Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 102 Careful thoughts of Douhu Company!

"Stinky sister, let go of Dad!" Lu Yuan couldn't bear it any longer.


You have to look everywhere, is your father shameless?

What's more, it's still live!


"What the fuck? This parrot calls the anchor and the stinky sister?"

"Hahaha, it's rare to see Xiuer deflated!""

"If you can control the lawless Xiu'er, you will be the anchor.

"666, sure enough, the tigress is the strongest creature!"

After confirming that Lu Yuan was safe and sound, Zhao Rongrong let go of her precious little parrot.

Seeing Xiao Wu seemed a little embarrassed, Zhao Rongrong pouted and muttered softly, "Why are you so embarrassed, it's not like I haven't seen you before, I gave you a bath when you were young!

Lu Yuan's ears were now sensitive, and he heard black lines all over his head.

"Little Wu, there are sharks in the sea, so you are not allowed to go to the beach." Zhao Rongrong warned again.

Hearing this, Lu Yuan didn't say anything, and didn't take it to heart.

With his current strength, let alone sharks, even if the killer whale came, he still couldn't help him.

Perhaps, in the deepest part of the ocean, there are monsters that can kill him.

Lu Yuan is not mentally ill, what is he doing in the depths of the ocean?

With a flutter of wings, Lu Yuan took off again, ready to catch some seafood and come back.

Lu Shishi looked at Lu Yuan's back, smiled and said to Zhao Rongrong: "Sister Rong, don't worry, Xiaowu is so powerful, it will be alright."

Zhao Rongrong sighed helplessly, not knowing what she was thinking.

"080 Forget it, leave him alone, Shishi, let's dig a hole first!

"Dig a pit?" Lu Shishi was very strange.

Zhao Rongrong explained: "The main thing is to bury four main beams, which is the same as the foundation. 35

Lu Shishi really didn't understand this, so she asked embarrassedly, "Where are you digging?"

"right here…………"

Zhao Rongrong marked four points on the ground and said, "You need to dig four pits, try to dig as deep as possible.

"Okay, Sister Rong, I see."

The two got busy.


Douhu company headquarters.

An important meeting is being held at this moment.

The meeting was led by a vice president, and the main discussion content was related to Zhao Rongrong.

"Before the meeting, I would like to commend the leader of the second group of the operation department: Zhang Aiping, leader of Zhang!35

The vice president showed an enthusiastic smile and said, "Team leader Zhang has a keen eye, and has discovered a thousand miles of horses, making a great contribution to the company. Everyone applauds!! 55

Clap! Clap...

More than twenty leaders in the conference room were applauding.

Zhang Aiping just smiled faintly and bowed to the leaders to express her gratitude to everyone for their applause.

It's not stunned, and of course he won't be fooled by a few words.

"In view of (afag) Team Leader Zhang's outstanding performance, which has brought benefits to the company, after discussion by the company's board of directors, it was decided to promote Team Leader Zhang to the Deputy Executive Director of the Operations Department, and at the same time continue to hold the position of the second team leader!

The reason for letting Team Leader Zhang continue to serve as Team 2 leader is to let her continue to deal with Zhao Rongrong.

Everyone in the conference room applauded again when they heard the vice president's words, but there were a lot of low-level people who looked at Zhang Aiping with envy.

And Zhang Aiping finally showed a happy smile.

At the beginning, she took the risk to give Zhao Rongrong a recommendation, and supported Zhao Rongrong to represent the second group to participate in "The Wilderness". Now, it is finally time to harvest.

Zhao Rongrong didn't let her down!

In particular, the parrot, whose performance was simply unexpected, has now become popular all over the Internet.

It's all worth it!

"Thank you everyone, thank you for your leadership, I will work harder in the future to live up to the expectations of the leaders!"

The vice president smiled and said, "Minister Zhang said it well! Everyone should learn from Team Leader Zhang!""

Just changed his name to the minister.

Afterwards, the vice president put away his smile and said, "People below the manager level can leave the meeting first, and the next meeting will be attended by people above the manager level, and Minister Zhang, you also stay."5

When Zhang Aiping heard the words, she was naturally at a loss.

Those low-level leaders, while preparing to leave, showed envy and jealousy towards Zhang Aiping.

Having just been promoted to the vice minister, he can participate in the meetings of the company's core class. It can be seen that the leaders value Zhang Aiping. How can they not be envious?

When the low-level people were gone, there were only a dozen people left in the conference room.

The vice president said: "Okay, now the meeting begins."

"Today's meeting, the topic to be discussed is to go to several anchors of "The Wilderness Survival"!

"At present, among the four anchors, one has already voluntarily abstained, and there are three others. Among these three, except for Zhao Rongrong, the remaining two are on the verge of being eliminated! If it weren't for that one named Xiaowu The parrot that once sent fish to Xiaoyuanyuan twice, I'm afraid Xiaoyuanyuan would have been eliminated long ago!

Hearing this, everyone was silent.

For those anchors, they are very concerned and naturally understand these.

Speaking of this, the vice president's words changed: "Here, I have to say that the anchor Zhao Rongrong performed very well, especially that parrot, even the shark can fight and win, it's a miracle, and now it is said on the Internet, With that parrot around, Zhao Rongrong will be a popular candidate for the championship, which is really unexpected, and it also brings us a big surprise..."

When Zhang Aiping heard this, she was still a little puzzled and didn't know what it meant.

At this time, the vice president finally talked about the core: "But only the anchor Zhao Rongrong is popular, and it is still a bit insufficient. The company hopes that the other two anchors can also cheer up and work hard. The company gave them precious places to participate, not to mention Let them compete for the championship, at least not to be eliminated so quickly... Everyone should think about it, is there any way to help them."

Hearing this, everyone was speechless.

To put it bluntly, the senior management of the company is greedy.

There is a "dark horse" Zhao Rongrong, but it's still not enough. Do you want the other two to become popular and bring popularity to the platform?

An executive couldn't help but said: "Mr. Sun, the "Wild Survival" program group, shouldn't allow us to provide extra help to the anchors? This is breaking the rules of their program group..."

The vice president said: "That's why I asked everyone to think of a way!

The crowd was silent for a moment.

Suddenly, a female executive asked: "President Sun, isn't that singer Lu Shishi hugging Zhao Rongrong's thigh? Since she can choose to form an alliance and eat her meals in a grand manner, we can also let our anchors directly Going to Zhao Rongrong's side, also in the form of an alliance... They are all colleagues of the company, Miss Zhao Rongrong will definitely not refuse.

The words of this female executive immediately aroused the approval of many people.

A manager said: "Yes, you can form an alliance, that parrot is so powerful, it will be no problem to raise two more people! But the question is, how do we notify the two anchors to go to Miss Zhao Rongrong? The program team confiscated I got the mobile phones of all the contestants..."

"This method is really good!" The vice president said with a smile: "As for the program team, I'll go back and communicate... There was such a dangerous thing yesterday that our anchor almost lost his life, for this little face, the program team should give.

When the vice president said this, he looked at Zhang Aiping again.

"Minister Zhang, if Miss Zhao Rongrong is in conflict, I'm afraid you will need your comfort! 99

Zhang Aiping finally knew what medicine these people were selling in the gourd, and she was speechless, but she could only agree.

The first change.

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