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Chapter 808: Eye drops before departure

Although the loyal Saint Jie was induced to fall to the sky by someone unknown, she did not give up the task that Gristia had given earlier, and the space channel from the promotion to the fortress to Olympos was still firmly closed.

Unable to enter the promotion fortress through formal channels, Sharlayan had to find another way.

Fortunately, among the secret passages shared by Bwonsamdi, there are also links between Maldraxxus and the Bastion of Promotion.

Speaking of Bwonsamdi, Salayan suddenly thought of Muezara who was imprisoned in the heartwood forest underground prison.

After the turmoil in the Blazing Wilderness ended, the core members of the Magic Night Royal Court, including Elliott and Moonberry, were excited, hoping that the chief culprit who had troubled the Blazing Wilderness for many years would get the punishment he deserved.

But considering the longer term, the Winter Queen did not rush to execute Muezara, and it turned out that her decision was correct.

Muezala is a life-saving person. Under the severe torture of the Night King Court, he revealed a large amount of evidence that Denathrius attempted to rebel without any psychological burden.

But it was only limited to Denathius, who had a disagreement with Muezala. When asked about information related to Zovall, he pretended to be stupid and didn't know anything.

With the evidence now in the hands of the Winter Queen, it is enough to prove that Denathrius broke the oath of the Eternals to guard the Shadow Realm forever.

But having the evidence is one thing, and being able to bring Denathius to justice is another.

You can guess it with your toes, Denathrius will not be caught without a fight.

Among the Eternals, Denathius' combat power is second only to Zovar and the Master of War, ranking in the middle, and the bottom two are just Winter Queen and Gristia.

And unlike the Winter Queen who likes to touch fish and Gristia who has poor governance methods, the overall combat effectiveness of the introverted Revendres is also better than Blazing Fairy and Promotion Fortress.

In the absence of a military master to lead the flight, Sharlayan was skeptical about whether the Queen of Winter and Gristia could take Denathrius down.

Ascension to Fortress A sudden civil strife made the situation even worse, and the Winter Queen alone was even more difficult to support.

For the current plan, we can only hold back temporarily, and wait until the three major countries have settled their household chores before launching a unified attack.

Coincidentally, the entrance of the secret passage confessed by Muerzala was near the secret courtyard of creation, which saved Sare's search all over the world.

Before parting, under the vigilant gaze of the three of Valeera, Sarlayan took the Marquis of Stradama who had come to deliver the letter to exchange a few words in private.

Don't get me wrong, there is no adultery, the two are discussing business.

Although the Ritual Academy cut its tail in time to survive and barely obtained the understanding of the three secret academy of the Military Master Faction, Sharlayan will not let go of the pile of grass that may jump back at any time.

He told the Marquis of Stradama the detailed coordinates of the secret research of time spells and secret laboratories in the Ritual Academy.

Since the two barons were temporarily dispatched to the secret courtyard of creation, Kexus could only crouch in the secret courtyard of soul selection to handle government affairs in person.

After the civil war, the Academy of Eyes sent a large number of temporarily recalled scouts back to their original posts.

Akalek is doing his best to follow up and collect the latest information from all parts of the Shadowlands, and temporarily has no time to do other things. The matter of investigating the secret academy of rituals and researching forbidden spells can only be handed over to the relatively leisurely Marquis of Stradama.

"A forbidden time spell..."

Stradama's main research is alchemy, but it doesn't mean she only knows alchemy.

As a demigod-level spellcaster, Stradama is familiar with various spell schools, and has a superficial understanding of time spells.

Although this understanding was superficial, it was at least enough for her to realize the danger of secretly studying forbidden spells in the Ritual Academy.

"I see." The Marquis of Stradama solemnly promised: "I will discuss with Akalek and ask him to dispatch a team of elite scouts to me, and the Withering Secret Academy will fully take charge of this matter."

Sharlayan finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Then you are bothering you. Originally, I wanted to find time to deal with it by myself, but right now I really can't get away."

Stradama said understandingly: "Don't worry, it's my duty to protect Maldraxxus."

