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Chapter 474: The Name of the Stormstout

Communication between people pays attention to reciprocity, and it is the same between countries.

Sharlayan helped Varian make suggestions, and promised to help persuade the Sun King to strengthen exchanges with the Kingdom of Stormwind, and Varian would naturally reciprocate.

Knowing that Sharlayan wanted to find the whereabouts of a pandaren in Stormwind City, Varian agreed to his request without saying a word.

"Matias, come out."

At Varian's call, a young man in black leather armor stepped out of the shadows and knelt in front of Varian.

"Your Majesty, please tell me."

Varian introduced to Sarlayan, who still looked calm: "This is Mathias Shaw, the grandson of Pasonia, the leader of SI:7, and her chosen future successor."

"Madias, you should have heard what I discussed with Earl Deep Shadow, right?"

There is no doubt that those who can be brought by the frightened Varian are those he can completely trust.

Mathias's appearance and figure are mediocre, it is difficult to attract attention when placed in the crowd, and he has an excellent spy background.

From this point of view, Valeera, who is too good-looking, is actually at a disadvantage.

But fortunately, the main mission entrusted to Valeera by the Sunstrider royal family is to fully assist Sharlayan, so she doesn't need to go to the front line to collect information in person.

Mathias lowered his head slightly and replied, "Yes, I will arrange for 'Fingers' to investigate the whereabouts of that pandaren."

Sharlayan doesn't quite understand Mathias' insider slang, and he doesn't plan to delve into it, as long as he can get a satisfactory result.

According to the deal between Sharlayan and Varian, in the next period of time, Onyxia will temporarily return to her old job, playing the role of the Countess of Prestor, stabilizing those nobles who are about to move, and mobilizing for Varian. The army stalls for time.

Since Latania couldn't control her messing around with her lower body, Onyxia had no interest in this vest with a tarnished reputation.

After reluctantly cooperating with the Wrynn royal family to perform this final scene, she planned to make the "Countess of Prestor" completely withdraw from the stage of history.

The vest of the Countess of Prestor was originally managed by Onyxia alone. Although she was taken away by La Tania in the middle, it didn't cost Onyxia much to take over the network channel that she had cultivated by herself. effort.

The nobles were very puzzled by Countess Prestor's **** change again, but they didn't take it seriously. They only thought that she had played enough and wanted to calm down for a while.

The banquet hosted by Bolvar ended smoothly. The disappearance of Latania and Lutabian did not arouse anyone's vigilance, and the nobles didn't even know that Varian had been to the Duke's mansion.

During the two-pronged search of Onyxia using the nobles' contacts and Mathias dispatching SI:7 thieves, Salayan quickly obtained information related to the pandaren.


"Hiss~" Sharlayan twitched the corner of his mouth and complained, "That guy can really run, and he really plans to travel all over the continent."

After verification by both SI7 and noble channels, Salayan finally knew the name of the pandaren.

Cheng Bo Storm Spirits.

[Storm spirits? element awareness. 】

[Who can tell me about the origin of Cheng Bo? Could it be related to Lao Chen? 】

【Ah...Cheng Bo, isn't this person Lili's father and Lao Chen's brother? 】

After the barrage of explanations, Sharlayan roughly straightened out his thinking.

Stormstout is a large family of pandaren.

Just like their name, the Stormstout family is famous for its brewing technology and owns a large-scale brewery in the Valley of the Four Winds in Pandaria.

...But this has no direct connection with Cheng Bo and Lao Chen's lineage.

As early as many years ago, the ancestors of Cheng Bo and Chen left Pandaria with Liu Lang, the great pandaren adventurer, and took the great turtle Shen-zin Zi to adventure around the world.

Gu Yi

After Liu Lang passed away, the adventure enthusiasm of the pandaren on the Wandering Isle gradually faded, and they lived and worked in peace and contentment on the back of Shen-zin Zi.

But among the descendants of these adventurers, there will still be adventurous descendants from time to time, and Cheng Bo is one of them.

