time being, but the moment he saw the flesh and blood creatures, Elonaya still instinctively attacked them.

As the Titan's defender, Elonaia's strength is not bad, but he has not broken through the limits of mortals, and cannot widen the crushing gap with Sarlayan.

Under the premise of preparation in advance, Sare caught Ailonaya's sudden attack steadily, and even had enough energy to bounce back the stone hammer, forcing Aaronaya to stagger back a step.

"The Giantess Elonaya!"

The troggs were still running around, Sharlayan didn't want to waste time with Elonaya, raised the two swords in his hand, and asked her questions in the Titan language learned from Brian.

"Can you identify the source of the power contained in this pair of artifacts?"

After tens of thousands of years of slumber, Elonaya was in a state of confusion. Subconsciously following the other party's guidance, she began to explore the power contained in the Valagar sword.

Odin's power of light is infused into the sword of Valarjar, as well as the power of shadow infused by Hela.

Elonaya is not familiar with the Vrykul witch Hela, but it is impossible for her not to know the power of the chief manager Odin.

"Is this... the power of Odin?"

Waking up and being startled awake, Elonaya finally woke up from a half-drowsy state.

She shook her head vigorously, and looked at the flesh and blood creatures in front of her with a complicated expression.

"You guys, who are you? How long have I been asleep?"

Seeing that Aronaya gave up his plan to fight, Sharlayan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Unfortunately, I don't know exactly how long you have been asleep. It is roughly estimated that it has been at least 10,000 years."

"Ten thousand years..."

Elonaya patted his forehead: "Has it been so long... What's the situation in Azeroth now? You are all flesh and blood creatures, and the outside world has been completely corroded by Loken and the ancient gods, right?"

"Well... that's a long story."

With Elonaia, the titan defender who holds the authority of Uldaman, leading the way, Salayan and the others don't have to continue to scurry around in the dark underground passage without knowing what to do.

"Turn on the lighting system."

Ailonaya's order received quick feedback, and all the lighting fixtures in the underground palace that were still operating normally were turned on.

"The age of mortals?"

After listening to the detailed introduction of Salayan and others along the way, Elonaya sighed helplessly.

"I don't know whether this result is good or bad. Loken and the Old Gods have not been able to completely erode Azeroth. This is a good thing."

Tens of thousands of years of slumber made Elonaya completely out of touch with the world, and everything outside was completely different from her original cognition.

Ulduar lost contact with Wyrmrest Temple many years ago, and then the Burning Legion invaded, causing the ancient Kalimdor continent to split.

Missing these important events in her deep sleep, Elonaya smiled wryly. She planned to take some time to sort out the many things that Azeroth has experienced in the past tens of thousands of years.

But right now, Elonaya has a more important task.

Awaken Azadas, the Guardian of the Earth, to decide how to deal with the mortal civilization that now dominates Azeroth.

The resting place of Azadas lies in the deepest part of Uldaman.

Along the way, Elonaya found that many platforms where the earthlings slept were vacant, so she asked Sharlayan about this.

"Why are there so many vacancies? Those earth spirits woke up early?"

Sharlayan glanced at Brian, who was scratching his head and wanting to ask questions, and replied to Elonaya pretending to be indifferent: "Yes, many earth spirits were corrupted by the curse of flesh and blood before they fell asleep."

"When they are completely flesh and blood, they will automatically wake up from their deep sleep. These flesh and blood earth spirits have forgotten their past missions. With the need for food and water, they have no choice but to leave Uldaman, which is poor in resources, to find another way of life."

"There are also some earthlings that were deformed during the process of flesh and blood, and became the troggs that are running around in Uldaman today."

"So that's how it is."

Alonaya looked down at Brian and his two assistants: "Are these little guys earth spirits after normal flesh and blood? What are they called now?"

Sharlayan: "Dwarves, Brian is the bronze beard dwarf among the three tribes of dwarves, and he is also the younger brother of the current king of Khaz Modan Kingdom."

Even if Elonaya didn't mention it, Brian had already discovered the clue.

Those earth spirits who are still sleeping are very similar to dwarves, except that their bodies are made of stone, which is almost exactly the same as Muradin's posture after he unleashes the gods.

"Kaz Modan?"

Alonaya, who has recovered her memory, unconsciously showed a gratified smile: "Obviously they don't remember their mission and past, but they still named their country Khaz Modan."

Khaz Modan means the mountain of Khaz in the Titan language, and Kaz here obviously refers to the Titan Khazgoros.

Sharlayan also smiled and spread his hands: "Perhaps this name is the result of their instinct carved into their DNA."

Don't think that the Titans of the Pantheon only understand the mystical side of things.

A conclusion can be deduced from the artificial ancient **** experiment of Odile in the Titan laboratory. Titan also has good attainments in biotechnology.

It is also impossible for Inas to create a man-made ancient god, but the Titans did it, which proves that their research in biotechnology is more in-depth than Inas.

Elonaya didn't know what dna was, but when Sarlayan briefly explained the concept of genetic factors to him, she immediately showed a look of surprise.

"So that's what you mean by dna, maybe you and the guardian of life, Lord Freya, will have a lot of common topics."


Sharlayan sighed: "Unfortunately, that lady was calculated by Loken, her mind was corrupted by Yogg-Saron, and she has been imprisoned in Ulduar's garden for tens of thousands of years."

Elonaya's expression became serious: "Where are the other guardians?"

Sharlayan sighed: "Mimiron has also fallen, except for Azadas, only Thorim and Hodir are still sitting in their respective and have not been captured into Ulduar. "

"Because of Loken's instigation, the subordinates under the command of the Ice Guardian and the Storm Guardian fought violently, and the conflict between them has reached an endless level."

Elonaya frowned and asked, "Where are Odin and Lord Raiden? Haven't found them yet?"

Sharlayan shook his head: "No one knows Raiden's whereabouts. It is said that a Mogu emperor once usurped Raiden's power. Maybe he will know Raiden's whereabouts."

"As for Odin..."

Sharlayan smiled wryly and raised the Valagar sword in his hand: "He and his Hall of Valor were sealed together by Loken and Hela. We just killed Hela not long ago and lifted part of the seal."

"Because Loken is still alive, Odin and his Heroic Spirit Legion are confined to the Broken Isles, unable to leave the island to move freely, so we can't count on him for the time being."

"Emperor of the Mogu clan, usurping the power of Raiden?"

Ailonaya heard that one head was bigger than two, so he could only shake his head with a wry smile.

"Hey~ In short, let's wake up Master Azadas first, and I hope everything is still in time."

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