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Chapter 846: behemoth fight

Although lava dogs are named "dogs", their life forms are completely different from dogs in the usual sense.

Since entering the Molten Core, the smallest lava dog Laras has seen is at least the size of a carriage, and there are many lava dogs as huge as two-story houses.

Most of the "puppies" around Magmanda, the king of lava dogs, are standard lava dogs.

When Sharlayan, Stellagosa, Sylvanas, and Liadrin, the four high-end fighters, confronted King Magmanda, their adjutants had to lead their soldiers to block the massive "Puppy".

Time is running out, and Moira, who stayed behind the cave entrance, has already sent a warning. It seems that Gehenas has received the news of the intruders and has begun to change.

In order not to be led by Gehenas to lead a large number of fire elements to make dumplings from the coalition forces, Sarlayan and other commando members must eliminate Magmanda as soon as possible, and concentrate their superior forces to deal with Gehenas' pincer attack.

"Come to Rath, the ranger will be temporarily handed over to you to command."

Cirvanas bowed her bow and set her arrows, lowered her weight slightly to prepare for the battle, looked at Laras earnestly and said, "This is an actual test of your commanding ability, don't let me down, and don't let me down." Let your comrades down."

Laras had already expected that his second sister would definitely find an opportunity for him to lead the troops in this raid on Molten Core.

Taking a deep breath, Laras tried to adjust his emotions.

"I will do my best."

Clutching the bow in his hand, Laras pursed his lips and ordered loudly: "Rangers! Listen to my order, raise your bow, and get ready to shoot!"

Lor'themar Theron, the lieutenant of the ranger army, has always had a low sense of presence. He has no objection to Sylvanas temporarily handing over the command to Lalas, and even offered to assist Lalas to temporarily lead the entire army.

After all, the entire Ranger army was pulled together by the Windrunners, and the position of Ranger General would pass to Lars sooner or later.

This wave, this wave is Ah Qiang trying to please the future leader in advance.

"Boys, did you hear that? Follow orders!"

"Yes! Prepare to launch!"

At the same time, the paladins of the Morning Herald Legion and the shield warriors of the Dark Iron Dwarves also lined up, ready to resist the impact of large creatures.

Sharlayan turned his head to look at the coalition forces waiting in full battle for the last time, nodded heavily to the three teammates and said, "Very good, the battle has officially begun!"


Because Magmanda's size is too large, it is easy for people to misjudge the distance to it.

Before Sharlayan gave the order to start the battle, Magmanda rushed towards the direction of the coalition forces with her stubby four legs.

But in fact, this guy is still a long way from the army formation set up by the coalition forces, but because of the visual impact caused by the giant creature sprinting, people think it is already close at hand.

The high-temperature flames that covered Magmanda's body made it difficult for ordinary soldiers to withstand its attacks, and it was even difficult to stand beside it.

In order to prevent Magmanda from causing a devastating impact on the army formation, Sarlayan launched a reverse charge first, relying on his strong physique and kinetic impact, he used a powerful and heavy jump to smash Magmanda in half. Stopped on the road.

At the same time, the paladins and black iron warriors at the top also collided with the first wave of lava dogs.

Thanks to the preparations made in advance, the front row soldiers carrying large shields gritted their teeth and withstood this wave of offensive.

The rangers, mages, and black iron conjurers in the back row took the opportunity to launch long-range fire coverage on the lava dogs.

At this moment, Sharlayan had no time to pay attention to the battlefield on the other side.

As seen with the naked eye, the temperature around Magmanda, whose whole body was wrapped in flames, was quite terrifying, and even Salayan felt extremely uncomfortable with his physical fitness.

This is because he drank the refined fire resistance potion in advance.

The refined potion is more effective than the fire resistance potion distributed to ordinary soldiers, but the corresponding cost will be higher, making it difficult to popularize.

In this battle to encircle and suppress Magmanda, Sharlayan was the only one who attracted hatred at the forefront.

Although the holy knight Liadrin was also considered a melee unit, her armor could not withstand the high temperature around Magmanda for a long time, so Sharlayan placed her in a slightly rear position as a mobile combat force.

In most cases, Liadrin is just a moving buff machine.

Her biggest role is to switch various auras and blessings of paladins according to the situation, provide buffs for other combatants, and use a few holy light spells to heal Sharlayan when the pressure is relatively high.

