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Chapter 841: Artificial volcano? All for you!

The Black Rock Mountain was not formed naturally, but a man-made...or elemental volcano that was forcibly pulled out of the ground by the impact of the power explosion of the Fire Lord Ragnaros.

You can guess with your butt, if you want to maintain this artificial volcano active for a long time, you need to consume a lot of energy.

Ragnaros came up with a very ingenious method. He handed over the runes connecting the elemental world of fire - the land of fire to a fire lord to guard them, and formed a large magic circle in the Molten Core.

During the existence of the magic circle, the Molten Core was equivalent to the projection of the Firelands on the material world of Azeroth.

Ragnaros can easily project his power to Azeroth, forming a powerful clone with 80% of his own power.

The Firelord is one of the oldest demigods in the history of Azeroth. Before the Titans and the ancient gods discovered Azeroth, the elements existed in the original Azeroth. The four elements interacted with each other. The conquest is endless.

Ragnaros was very powerful at his peak, and in terms of lethality alone, he was the king of the four elements.

Even with only 80% of the strength of the main body, Ragnaros' clone is definitely not something that mortals can defeat.

Sarlayan entrusted Stellagosa and Valeera to specifically ask the Hydraxia water element about this matter, and got their detailed answers.

In ancient times, the four elements succumbed to the dark empire assisted the ancient gods to fight against the guardians of the titans who came to Azeroth.

After the defeat of the Dark Empire, the four elements were stripped out of the material world by the Vrykul witch Hela, who sealed them in the four elemental subplanes.

To this day, the four elemental worlds including the land of flames have not been unsealed.

Without external assistance, Ragnaros would never be able to project such a powerful clone in the physical world.

After figuring out this problem, the Hydraxia water element can be traced.

Thanks to the information provided by the Dark Iron dwarves, the wise men of Hydraxia's water elements quickly found out the reason, and thus formulated a countermeasure to break the large magic circle in the Molten Core.

As long as the fire runes guarded by the fire elemental lords are extinguished, the magic circle that maintains the connection between the Firelands and the Molten Core will be weakened.

When the magic circle collapses, the Molten Core will gradually return to a normal underground cave, and the lava and volcanoes created by the influence of the Firelands will disappear.

The last and most critical core rune of the formation is guarded by Ragnaros himself, and he will certainly not sit back and watch the Molten Core that he has laid out for many years be shattered.

Sarlayan's plan is actually very simple, but the simplicity of the art of war does not mean that it is not easy to use.

In the past, he often resorted to beheading tactics in order to buy more time, but this time he did the opposite.

Sharlayan planned to use the essence of water given by Hydraxia's water element to extinguish all the runes guarded by the fire elemental lord, gradually weakening the effect of the magic circle, and at the same time weakening the strength of Ragnaros' clone.

According to the prediction of the Hydraxia water element, when all the runes on the periphery are extinguished, the strength of the Ragnaros avatar will be suppressed to only about 30% of the main body due to the sharp reduction of the home field advantage.

At that time, the clone of the Fire Demon King will no longer be difficult for mortals to defeat.

In order to prevent Ragnaros from being aware of the plot of the rebel army, Neptulon, who is far away in the throat of the abyss, will take the opportunity to summon the army to launch a surprise attack on the land of flames, dragging Ragnaros The attention of Gennaros himself.

This kind of good thing that can slap the deadly enemy in the face, Neptulon, who is already contrary to Ragnaros' position and has a deep hatred, will certainly not miss it.

He made a clear promise through the Duke of Hydraxis' connection with the water elemental of Hydraxia, and he will hold down Ragnaros with all his strength.

As long as he can persist until the end of the situation, Neptulon will be able to laugh loudly at the Fire Demon King without any scruples.

Since the Black Iron Dwarves are stationed far in the south of the central part of the Eastern Continent, if they swaggered to send troops from Eversong Forest, no matter by sea or land, it would definitely alarm many human and dwarf kingdoms along the way.

And this is obviously what Quel'Thalas, who claims to be civilized and peaceful, does not want to see.

Fortunately, with a sunwell with unlimited energy, Quel'Thalas can cheat and skip classes.

If it is relying on personal strength, it is impossible to open a large legion-level portal. The huge energy required to open the door alone can drain the mages dry.

