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Chapter 809: Into the enemy camp

Loyal to St. Jedworth, in the original history known by the barrage, she was the first to betray the promotion of the fortress.

It is really ironic to say that Sheng Jieju, who was dubbed loyal, betrayed Gristia after long persuasion to no avail. This shows how bad the eldest daughter's governing skills are.

Due to Gristia's "outstanding" training, most of the high-level birdmen promoted to the fortress have a single mind, and it is difficult to change their minds about things they have already decided.

It is understandable that the pure Saint Javier Syfone, who cannot accept Gristia's double standard, has fallen into the sky. De Vos's betrayal without warning is indeed worthy of in-depth exploration. Maybe it is her who will unravel the situation.

Sharlayan looked up at the heavily guarded Hero's Sleep: "Oni, do you have any suggestions?"

Onyxia put her chin in one hand and pondered for a while: "For the rebels who are eager to reform and promote the inhuman rules of the Fortress, the fact that they are about to attack Fortress of Elysium will let them see the possibility of their ideal success. Will be very excited."

"When people concentrate on a certain point in front of them, it is easy to relax their guard against the rear."

Onyxia smiled meaningfully: "The rebel army pushed all the way from the Peak of Purity in the southeast of the Promotion Fortress and the Loyalty Fortress in the northwest, and they didn't join forces until Heroes' Rest."

"At the moment when the external passages have been completely closed, it is impossible for De Vos and Visie Forgne to guess that there will be uninvited guests in their respective rear areas, and the defenses in the captured rear areas will definitely be relaxed."

"We can take this opportunity to disguise, sneak into the Hero's Sleep from the rear of the rebels, and investigate the whole story of DeVos' fall from a close distance."

Onyxia pointed to the unrecovered dragon wings behind Salayan and Stellagosa.

"Little Xingxing cast illusions on the four of us respectively. The three of us spread out our dragon wings to pretend to be winged Forsworn, and Valeera can pretend to be a candidate to serve us."

"Hmm..." Sharlayan thought about it for a while: "It should be feasible. With the rebel army strictly blocking the road leading to Fort Elysium, I can't think of a better way for a while, so let it be."

"and many more."

Valeera, who was gradually recovering, said with a dissatisfied face: "Why can you all fly, and I am the only one who wants to pretend to be a candidate for the floor flow?"

Onyxia spread her hands jokingly: "Otherwise? The three of us have wings, and there is no pressure to pretend to be Kyrian. If you want to blame, you can blame yourself for being born into the wrong race."

Valeera squinted her eyes and stared at Onyxia: "What? You want to exclude me based on racial differences? It's not that easy!"

Sare pretended not to understand Valeera's pun, and turned to look at Stellagosa with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Stella, can you do it?"

Little Xingxing nodded confidently without hesitation: "Illusion of this level is not difficult, as long as we are not directly swept away by dispel magic, no one will recognize our real body."

Sharlayan solemnly ordered: "Alright then, start casting spells, and pay attention to adjusting the skin color and wing color."

"No problem, leave it to me."

Because of Gristia's strict management, even though the fallen rebels had already attacked the gate of Bliss Fort, the soldiers still maintained a strong discipline, and there was no half-time celebration party with champagne.

The terrain of the promotion fortress is not very undulating, and many places are endless plains, in addition to some valleys and hills with little difference in height and height.

Hero's Rest is located right at the center of the Ascension Bastion, and is one of the most important Kyrian strongholds besides Elysium.

It can be said that after taking Heroes' Sleep, the rebel army is equivalent to approaching the city, and there is no danger to defend on the road to Bliss Castle.

The regular army of the promoted fortress retreated all the way and retreated across the board, shrinking all existing troops back to Fort Bliss.

In this way, at least it can prevent the enemy from relying on the superiority of numbers to push flatly, effectively reducing the defensive pressure on Fort Bliss.

There are only two kinds of intelligent races that can advance to the fortress, namely the Kyrians and the deacons.