[Don't look at Cheng Bo becoming more stable after getting married. According to Lao Chen, his elder brother was also a great adventurer who traveled all over the world when he was young. 】

[True, once a man has a family, he can't afford it anymore, **** sense of responsibility. 】

According to the time estimate, the old Chen mentioned in the bullet screen is still very young at the moment, and he is still learning monk skills at the Wuchen Temple on the Wandering Island. It is his brother Cheng Bo Storm Spirit who is traveling.

Whether it is Chen or Cheng Bo, it doesn't make any difference to Sharlayan, as long as they know that they are pandaren from the Wandering Isle.

"But... Stranglethorn Valley."

Sharlayan touched the corner of his eyebrows with some headaches: "Isn't that a good place, and you have to deal with trolls again?"

Stranglethorn Vale is the inherent territory of the jungle trolls, ruled by the Gurubashi, the suzerain clan of the jungle trolls, with its capital in Zul'Gurub.

As a high elf, Sharlayan had some "communications" with forest trolls when he was very young. Not long ago, he had a big fight with frost trolls, and now he will encounter forest trolls again.

"Who's next? Zandalari trolls?"

Valeera rolled her eyes: "Don't think so far, the road has to be taken step by step."

"When do you plan to leave? If it's late, maybe that pandaren has changed places again."

"No, I don't think it's that easy."

Sharlayan's expression was a bit weird: "Stranglethorn Vale is not a peaceful and peaceful area like Elwynn Forest. You must know that jungle trolls still eat people to this day, and pandaren are nothing more than food reserves in their eyes. .”

"Cheng Bo still has a long way to go to cross the Stranglethorn Valley to reach the southern cape, and there are many 'surprises' waiting for him along the way."

Stranglethorn Vale is a mixed area. Jungle trolls are mainly active in the northern river valley area and around the capital Zul'Gurub.

The Cape area to the south is pirate-infested, where two different pirate groups fight each other, the Bloodsail Pirates and the Blackwater Pirates.

The Blackwater Pirates is a subsidiary organization established by the Goblin Blackwater Consortium, backed by the wealthy Goblin Trade Prince. The development of the Blackwater Pirates went smoothly until they encountered the more powerful Bloodsail Pirates in Stranglethorn Vale.

Sharlayan had heard of the name of the Bloodsail Pirates long ago, not from the barrage, but from King Daelin Proudmoore of Kul Tiras.

According to Daelin, Farrewell, the leader of the Bloodsail pirates, was originally a noble from Kul Tiras. During the orc invasion period, he led an army to go overseas, and was trapped in the sea by accident and could not return home.

According to the regulations of the Kul Tiras Admiralty, admirals who failed to complete their maritime military missions and returned would be considered as defectors.

Falrewell knew how strict Daelin was in managing his subordinates. After making a big mistake, he didn't dare to return to Kul Tiras brazenly. established a large pirate organization called Bloodsail.

Most of the pirates in Azeroth are not good enough. Farrewell led this regular navy from Kul Tiras to join, completely overturning people's perception of the humble profession of pirates.

In just a few From the Eastern Kingdom to Kalimdor, legends related to Bloodsail pirates can be heard in almost every port.

They did all kinds of evil, burned, killed, and looted. They accumulated a lot of wealth in the few years after the end of the Second Orc War, and even formed a deadly enemy with the goblins who were speculating everywhere.

It is said that the Blackwater Pirates were originally formed to deal with the Bloodsail Pirates, but this news has not been confirmed.

With the investment of the Goblin Trade Prince of the Blackwater Consortium regardless of cost, the Blackwater Pirates gradually gained the strength to compete head-on with the Bloodsail Pirates.

The headquarters of these two pirates are located in the cape area in the south of Stranglethorn Vale. No matter on land or at sea, the two sides will fight once they meet. Even the naval fleet of Kul Tiras is unwilling to rashly intervene in this sea area.

"In any case, we are still going to Stranglethorn Valley."

After pondering for a while, Sharlayan raised his head and said to Little Xingxing and Valeera: "We should try to find Cheng Bo's whereabouts as soon as possible. With the bold nature of a pandaren adventurer, I'm worried that he will sneak onto a pirate's ship and smuggle to Cali. Mudo."

【...Don't say it, it's really possible. 】

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