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Chapter 473: world line divergence

Lianda Sunstrider, Sharlayan had heard the name from Kael'thas.

Due to the low birth rate of the high elves, the Sunstrider royal family has only one direct heir in Kael'thas' generation.

Although Lianda can also be named Sunstrider, her blood relationship with Kael'thas is already very weak, not even close relatives.

Before the establishment of Quel'Thalas, the Sunstriders were a relatively well-known family among the Highborne, and there were quite a few side members.

Lianda's ancestor and Dath'Rema are clan brothers. In the words of barrage, Kael'thas and Lianda's generation have already produced five servers.

The problem of the thin population of the Sunstrider family has aroused the vigilance of all walks of life in Quel'Thalas.

Since Dath'Remar, the Sunstrider family has been conscientiously ruling Quel'Thalas. Even though the Silvermoon Council has repeatedly slandered the reputation of the Sunstrider family, it has not shaken their status in the hearts of the high elves.

Once Kael'thas died unexpectedly, there was not even a single member of the Sunstrider family who could take over the throne.

That's why Anasteria was all in favor of Sharlayan's genetic engineering plans when he heard about them.

Inas's genetic engineering research from the beginning to the present, the research progress cannot be said to be smooth sailing, but at least there is no need to worry about resources, it is definitely enough.

For the high elves with a long lifespan, Kael'thas is still very young, and there is still enough time to wait for the day when Inas comes out with the research results.

High elves with plenty of time are not afraid of waiting, but they are afraid of not seeing hope.

Just like the sad-faced King of the Stormwind Kingdom in front of Sharlayan.

King Llane died young, leaving only his own child, Varian.

This is obviously not normal or safe for humans, who have a high fertility rate compared to high elves.

Once Varian died unexpectedly due to unexpected circumstances, in order to maintain the power of the Wrynn family, the kingship would inevitably fall to other branches of the Wrynn family.

According to Varian himself, he has two princely uncles and two married aunts who are eyeing the throne.

The reason why the nobles of the Stormwind Kingdom dare to be so rampant now is probably because those Wrynn offshoots who covet the throne are inevitably fueling the flames.

When they first got married, Varian disliked that Queen Tiffin's background was too low, and he had little common topics with him.

Queen Tiffin came from a little-known noble family. Due to the different education she received since she was a child, the relationship between her and Varian was very tense when she first got married.

But now Varian must be thankful for the wise decision left by his father, King Ryan. Fortunately, he did not hand over the position of queen to those high-ranking nobles, otherwise... he may be a trustworthy person in the harem of Stormwind Fortress Can't find it.

Varian's problems were worse than those of the Sunstrider royals.

Except for the military power still in hand, and the big Stormwind Kingdom, Varian couldn't find a few courtiers who could truly trust.

Sharlayan was not a soft-hearted person. Varian sneaked out of the palace to ask him what to do. He didn't hide it, and suggested that Varian should directly attack him.

With the support of Gavin Ladd, the Wrynn royal family still holds military power, which means that those nobles can only use dirty political means to force Varian to retreat step by step.

Varian is not stupid, he can clearly see the undercurrent surging in Stormwind Fortress.

Queen Tiffin was suddenly assassinated when she went out to condolences to rebuild the Brotherhood of Stonemasons in Stormwind City.

Varian was furious when he heard the news, and all the members of the Brotherhood of Masons were almost imprisoned for torture and interrogation. It was only after Queen Tiffin persuaded Varian to calm down his anger.

The reason why the Queen personally came forward to condolences to the Brotherhood of Masons was because the nobles were reluctant to fulfill their original promises and did not want to spend money to pay the salaries of the craftsmen, which led to the annoyed protest of the craftsmen who were owed wages.

Varian wanted to give it, but the treasury of the kingdom, which was in a state of ruins, could not afford the money for the time being.

At the beginning, the nobles patted their chests and promised that they would pay the funds, but they suddenly backtracked at the end, making Varian and Tiffin's teeth itch.

Apparently there was another mastermind behind the assassination, not the intention of the Brotherhood of Masons.

Queen Tiffin was very transparent and did not embarrass those poor craftsmen who could not get their salaries. After the assassination, she even summoned Edwin Van Cleef, the leader of the Brotherhood of Stonemasons, and told the family leader about the arrears of wages. The head craftsman of the mouth.

