Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 842: Sitting upright in the sky? Come down for me!

Lalas is now the leader of the Farstrider. As the only male of the Windrunner family, he will need to inherit the Windrunner's family business sooner or later.

In order to increase his knowledge and experience in commanding troops, Cirvanas deliberately applied to the Sun King, and he was also brought along in this surprise attack into the Molten Core.

Far Travelers is not an official organization, but an organization spontaneously founded by folks.

In principle, even the Sun King has no right to give orders to them.

That is to say, but when the Sun King lowered his figure and issued a commission in a private capacity, it is impossible for any leader of the Far Travelers to completely lose face.

Besides, Cirvanas was just following a procedure out of the public office he shouldered, so as to prevent civilians from entering the military camp to break the rules.

If you want to be serious, Cirvanas can force Lars to accompany her as a sister. Most people will choose to turn a blind eye to this kind of border violation.

Unless the territory and citizens of Quel'Thalas are in danger, the Farstriders, whose purpose is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of all Highborne and their descendants, will not send troops easily.

Laras only followed Cirvanas on the expedition this time in a private capacity, and his adjutant Halduron Brightwing stayed at the Farstrider camp to take care of daily affairs.

After many years, under the strict urging and teaching of many elder rangers, Lalas' strength has made great progress.

His ranger level has reached level 45, and he is not too far away from entering the legendary realm. The speed of his progress is even somewhat beyond Sharlayan's expectations.

But being self-motivated is always a good thing.

As the Scourge enters an active period, Azeroth is about to enter a precarious era again, and the forces of the Burning Legion and the ancient gods will jump out one after another to make trouble.

The stronger one's own strength, the greater the confidence to protect oneself and the important people around you, and protect the homeland on which you live.

If the timetable established in the original history is followed, there are still 3-4 years before the Scourge officially launches an attack.

However, due to the many changes that Sharlayan has made to important historical events, this time is not certain.

Under Kil'jaeden's urging, Ner'zhul may launch earlier or later, but it is unlikely that he will be able to accurately capture the original timeline.

Once Ner'zhul intends to officially announce the rise of the Scourge to the world, Kel'Thuzad will definitely find a way to inform Sharlayan of the news in advance, so that the guardian forces of Azeroth can have sufficient preparation time.

In short, the rise of the Scourge is an inevitable event, and the so-called Lich King is just a double **** of the Shadow Realm and the Burning Legion, and can only dance under their command.

Before one's own strength is not enough to deal with the unknown dangers that will inevitably be brought about by changing history, rashly taking action to destroy the Scourge will only lead to more serious consequences.

With Sharlayan's advance layout, it is impossible for the Scourge to cause irreparable damage to Azeroth like in the original history. At least Sarlayan will never allow Quel'Thalas to be breached by the Scourge.

As for Kil'jaeden's attempt to obtain the power of the Sunwell to summon the polluter Archimonde... Sharlayan also came up with countermeasures, but it was just a waste of time.

After discussing with the barrage, Sarlayan basically agreed with their views.

Archimonde the Defiler must come to Azeroth and die in Azeroth.

It's no joke that the amount of energy needed to revive great demons of the level of Archimonde and Kil'jaeden is an astronomical figure.

In the original history, Archimonde died for many years, and the Burning Legion still did not resurrect him as proof.

In other words, if Archimonde can be killed in Azeroth, the Polluter will semi-permanently withdraw from the long-lasting war between the Burning Legion and Azeroth, and ease the battle against the Burning Legion in the future. difficulty.

And Sharlayan has another consideration.

The night elves have enjoyed the eternal life blessing of Nordrassil, the world tree, for ten thousand years. Some night elves even distinguish their existence form from mortals, and always assume a superior posture when communicating with other races.

Sharlayan couldn't understand this. He didn't allow any mortal race to claim to have a different life form and step on the heads of other races, even if the other race was a distant relative of the high elves.

Therefore, Nordrassil must be bombed.

Strictly speaking, what was blown up was not Nordrassil, but the arrogance brewed by the night elves enjoying their privileges for tens of thousands of years.

