Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 475: weird goblin

"Live: Azeroth (

At this point in time, there are not many forces capable of traveling between Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms by sea.

Excluding Kul Tiras and Zandalar, there are only Bloodsail Pirates and Blackwater Pirates, two great pirate forces that roam the seas.

Goblins have businesses all over Azeroth, and they can even sell their own mother if they can see a profit.

The goblins are based in Kezan, an offshore archipelago where open oil is everywhere.

Sharlayan was very interested in oil, a new energy source, but he really didn't dare to fight the goblins for food.

Don't look at the goblins who are joking about doing business most of the time. Once their small coffers are endangered, the goblins with a friendly attitude of making money immediately become renounced.

[In our world, goblins have another name. 】

[Street lamp regulars... Ah bah, capitalist. 】

【Grass! Is it okay to be a frequent visitor of street lamps, but is it hung on the street lamps all the year round? 】

[Facebook's lizard man Zach, what about you. 】

[Lizardman, hahaha! I can't laugh anymore! 】

Sharlayan: "?"

Sharlayan could understand what was said in front of the barrage, it was nothing more than ridiculing that capitalists should be hung on street lamps, but that lizard man... He really couldn't catch the joke.

The goblin's physical fitness is very poor, and it is not the same as the equally short dwarf.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the inherent disadvantages of physical conditions that the brains of these two races are very easy to use, and each has developed a set of special fighting methods that do not rely on physical abilities.


The goblin's engineering philosophy is to explode, and engineering products that don't explode are definitely not made by goblins.

Due to the large amount of oil near the Kezan Islands, goblin engineering products are powered by oil, while gnomes use powerful steam engines.

Nowadays, the new roads paved in Eversong Forest are all made of asphalt, and asphalt is obtained by refining oil.

There is no large-scale oil-producing area in the Eastern Kingdom, at least temporarily unable to find it with Quel'Thalas' existing oil exploration technology.

Except for the Kezan Islands occupied by goblins, the only way to find open-pit oil is to go to Kalimdor across the ocean.

The oil obtained by Quel'Thalas comes from Un'Goro Crater. The local open-pit oil fields have been captured by the people of the Earl of Deep Shadow, and they are continuing to extract oil.

Officials in Quel'Thalas are not too fond of this dirty-looking energy material. With the infinite energy provided by the sunwell, most of the time it does not use oil.

Considering the crisis that the Sunwell might face in the future, Sharlayan took precautions to take over the oil field in the Un'Goro Crater, hoping that the oil could be used as a temporary supplement when the Sunwell went wrong.

Although the Bloodsail Pirates and Blackwater Pirates are rampant, they dare not offend the Kul Tiras fleet at sea.

The oil produced from Un'Goro Crater will be transported to the sea through the South Seaport built by the Tauren in the Tanaris Desert.

The transport fleet of Kul Tiras sent it across the sea to Sunsail Port in Quel'Thalas, and then transported it all the way to the Earl of Deep Shadow for refining and processing.

With the current situation in Quel'Thalas, Sharlayan's demand for oil production is not urgent, so there is no need to tear faces with the goblins.

Goblins are unprofitable guys, and they have discovered the existence of South Sea Port and the oil produced by Un'Goro Crater long ago.

There really is a trade prince who wants money and life trying to **** this crude oil transportation route.

Then, he was taught to be a man by the invincible naval fleet of Kul Tiras.

The goblins assisted the orcs in building ships during the Second War of the Orcs, in order to deceive the orcs from the gold coins and property looted from the Stormwind Kingdom.

The orcs have no interest in those soft metal items that humans like, and they were coaxed away by goblins without knowing it. Most of their belongings were exchanged for some low-quality second-hand ships.

Daelin Proudmoore had a clear love and hate, and the goblins helped the orcs, and he always remembered it.

This time the goblin took the initiative to die, just for him to find a chance to vent, and the fleet that caught the goblin was beaten violently.

