Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 459: Azadas wake up gas

Remember [New] in a second! Among all the Titan Guardians, Azadas should be the most inconspicuous one. Even many netizens who sent barrages don't know that he is actually a Titan Guardian.

[Azadas is the Titan Guardian? ! I thought he was just an ordinary stone giant. 】

[Because he appeared too early, and he was very incompetent, he directly started fighting with players in the level 40 Uldaman copy. 】

[In the chronicle, Azadas, the stone hammer, is the guardian of the titans, and also the guardian of the earth who inherited the shaping power of Kazgros. 】

[Let's put it this way, if Mimiron is a designer and a master inventor, Azadas is a diligent architect and blacksmith. One is responsible for the design drawings, and the other puts these ideas into practice. 】

[Compared to the shining guardians of Odin, Raiden, Tyr and Thorim in battle, the guardian of Azadas who is mainly responsible for logistics is indeed not so eye-catching, but his role is very important . 】

Except for the powerful Titan artifacts left behind by the Titans, such as the Pillars of Creation and Valanar, most of the artifacts used by the Guardians were made by Azadas himself.

Kazgros is the shaper of the Pantheon, and the Pillar of Creation is his masterpiece. Azadas has inherited Kazgros' ability very well.

In addition to being a dutiful king, Magni Bronzebeard is also a skilled blacksmith.

But the so-called superb craftsmanship here is only based on mortal technology as the standard, and the forging ability of Azadas, who has the power to shape, is still higher than Magni.

When Ledros mentioned Quel'sera's sublimation before, Salayan thought of Magni for the first time, and then turned his idea to Azadas.

It's a pity that the soul steel that Ledros mentioned is still not available.

In the process of continuing to advance underground, Elonaya was secretly frightened by the countless troggs encountered along the way.

"How many of these deformed flesh and blood creatures are there? Are they unable to communicate?"


Skillfully splitting a trogg in half, Sharlayan took a step back and withdrew from the battlefield.

"This question is for you and Azadas, how many earthlings have you produced underground in Uldaman?"

"The troggs are distorted creatures degraded from the earth spirits. If you know the total number of the earth spirits and add a percentage factor, you can roughly calculate how many earth spirits have degenerated into troggs."


Elonaya smiled wryly and shook his head: "I really haven't counted."

"In order to have enough troops to resist when Loken came to the door, Azadas hysterically built a large number of earth spirits in the last period before falling asleep, almost exhausting all the energy reserves of Uldaman."

"A preliminary estimate shows that the total number of earth spirits is at least hundreds of thousands."


Sharlayan sighed with a headache: "Knowing that the curse of flesh and blood is spreading, why did you create so many earth spirits? Aren't you afraid that those flesh and blood Titan creations will attack you in turn?"

In the cognition of most titans, the curse of flesh and blood is an extremely evil corruption. Once a titan is turned into flesh, it will be controlled by the spirit of the ancient gods and become an evil flesh and blood creature.

Under the background of the times at that time, the thoughts of the guardians cannot be said to be wrong. After all, they did fight the ancient gods in their heyday with their own hands, and know the ability of those powerful creatures on the shadow side to control people's hearts.

Not even the Titan Guardians could completely resist the whispers of the Old Gods, and it was the Titans of the Pantheon who forced them to be sealed in the end.

Flesh and flesh creatures are even less resistant to soul attacks. In the era when the Dark Empire still existed, once they became flesh and blood, they fell into the hands of the ancient gods.

However, tens of thousands of years have passed, and the times have long since changed.

The most powerful ancient god, Y'Shaarj, was torn to pieces by Aman'Thul himself, and the other three ancient gods were also sealed in prisons one after another.

The Ancient God, whose strength has been greatly reduced, can no longer make waves as easily as in the past. Even N'Zoth, who has the fastest escape progress, dare not jump out blatantly, and will only find some agents to make troubles.

Without the spiritual control of the ancient gods covering the whole world, the flesh-and-blood mortal race developed a brand-new civilization by its own will.

After the War of the Ancients ended, the dragon guardians and wilderness demigods gradually faded out of mortal vision, and Azeroth officially entered the era of mortal rule.

