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Chapter 847: I can't break the defense, did I do something wrong?

Magmanda, the king of lava dogs, is one of the favorite pets of Ragnaros, the king of fire demons. With his weak intelligence, he should not have been awarded the title of Lord of Fire. He is a privileged individual who walks through the back door.

However, low intelligence does not mean that Magmanda's combat effectiveness is weak.

The reason why it was able to win the acquiescence of other flame lords was not only because of Ragnaros' relationship, but Magmanda's own strength also accounted for a large proportion.

If intelligence is not enough, force will make up for it.

In terms of hard power alone, Magmanda can also be ranked among the top five among all flame lords.

Sharlayan's decapitation team beat Magmanda a little confused with a round of combined punches, but they failed to cause serious damage to it, and only angered the giant dog with pain.

When Magmanda exerted a powerful strength beyond her own limit in anger, the 4 people in the team really felt the huge pressure.


Sharlayan, who was standing in front of Magmanda, was knocked out by Magmanda whose movement frequency suddenly accelerated.

The weight gap between the two sides existed objectively. Even with Ursoc's avatar activated, Sharlayan's body was still a few circles smaller than Magmandar's, and he couldn't handle this guy's strange strength.

Moreover, Magmanda's body size in the irritated state has swelled a little more than before, and her physical fitness has been enhanced in all aspects.

Sharlayan was still a little unaccustomed to the Magmanda's sudden self-buff, and was caught off guard by it and flew out.

Although the intelligence is not high, at least Magmanda also knows to give priority to dealing with the most threatening back row output.

After bumping away from Sharlayan, it turned its fiery eyes to the direction of Stellagosa and Cirvanas, and then charged again with four legs.

Stellagosa repeated the old trick of frowning, but the furious Magmanda broke free of the gravity spell in just one breath, and Stellagosa's spell only slightly slowed down its impact speed.

However, this time difference just allowed Liadrin to enter the battlefield in good time.

"Stupid dog! Stop it!"

Liadrin, who was wearing the Holy Shield technique, condensed a golden giant hammer with holy light in mid-air, and smashed heavily on the head of the Magmanda dog who was about to continue charging.

This hammer blow does not do much damage, but it is extremely insulting.

Magman, who was still a little dizzy, immediately turned his head to Liadrin.

Stellagosa took advantage of the few seconds Liadrin was resisting with the Holy Shield to transform into a half-dragon, and took a deep breath.

"hold head high!"

At the same time that Stellagosa aimed at the dog's head and sprayed out the arcane dragon's breath, Cirvanas also pulled out a second aimed shot.

This time she didn't aim at Magmanda's upper third, but at the sole of one of its front feet.


The arcane dragon's breath with a time lag hit Magmanda's head, and Cirvanas' high-precision sniper also hit the target in the next second.

The thick-skinned lava dog king was only staggered by the arcane dragon's breath, but Cirvanas' sniper that pierced his face caused even more damage to it.

Magmanda's left forefoot was pierced by the aimed shot, and Cirvanas even viciously detonated the arcane arrow when it fell into the body, almost blowing up Magmanda's entire left forefoot.

After losing one sole of her foot, Magmanda's center of gravity was obviously a little unstable.

Sharlayan launched a charge at this time and came back. Although the quality was not as good as the giant dog, the help of the three teammates created opportunities for him.

Taking advantage of Magmanda's left fore palm being scrapped and her center of gravity out of balance, Salayan's impact had a good effect, ignoring the difference in size and knocking Magmanda back a few steps.

While Sharlayan was fighting with Magmanda again, Stellagosa came to Cirvanas to discuss countermeasures.

"It's not an option to go on like this. This stupid dog's hardware quality is too strong, and Sharlayan and I can't break through its defense."

Cirvanas also realized this: "Yes, if you want to really hurt it, you must use a piercing attack to break through the tough skin on its body."

"But my own strength alone is far from enough. Just blowing up Magmanda's left front palm consumed more than 80% of my magic power."

After all, Cirvanas is only a ranger, not a mage.

Although each of the high elves knows a few arcane tricks, without long-term meditation training, the total amount of magic power of the ranger is very low, and the magic power in the body can be squandered by casting a few small spells casually.