This trick of bringing misfortune to the east temporarily relieved the pressure and reputation crisis faced by the royal family, and successfully transferred the anger of the Mason Brotherhood to those aristocrats who turned their backs on their promises.

Gu Dai

According to the information provided by the barrage, in the original history, Queen Tiffin died in this inexplicable riot.

Losing Queen Tiffin's good helper, Varian furiously tried to execute all the stonemasons.

With the help of some "righteous men" who couldn't bear to torture innocent people, Edwin Van Cleef led the Brotherhood of Stonemasons to escape from prison, and then hid in the dead mines in the western wilderness, turning into the notorious Defias Brotherhood.

The turmoil of the Defias Brotherhood lasted for many years, and had a very serious impact on the revival of the Stormwind Kingdom.

Sharlayan was very familiar with the person who secretly instigated the Mason Brotherhood riot in the original history. It was the black dragon princess Onyxia who was chatting with Valeera and Stellagosa at the moment.

Or... the Countess of Prestor.

Latania's conspiracy skills are not as sophisticated as Onyxia's. She was not cautious enough in planning the riot of the Mason Brotherhood, and failed to kill Queen Tiffin with one blow, which led to a series of subsequent historical differences.

Sarlayan told Varian the possible consequences of Queen Tiffin's death, which really shocked him into a cold sweat.

Varian couldn't imagine how hysterical he would be without Tiffin's support, and maybe those conspirators would really seize the opportunity to dethrone the throne in one fell swoop.

Part of the barrage raised doubts at this time.

【No, I remember Anduin was born when the masonry brotherhood rioted, right? 】

[That's right, this incident was moved forward a few years. 】

[Obviously, the female black dragon named Latania was not patient enough, and before the anger of the Stonemason Brotherhood reached its peak, the conflict was detonated impatiently, causing the conflict between the craftsmen and the royal family to be less intense than expected. 】

【Tiffin is not dead, and Varian will not give up on himself, so it must be considered that he escaped a catastrophe. 】

【Fortune comes with misfortune, misfortune comes with blessing. 】

[Although he escaped the crisis of soul splitting, Varian also lost a lot of opportunities because of this. I am afraid that it will be difficult to grow into the Supreme King of the Alliance who is admired by countless people. 】

【Harmful! If Varian were to choose, I think he would be more willing to save his wife's life than his own growth. 】

After avoiding this catastrophe, Varian began to consider how to fight back.

Although it is no secret that Tiffin went out to appease the Brotherhood of Masons, the timing of the assassination was too ingenious, and the time and place were just right.

If it wasn't for Pasonia Shaw who happened to be patrolling nearby, maybe those assassins would have succeeded.

As a result, Varian's trust in the servants in Stormwind Fortress plummeted, so he hid in Bolvar's home to meet Sharlayan in secret, seeking advice from outsiders who had no domestic interests involved.

Varian in this timeline is still very immature. Sharlayan gave a tough idea to solve the problem, but he was worried about causing civil strife in the kingdom, so he was still unable to make up his mind.

It wasn't until Sarlayan revealed a series of possible consequences of Queen Tiffin's death that Varian's demeanor changed visible to the naked eye.

"If you don't do anything, they may continue to attack you and Queen Tiffin."

Sharlayan reminded solemnly: "Is there any reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days in this world? It is better to strike first and completely cut off their dog's paws."

"Damn it! Those rebellious officials and thieves who have no king and no father!"

There was a cold light in Varian's eyes. It was about the safety of his family. He finally made up his mind to rectify the chaos of the nobles' arbitrary power in the kingdom.

That's all for the time being about the domestic affairs of the Stormwind Kingdom.

Using the army to attack the nobles will inevitably trigger a new round of internal turmoil.

In order to divert the public's attention as much as possible, Varian hopes to strengthen trade with Quel'Thalas and bring more novelty products produced by the high elves to the Kingdom of Stormwind.

"This question... I dare not make a claim."

Sharlayan spread his hands: "I will pass on your request to His Majesty Kael'thas, and attach my personal suggestion. Ambassador Lorian Sunshade will continue to contact you on the follow-up matters."

"Your Majesty Varian, I have come to Stormwind City this time for other important matters. I hope that I can get the assistance of SI:7 on this matter."

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