After sinking the goblin fleet that dared to **** Kul Tiras merchant ships at sea, Daelin even led the main fleet to surround the Kezan Islands, frightening the trading princes on the island who were busy having fun.

The goblin civilization has never had the concept of a king, and everything they do is based on money. The trade prince who has the most resources is the real power figure in the goblin clan.

But there was more than one trade prince. Under the threat of Daelin's troops approaching the city, the trade princes hurriedly held an internal meeting, and quickly caught the unlucky guy who attracted Kul Tiras.

The subsequent development of the situation went very smoothly. This daring trade prince was mercilessly pushed out by his compatriots, hoping to use him to appease Daelin's anger.

The trade princes were originally in a competitive relationship with each other. Kicking a person out just happened to **** the resources in his hands. They didn't hesitate to do it, but they laughed out loud in the crisis.

Daelin didn't have the slightest liking for the goblins who live and die for money. After throwing the fat-headed trade prince off the boat to feed the sharks in public, he kept his promise and turned the bow of the boat to evacuate.

The other goblin trade princes showed no mercy for the deaths of their compatriots, and instead set off a carnival on the island, celebrating the lucrative gains made by their respective factions.

This kind of magical scene can only be seen here in the goblin.

Afterwards, Daelin smiled wryly when he talked about this to Sharlayan.

At that time, he really wanted to use this as an excuse to teach the goblin a lesson, but those guys who had no concept of family protection didn't let him find an excuse, and betrayed the offending trade prince without hesitation.

On the way from Stormwind City to Stranglethorn Vale, Sharlayan told Valeera and Stellagosa about this incident as a joke, and the two were also full of disbelief after hearing this.

Valeera: "The he really so unscrupulous?"

Stellagosa rubbed the center of her brows: "I have never heard of this kind of race that can abandon everything for money."

Valeera curled her lips, apparently she didn't like the goblins, a race that was so shameless and all about money.

"Sharlayan, are you sure that the Kezan Islands where the goblins are located have a lot of oil reserves?"

"Don't Dai Lin still want to beat them up violently? Shall we use phishing to enforce the law?"

Sharlayan shook his head: "Although the social rules of goblins are weird, they are all very smart and not so easy to be fooled."

"Let's stop this matter for the time being. With the goblin's mercenary style of acting, I will definitely have the opportunity to 'deal' with them in the future. At that time, let them spit out their from Stormwind City needs to pass through Duskwood to go to Stranglethorn Vale.

Sharlayan didn't like this area that was always shrouded in magical clouds, so he simply raised his altitude and passed over the clouds.

After descending into Stranglethorn Valley, the sweltering hot and humid air came oncoming. Before they had advanced far, Valeera and Stellagosa's bodies were drenched with sweat.

"What the **** is this weather?"

While pulling the leather armor to fan the wind, Valeera complained, "The last time I went to the Tanaris Desert, I didn't feel so uncomfortable. My whole body feels like I'm soaking in water."

Sharlayan landed on the ground and turned back into a human form, and explained to Valeera with a chuckle: "How can it be the same."

"The Tanaris Desert was originally a tropical rainforest, but the activation of the Furnace of Origin has completely changed the landscape there."

"Although the sun in the desert area is very hot, but because the air is dry, as long as you cover your head that is exposed to the sun, the body feels comfortable, and the hot and humid rainforest I need to introduce it?"

Stellagosa tried to use ice spells to cool down around the three of them. Since it took a lot of mana to maintain it for a long time, Valeera, who complained the most, took the initiative to stop.

"Forget it, we have business to do, we're not out for a trip, let's try to overcome it, it can be regarded as gaining some knowledge."

Valeera and Stellagosa have been acting together for a long time, and the two have already adapted to each other's existence.

Stellagosa's personality is not tough, and she gets along very well with Valeera.

Before Sharlayan spoke, Valeera felt sorry for Little Xingxing's mana consumption.

Sharlayan: "...Did I come at a bad time?"

【Valeera: No, you came just in time. 】

[Grass, there is a picture. 】

[233, what is against the harem. 】

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