Among them, the deacons are responsible for all kinds of logistical work for the promotion of the fortress, and usually do not directly participate in the battle.

Kyrians can be roughly divided into two categories, one is official Kyrians who have obtained wings through trials, and the other is Kyrian candidates who are still undergoing trials.

Undoubtedly, the number of candidates is far greater than that of full-time Kyrians. Candidates need to undergo multiple rigorous trials before they can qualify for promotion.

As the grassroots level of the promotion fortress that is most constrained by rules, most of the candidates are unwilling to be washed away their precious memories during their lifetime.

There were two sages shouting reform slogans at the front, and the candidates naturally took the opportunity to stand up and speak for themselves.

This also led to the fact that the number of candidates for the rebel army was far higher than that of the officials who were promoted to the fortress. It was normal that the small number of elite fighters like regular Grians could not stop the flood of human flesh.

If there is an air battle near Fort Bliss suspended in the air, the Wingless candidates will not be able to help, and the original numerical advantage of the rebels will be evened out, or even overtaken by a portion.

It was with this in mind that De Vos and Visy Fernie did not launch an offensive for a long time.


Valeera, who disappeared after entering the Hero's Sleep, suddenly appeared next to the three of Sharlayan.

"The one who doesn't want to attack rashly is the pure St. Javier Sieverne. She hopes to lure the army of Fort Elysium out to fight, so that the rebel army's numerical advantage can be maximized."

"And Devos was very aggressive. She clamored to gather all the Winged Forsworn to break through Fort Elysium in one go. The longer the time dragged on, the greater the variables."

Even if De Vos and Visifone can defeat the Three Saints together, they are definitely not Gristia's opponents.

The original intention of Vissy Fernie's fall to heaven was just to make Gristia, who was stubborn and shameless, give up the double-standard behavior and tell everyone the criteria and reasons for the priority selection of souls in the Shadow Realm.

As long as Gristia can be forced to show her face and do it herself, Vicy Forner believes that her goal has been achieved.

And DeVos...

Back at the hut assigned by the rebels to the four-person team, Valeera revealed on the soul link channel: "There is indeed someone behind Devos, and that is an ugly female swearer. She has been hiding behind the scenes for Devos. Si makes plans."

"If it is said that Visy Fergie just wants to force Gristia to make concessions, DeVos and the people behind her are not so pure."

"If that woman is really an inside agent bought by the warden, then...their ultimate goal will be revealed."

Sharlayan nodded solemnly: "The mark of the covenant of the promotion fortress, but that thing is kept in Gristia's hands. Are these rebels confident that they can defeat the Eternal?"

Valeera shrugged noncommittally: "Who Judging by De Vos's swearing attitude, maybe there is really something behind him."

Don't look at the barrage and jokingly say that Gristia is a rookie, but no matter what, she is a member of the Eternal, and her strength is a big realm higher than that of the demigod-level Shengjie.

When the little lion Anduin hurt her, it was actually the warden who instilled strength behind his back with the help of the Sorrow Sword, and it was by surprise that Gristia suffered a big loss.

If you can't take down Gristia, all your plans are just empty talk.

Sharlayan didn't think the warden would do such an unsure thing, that guy must still have some cards in his hand.

Under the current circumstances, the rebel army is still in full swing, but the two saints who are in charge of the highest authority in the army have a disagreement on how to attack Fort Bliss. It is not known when this hidden danger will break out.

De Vos' overly aggressive attitude made Valeera keenly aware of something wrong. She...or the people behind her seemed to be in a hurry and wanted to hurry.

"In a hurry...?"

Sharlayan narrowed his eyes slightly, and a flash of understanding suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"So that's it. It seems that Zovall is eager to complete his plan before reinforcements from other countries arrive. He will not allow anyone to stand in the way of realizing his ideal."

"If I'm not mistaken, De Vos may soon attack Vicy Fergie, who has been fighting against him."

"And it's also an opportunity for us to break the game."

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