With the active cooperation of the Dark Iron Dwarf conjurers under Dagran, the teleportation positioning rune was carved in advance in the Darkforge City at the bottom of Blackrock Abyss.

As long as the Sunwell provides sufficient energy, Quel'Thalas can teleport the already prepared army there without anyone noticing.

But even with the contribution of the Sunwell, the person responsible for manipulating this super-large portal is still human, and the number of people who can teleport is limited, at most a thousand people.

After receiving the news of the Backlight Blade, Kael'thas immediately summoned the cabinet members and the commanders of the major legions.

After some intense discussions, the Sun King finally made a decision.

The Ranger Troop and the Dawn Vanguard Corps, which are specialized in foreign wars, are the main combat forces, and other legions patched together to supplement them with some master mages who act as heavy firepower and priests who act as logistical treatment.

When Valeera, who got the essence of water, hurried to the capital of the Night Republic, intending to use the power of the new Well of Eternity to send it back to Quel'Thalas, the expeditionary army led by Sylvanas and Liadrin had already arrived. Go first.


In the depths of Darkforge City, in a deserted corner with a large number of teleportation runes engraved on the ground, a large-scale teleportation gate suddenly opened, and all the runes on the ground lit up without exception.

Due to the long-distance transmission of energy, the loss is extremely serious, and the maintenance time of the portal is very short.

Ten seconds later, the large portal quickly closed, leaving only 1,000 high elf elite soldiers in good condition.

Due to the extremely low fertility rate, the high elves cannot afford to die.

As long as there is a defeat in a war, it will take at least hundreds of years of self-cultivation to recover.

Therefore, since accepting the transformation of the Eternal Well energy and evolving from dark trolls to night elves, all branch races of elves have always adopted a policy of elite soldiers, even night elves are no exception.

However, due to the large population base of the night elves, just dispatching these thousands of selected soldiers can knock down any country in Azeroth. They are the undisputed strongest country in Azeroth.

Lordaeron's population of 50 million is already the highest in the Eastern Kingdoms, but compared with the night elves who have a population of 100 million and dominate half of Kalimdor, Lordaeron is just a younger brother.

In the original history, if the night elves had not suffered heavy losses as the absolute main force in the second invasion of the Burning Legion, and even sacrificed the world tree Nordrassil they depended on for survival, there would be no need to join the alliance after the war to protect themselves.

No kidding, the population of night elves at their peak is probably more than that of all countries in the alliance combined.

With Dagran's support, Sharlayan, who rushed from Alterac, sneaked into the depths of Darkforge City first. Liadrin and Cirvanas saw Sharlayan standing beside a group of dwarves at a glance. Ryan.

...No way, his height is really outstanding among the dwarves, and he is particularly conspicuous.

Dagran Thaurissan welcomed the elf warriors from afar as the host.

But for the next period of time, until Valeera arrived with the essence of water, the 1,000 elite soldiers could only be wronged temporarily to camp in this uninhabited corner.

Although the war with the Blackrock orcs drew most of the surrender faction's attention, they did not completely relax their surveillance of the city.

The race of the high elves is too obvious. Once they appear in the city of Darkforge, they will definitely attract the attention of the surrender faction.

At such a critical juncture, a slight mistake could lead to a total loss, and Dagland, who had invested heavily, could not afford such a loss, and had to prevent accidents as much as possible.

Even with Moira trying to delay the time, Daglan can't leave the throne for a long time, otherwise those capitulators who have been staring at him will definitely have doubts.

After briefly receiving several senior generals of the high elf army, Dagran hurried back to the Black Iron Throne with his followers.

Before the uprising officially launched, UU Reading still needed to play the role that the capitulation faction wanted him to play.

Salayan, who was busy in the world, hugged Liadrin who hadn't seen him for a long time... One thing to say, the sharp-edged armor on this girl made Salayan very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Cirvanas was only wearing light leather armor, the soft touch finally made Sharlayan calm down.

A faint voice suddenly came from behind Cirvanas.

"...Old friend, why don't you give me a hug? Are you so serious about **** over friends?"


Sharlayan looked suspiciously behind the helpless Cirvanas, and a handsome male ranger full of depression appeared in front of his eyes.

"Isn't this coming to Lars, so you are here too."

Ruston, who was already in a depressed mood, immediately blew up: "I've been here all the time! Could it be that your eyes can only see beautiful women? Why don't I remember that you are such a Sharlayan!"

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