"You still have more important tasks. Everything is done with the overall situation in mind. I hope you can successfully achieve your goals during this trip."

Being able to sit on the position of the Marquis of the five secret courts of Maldraxus, Stradama is by no means pure love brain.

The three of Valeera were very wary of the handsome Stradama, but after getting to know each other for a period of time, Sharlayan let down her guard against the former queen.

Because he knew that, at least until the Shadow Realm returned to peace, this highly ambitious woman would never abandon the public because of selfishness.

After telling Durotan, who was full of energy, and Wilfred, who was depressed when he learned that his stomach was still alive, Sharlayan entrusted Stellagosa to use space magic to activate the link between Maldraxxus and the promotion. The secret space passage of the fortress.

The comfort level of this unofficial passage is quite bad. When Sharlayan stepped into it first, he felt as if he was thrown into a drum washing machine and swayed around.

It was the first time for Sharlayan and his party to use such a bumpy space passage.

When the seemingly endless rotation ended, the four of them were thrown out of the passage one after another, and came to a large plain with bright sunshine and the fragrance of birds and flowers.

However, at this time Sharlayan's team members had no time to appreciate the beautiful scenery around them.


Even the three humanoid dragons with strong physique were lying on the ground and retching non-stop, let alone Valeera, who was leaning against a big rock with a pale face at this moment, her eyes staring blankly. looking at the sky.

"...This is too much to suffer. Could it be that our entering posture is wrong?"

"Ahem!" Sharlayan coughed twice before he managed to suppress the dizzying nausea: "Maybe, after all, this is the first time we use this unofficial space channel, and there may be something wrong with the method we use."


Stellagosa smiled wryly and rubbed her throbbing temples: "Anyway, we finally reached our destination smoothly."

Onyxia, who had the strongest physique, had recovered one step earlier, and looked around with interest.

"Is this the fortress of promotion? My first impression is indeed much better than that of Maldraxxus, which is dimly lit all year round."

If the sky of Blazing Blue Fairyland is the eternal night dotted with bright stars, Maldraxxus is the last darkness before dawn.

Compared with these two countries, the promotion fortress undoubtedly represents a bright day.

Sharlayan boldly speculated that the sky in Revendreth might be the dark hue of dusk, which corresponds to Maldraxxus before dawn.

Leaving Onyxia to help take care of Valli, LS Leian and Stellagosa who were still adjusting, they maintained their human form, and each opened a pair of dragon wings behind their backs, flapping their wings and rising into the sky.

Looking down from the Stellagosa first saw a majestic floating building complex in the west.

Comparing the map of the promotion fortress provided by Akalek, the two can basically confirm that their foothold should be near the Temple of Courage on the central and western border of the promotion fortress.

But at this time, the Temple of Courage was already empty, leaving only a mess in the temple.

The center of Maldraxxus is the Theater of Sorrows, and the core area of ​​Blazing Wilderness is the Forest Heart Temple.

The ruling center of the promotion fortress, Bliss Fort, is not on the ground, but a floating fortress in the northeast of the promotion fortress.

According to the latest information provided by Akalek, the pure St. Javier Syfone and the loyal St. Jedvos have joined forces and are directly pointing their swords at the Fort of Elysium, which hangs alone in the sky.

At the moment when Saint Jie of Courage, Saint Jie of Humility and Saint Jie of Wisdom were injured one after another, and Gristia couldn't keep her self-contained, the advance of the rebel army was very terrifying.

They have broken through the important stronghold in the center of the promotion fortress - Heroes' Rest, and are preparing to launch a general attack on Fort of Elysium.

"Tsk! Face the decisive battle directly?"

Sharlayan felt quite a headache about this: "If this is the case, we don't have much room for maneuvering."


Onyxia looked at the vaguely visible outline of Fort Elysium in the distance, and thoughtfully said: "Visy Fergie fell to the sky on her own because of her ideas, but De Vos' situation is different."

"Perhaps, she will become the best entry point for us to change the situation in the promotion fortress."

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