Stellagosa has settled in Quel'Thalas for quite a few years, so he is well aware of the weaknesses of the ranger profession.

It was precisely with this in mind that she approached Cirvanas for cooperation.

"Well, I'll provide you with magic condensed arrows, and you aim at the core of Magmanda, trying to kill the enemy with one blow."

Elemental creatures do not have the heart weakness of flesh and blood creatures, but they must have an elemental core that aggregates strength, which is a biological characteristic that elemental creatures cannot get rid of.

Cirvanas nodded suspiciously: "Yes, but where is the core of this big dog?"

Stellagosa turned her gaze back to the giant bear who was still fighting Magmanda.

"Wait a little longer, I believe Sharlayan can find its weakness, and he will notify me through the soul link as soon as possible."

"Soul link..." Cirvanas said with some emotion: "The spell that can link the souls of different people to communicate in real time is really convenient."

Stellagosa shook her head and laughed, "It's convenient, but the conditions for signing the soul contract are also very strict."

"The two parties who signed the contract must completely let go of their bodies and minds and trust each other in all aspects, otherwise this contract will not be effective."

Cirvanas shrugged: "Unfortunately, I am willing to trust Sharlayan in many areas, but I still can't let go of him wholeheartedly."

Stellagosa curled her lips cryptically: 'If you can completely let go, we should be more vigilant instead. '

As Stellagosa said, although Salayan was unable to cause substantial damage to Magmanda, he was not just doing useless work during this period of personal combat.

Sharlayan tried to attack different parts of Magmanda from multiple angles, and in the process he gradually discovered a pattern.

Magmanda is indeed rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and can ignore most attacks.

But when Sarlayan tried to attack its abdomen with the advantage of a low plate, Magmanda would always dodge and defend unconsciously.

Since it is still impossible to determine where the core of this stupid dog is, Sharlayan is still trying hard.

Even with Stellagosa's gravity limit and Liadrin's halo and blessing buff, Sharlayan still needs to spend a lot of energy to deal with Magmanda's active attack, and can only find opportunities to counterattack a few times.


Once again, Sharlayan evaded Magmanda's big mouth bite with a low body, took the opportunity to get under his abdomen, swung his bear paw and slapped **** multiple parts one after another.


When Sharlayan hit a certain position in the lower left of the center, Magmanda suddenly let out a violent roar, and the flames all over her body heated up rapidly.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Salayan hurriedly withdrew from Magmanda's side, temporarily adopting a defensive posture with all his strength.

"Stella, I think, I should have found the core of this guy."


During this period of time, Cirvanas didn't blindly launch sniper attacks, and Magmanda temporarily ignored the two enemies who were hiding behind and shooting cold arrows, and concentrated on attacking Sharlayan, who threatened the most.

After obtaining Cirvanas' consent, Stellagosa placed the cold dragon claws on the back of her neck, and the majestic magic power flowed into Cirvanas' body along her palm.


It was the first time to bear so much magic power, Cirvanas' closed magic circuit was forcibly opened, and the unspeakable pain made her gasp.

As a ranger, Cirvanas has never practiced his magic circuit.

For example, the magic circuit in her body is like a small rubber water pipe, and the magic power that can flow per unit time is limited.

Stellagosa's magic power is like an unreasonable high-pressure water After rushing into Cirvanas' body, it forcibly expanded her small water pipe.

Although it will cause a lot of pain to Cirvanas in a short time, if she plans to learn the mage profession as well in the future, the pain she endured today will provide her with a lot of convenience.

Under Stellagosa's control, Sylvanas' eyes began to flash a blue light representing arcane magic power, and some strange lines appeared in Magmanda's body in her field of vision.

"see it?"


Cirvanas said in amazement: "Are those lines demarcating the area where the core of Magmandar is located?"

"That's right, the scope is still a bit large. It's difficult to further determine where it is. You can only try your luck."

"be ready."

Stellagosa further increased the total amount of magic power input into Cirvanas' body: "Accept these magic powers and condense them into a highly compressed arcane magic power arrow, hoping to hit the core in one shot."

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