Considering the tremendous pressure Azadas and Elonaya were facing at the time, it is not completely incomprehensible to rampage before they fall asleep.

Sharlayan could only act as an afterthought from an objective point of view, thinking that Azadas' waste of energy was unnecessary from the perspective of God.

Of the hundreds of thousands of earth spirits, even if only 10% degenerate into troggs, it would be a big deal.

It is not impossible to be one against ten thousand in Azeroth, but at least one must transcend the limits of mortals and become a demigod.

Including Ailonaya, none of the 7 people present could do it.

The deeper the underground palace, the more sleeping earth spirits, and the number of troggs naturally soared accordingly.

The previous battles had already made Sharlayan and the others aware of the Trojan's weakness.

On the way forward, Stellagosa used the fire spells that she was not proficient in.

The newly awakened trogg has only beast-like instincts, and is instinctively afraid of the scalding flames.

Relying on Stellagosa's spell to open the way, although Salayan and others' progress process was delayed for a lot of time, overall it was smooth.

Brian still couldn't hold back, and confirmed the origin of the dwarves to Elonaya many times on the way.

Elonaya has been asleep for tens of thousands of years and doesn't know much about the dwarves, a mortal race.

But she gave some guesses based on the appearance of the dwarves. These cheerful bearded spirits are probably related to the earth spirits.

"Bronzan (Brian's Titanic pronunciation), don't worry."

Elonaya comforted softly: "During the tens of thousands of years of our sleep, the Norgannon Disc is still faithfully recording what happened inside Uldaman."

"As long as you reach the bottom of the dungeon and look back at the content through the Norgannon Disc, it should be easy to determine whether the dwarves are really related to the earth spirits."

The ultimate answer that the dwarves have been pursuing for countless years is close at hand, and Sharlayan can understand Brian's anxiety and anxiety.

The three-person team headed by Sharlayan killed the troggs all the way, and finally came to a stone gate with a crack in the entrance led by Elonaya.

The giantess Ailonaya put her hands on the gate and pushed the gate open forcefully.

"The opening of this hall shares a mechanism with the small room where I sleep. As long as the door of my room is opened, the door of the hall will also open."


Accompanied by the sound of heavy friction due to lack of lubrication, Elonaya forcibly pushed the door of Azadas' sleeping place open.

After the door is opened, the first thing that catches the eye is the giant "statue" standing in the center of the hall.

Tens of thousands of years passed, Azadas's body was covered with a thick layer of stone chips, making it look dirty and unkempt.

More than a dozen rows of earth spirits are arranged in a circle, with three layers inside and three layers outside, guarding Azadas in the center.

Ailonaya raised her hand to Azadas, and the khaki energy light shot out from her palm and injected into the body from Azadas' forehead.

"Crack! Crack!"

Dust began to shake off the surface around the petrified Azadas, and the ground also began to tremble slightly.

The dirty stone chips on the surface of the body cracked and fell to the ground little by little.

When Azadas began to struggle to wake up, the earth spirits around him also regained their vitality one after another.

Miraculously, none of the earth spirits in this hall degenerated into troggs, and they still maintained their original appearance when they were sleeping.

"Wake up! Guardian of the Earth, Azadas, this world needs your power once again!"


Under Alonaya's call, Azadas's body finally began to move, and he shook a larger piece of stone debris from his body.

"Who dares to wake me up? Who is the file coveting the guardian's treasure?"

Azadas' short-term amnesia symptoms were more serious than Elonaya's. UU Reading he couldn't even remember why he fell asleep here for a while, and why he saw several dangerous flesh and blood creatures when he woke up.

"Despicable flesh and blood invaders!"

The dazed Azadas subconsciously raised the warhammer in his hand, and slammed it on Sharlayan and the others.


Ailonaya tried to block Azadas' sudden attack, but the hateful hammer was so powerful that Ailonaya only resisted for a moment before being crushed to one knee.

No matter how bad he is at fighting, Azadas is also a serious titan guardian, and he still has the strength of a standard-level demigod.


Alonnaya snorted, and said with difficulty: "Azadas, calm down! It's me, Alonnaya!"

Sharlayan shook his head: "I'm quite angry when I wake up... It's hard to get him to listen in a short time, so we can only fight one game first."

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