At least until the situation develops to this point, Sharlayan will not take action to change history.

After the end of the Third War, the night elves who have lost their immortality will return to the same plane as the other mortal races of Azeroth.

At that time, other countries, including Quel'Thalas, will be able to have true equality with the Night Republic and jointly build a solid line of defense to protect Azeroth.

Some people in the barrage think this plan is insidious, a typical example of harming others and benefiting oneself.

Sarayan declined to comment and does not intend to refute or explain.

From the overall point of view, it is necessary to pull the night elves from the altar, but it is not necessary for them to lose as much population as they did in the original history in the third war.

Sharlayan briefly talked about the past with Laras and encouraged him to continue working hard.

After that, he squatted in this deserted corner with the soldiers of Quel'Thalas, waiting patiently for Valeera to deliver the most critical item to disintegrate the Molten Core.

Since they couldn't move around, Salayan and others could only entertain themselves.

While watching Lars and Liadrin play the Hearthstone card game, Sharlayan chatted with Sylvanas who was watching the battle together.

As a senior officer of Quel'Thalas, although Cirvanas' efficiency in receiving information was not as high as that of Backlight Blade's thieves, it was not too slow.

She also heard about the more frequent changes at the Dark Portal, and she mentioned to Sarlayan about Alleria, who had been separated for many years, with complicated emotions.

In the eighth year of the Dark Portal, Alleria voluntarily stayed in Draenor with the expeditionary force. Since then, the family members of the Windrunner family have never seen her again.

Not only Sylvanas, but Vereesa who is stationed in New Sandara and Lalas who is trying to improve herself miss their eldest sister.

Although Li Reza, who was sitting in the cabinet, didn't say anything, but as her children, the three Windrunner brothers and sisters could see their mother's worry and nostalgia for Aurelia's long absence.


Speaking of Alleria who was far away at the other end of the Dark Portal, Sharlayan had a subtle expression.

According to the development of the original history, Alleria developed a husband and wife relationship with Turalyon during her stay in Draenor, and gave birth to a half-elf son named Arator.

In this timeline, Sharlayan didn't think there was any romantic connection between Alleria and Turalyon, but such things as historical inertia... who can say for sure.

Having struggled together in Draenor for 6 years, it wouldn't be surprising if the two really sparked off.

Sharlayan had a hunch, though there was no definite basis for it.

Perhaps when the Scourge officially launches an attack, the Dark Portal will open again at the same time, launching a two-pronged attack on Azeroth.

If the Burning Legion really entered Azeroth through the Dark Portal, it would not be enough to rely on the strength of the Fortress currently stationed.

To put it more seriously, even if the Stormwind Kingdom devotes all its power to the top, there is a high probability that it will be unable to do so. At most, it will delay the progress of the Burning Legion.

The Kingdom of Stormwind is the most important line of defense guarding the Portal of Darkness. The northern countries have learned a lesson once, and they must not let the Kingdom of Stormwind perish Otherwise, the demons that destroyed the Kingdom of Stormwind will easily be able to attack the north. Densely populated areas drive straight in, just like the old tribes back then.

Fortunately, after receiving the reminder from Sharlayan, the young King Varian immediately raised his vigilance, asked for reinforcements from Eagle's Nest, Gnomeregan, and Ironforge, and also sent support to the Alliance of Lordaeron, which had long existed in name only. A warning letter was sent.

Withdrawing her wandering thoughts, Sharlayan patted Cirvanas on the shoulder comfortingly: "Don't worry, you also know the strength of Alleria, she won't be killed by demons so easily."

"Even if she encounters an enemy she can't beat, with her mobility as a ranger, she will have no problem escaping the battlefield."

Cirvanas smiled wryly and nodded: "I'm afraid that Alleria will be overwhelmed. In order to fight for the control of the Dark Portal, she will give up the advantage of the ranger and face the devil head-on."

Sharlayan hesitated: " should be, it won't be."

[Actually, it is not completely impossible, but the premise is that Alleria did not fall into the trap of the Burning Legion and was picked up by the Legion of the Holy Light in the Twisting Nether. 】

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