When necessary, Liadrin needs to go to the front line briefly, so that Sharlayan can get some breathing time.

When Sharlayan resisted Magmanda and stopped it from moving forward, Cirvanas, who had already fully charged, let go of the bowstring without hesitation.

Following the faint sound of the arrow breaking through the sound barrier, the first aimed shot pierced Magmanda's left eye socket in an instant.


Magmanda, who was shot in the eye, let out an angry roar, and the flames on its body became more violent under the blessing of anger, and Sharlayan, who was closest, felt that he might be scorched at any time.

In the face of such a super-sized enemy, it is the right choice to attack the exposed organs such as eyes and nose first.

However, Magmadar is essentially an elemental creature, and the weakness of flesh and blood creatures does not make much sense to it.

The lava dog does not need eyes in the conventional sense to see things, but uses the unique perception ability of elemental creatures to capture the surrounding movements. Those two flaming eyes are just decorations.

Although Cirvanas' aiming shot made Magmanda feel pain, it was far from fatal, unable to cause much substantial damage to it.

"Tsk~" Cirvanas smacked his lips unhappily: "It really isn't that simple."

Stellagosa was not affected by Cirvanas' mood. After chanting the spell, her hands began to glow with deep purple arcane light.


Magmanda was about to break through Sharlayan's interception and charge towards Cirvanas who was hurting it. The sudden 5 times the gravity made its huge body sink suddenly, and the ground that was trampled by its four feet also collapsed. There were varying degrees of insets.

Sharlayan in human form can only serve as a master of pedicures to fight this giant creature.

This is clearly not in line with his positioning of attracting hatred in this battle.

After stopping Magmanda, Sharlayan transformed into a giant bear a few heads shorter than Magmanda.

Although the size of the reminders of the two parties is still not equal, this more conspicuous giant bear can at least attract Magmanda's attention.


The usual starting hand is buffing with the roar of the dragon, and by the way, use the damage ability attached to the roar to deter and provoke Magmanda.

Sure enough, as an elemental creature, Magmanda also had a sense of territory. Facing the giant bear that suddenly appeared in front of it, it turned its attention from the little bug that hurt itself to Sharlayan without hesitation.


Temporarily restrained by gravity, Magmanda couldn't move its whole body. It simply took advantage of the elemental creature's ability to quickly absorb surrounding elements, and opened its mouth to spray a large amount of high-temperature flames towards Sharlayan.

Sharlayan braced himself against the flames and forcibly rushed over. During the charge, he could even smell the scorching smell of his needle-like mane being ignited.


The collision of the two giant beasts made a loud noise, and the huge bear that was sacrificing itself knocked Magmanda's fire-breathing mouth into a crooked position. When Magmanda inhaled unconsciously, its body There was even a small-scale backflow of flames.

Sharlayan took advantage of Magmanda's unstable center of gravity and swung his two giant palms to slap Magmanda's big head in turn.

Magmanda, who was shaking left and right after being beaten, was a little dizzy. Due to her huge size, since it was born, it has rarely encountered such an experience of being violently beaten in the face.

After Stellagosa's gravity spell failed, Magmanda, who had regained her freedom, was furious, and opened her mouth full of magma, trying to bite Sharlayan.

Although it has transformed into a giant bear, Sharlayan is a humanoid creature after all, and will not only know how to output output like a blind bear who really looks like a fool.

Seeing Magmanda's ferocious big mouth biting towards him, Sharlayan immediately withdrew his attacking posture, and the giant bear's two hind legs slammed on the ground and took two steps backwards.


When Magmanda's sharp teeth closed, it failed to bite anything. Sharlayan, who escaped the bite, slapped its nose fiercely with a!

On the other side, Moira, who stayed outside the lava cave, looked anxiously at another lava cave in the distance, a large amount of fire elements were pouring out from the cave mouth.

Apparently, Gehenas had already noticed something was wrong, and mobilized his direct subordinates to prepare to rush to rescue Luciferon and Magmanda.

At this moment, Magmanda's shrill scream came from the huge cave behind Moira.

Moira just looked back, and immediately began to greet the rear troops to prepare for the battle with a serious expression.

"Black Iron Warriors! Show your courage! Don't let the high elves allies underestimate us!"

"Before the assault troops finish off Magmanda, they will desperately defend the front line for me!"



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