Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 103 This bird of prey is too useless! (2 more)

Lu Yuan returned to the sea.

Since he had just fought a shark battle, the small fish around him were scared away. Lu Yuan dived into the sea this time, but did not find any decent prey at all.

He only got to the sea for a breath, and then dived into the depths to look for it.

Don't say, there are really good things in the depths.

He found a huge stone crab, which Jiang Paste called "the king crab"!

King crabs are huge in size and delicious in meat, and are known as "the king of crabs".

In the human market, the price of king crab is not cheap. An ordinary king crab costs at least a thousand yuan.

The king crab found by Lu Yuan was very large, weighing at least ten kilograms by visual inspection!

Lu Yuan was very happy and immediately rushed over to catch it.

This king crab is enough for him and two sisters to have a good lunch at noon.

After a while.

Lu Yuan brought the king crab to the surface.

"...What kind of crab is that? It's so big!"

"Fuck, King Crab, Xiu'er can even catch this thing? Awesome!"

"I heard that king crabs live in the depths of the ocean, how did Xiuer catch them? Didn't they just dive to the bottom of the sea?"

"Horrible, Xiu Er is really amazing. 35

"Suddenly I feel that with Xiu'er here, the anchor and Shishi are so delicious!"

"Yeah, this time, Xiu'er has already obtained shark fin, large yellow croaker, king crab..."

"f*ck, such a big king crab, the saliva of labor and management will flow down!

"If I had Xiu'er, I would be willing to die alone on a desert island!"

When Lu Yuan returned to the camp with the king crab, he was immediately warmly treated by foodie Lu Shishi!

"Wow! King crab, what a big one... Little parrot, you are such a wonderful wife! I love you so much, come and give me a kiss..."

When this foodie saw the king crab, his eyes glowed green.

Zhao Rongrong was also surprised: "This crab must weigh more than ten pounds, right? It's so big!

Really big!

This king crab, even with its feet removed, looks bigger than Zhao Rongrong's head!

It is said that the largest king crab can grow to a weight of more than 20 pounds, which is about the size of a human body...

"Sister Rong, shall we eat this king crab at noon? The seafood must be fresh to taste good, and the meat will become old when it dies.

When it comes to eating, Lu Shishi is particularly proficient.


Zhao Rongrong was self-conscious, but said embarrassedly, "I've never burned this thing before, so I don't know how to do it..."

Her life has never been very wealthy, and naturally she has never been exposed to such expensive ingredients.

"Just boil it with water. The meat of the king crab is very fresh and doesn't need any seasoning." Lu Shishi seemed to be very proficient and worthy of the name of foodie.

Lu Yuan is checking the progress of the wooden house.

At present, the two girls have dug the pit and buried the four main beams.

He pushed the four main beams in the past, and found that they were very strong, and he was very satisfied with the work of the two girls.

Next, it's time to put up a frame.

It is estimated that the wooden house should be finished today.

Lu Yuan was not surprised that Zhao Rongrong would build a wooden house, because as far as he knew, Zhao Rongrong had studied civil engineering before...

Lu Yuan didn't rest for a long time before taking off again, going to the middle of the island to catch some small animals on land and come back.

It's not enough to eat seafood alone, it's good to match your diet.

In addition, the coconuts were almost finished, so Lu Yuan had to pick some more coconuts.

"Little parrot, it will be noon later, don't come back too late!

Zhao Rongrong shouted at Lu Yuan who was leaving high in the sky.

Soon, Lu Yuan's figure disappeared into the sky.

"Sister Rong, shall we continue to make the wooden house? Wait for Xiao Wu to come back and have dinner." Lu Shishi said beside him.

Zhao Rongrong nodded: "Okay."

"What shall we do next?"

"Did you see the branches over there? We cut off all the branches and leaves on the branches, and then used rattan to tie the branches to the four main beams in order..."

After a while.

Lu Yuan came to the public area in the middle of the desert island.

The area near the sea is the area for 30 participating guests. Where there are people, small animals naturally do not dare to approach.

The public area has the most prey.

Circling around in the air, Lu Yuan's eyes carefully searched the ground.


Lu Yuan found a pheasant that was looking for bugs on the ground.

Just when Lu Yuan was about to pounce and catch the pheasant, he suddenly discovered a mutation!!

0.....for flowers 0

A huge "eagle" suddenly rushed out from the layer of leaves on the top of a big tree and rushed to the ground.

The target of this eagle is also the pheasant!


"Damn it, startled Laozi, what has come out of nowhere?"

"...That's an eagle? How come there are eagles on the island?"

"f*ck, what a big one, looks much bigger than Xiu'er.

"Strange, how can there be eagles on a desert island in the sea?

"Yes, isn't the habitat of eagles all inland?"

"A group of ignorant scum, they are not ordinary eagles. Their scientific name is the tiger-headed sea eagle. They mainly inhabit the coast and the islands near the coast. They like to eat fish, and of course, they also eat small animals. The largest bird of prey in the sky! This desert island is not far from the coast, and it is not surprising that there are tiger-headed sea eagles.""


"Upstairs 666, thanks to the popular science upstairs, it's the first time I know of this kind of eagle, and my posture has risen."

"Pfft! This tiger-headed sea eagle is not very good at hunting! That pheasant ran away..."

"Looking at the majestic, why is he moving so slowly? It's not worth it, it's far worse than Xiu'er."

"You say, who will win this eagle and Xiu'er?"

"Surely Xiu'er wins! Xiu'er, who dares to do a shark, can't do this tiger-headed sea eagle?"

"I also press Xiu'er to win..."

"Come on Xiu'er, take this tiger-headed sea eagle for dinner!"

"Don't f*ck upstairs, the tiger-headed sea eagle is a second-class protected bird of prey, it is illegal to eat it!!

Like most people, Lu Yuan did not recognize the "eagle" in front of him, it was a tiger-headed sea eagle.

He was also a little puzzled, how could there be eagles on the desert island?

Look at how big this guy is!

However, the hunting technique is indeed a bit poor, and even in the case of a surprise attack, the pheasant was even allowed to run away...

What a waste!!

Looking at the eagle with nothing on the ground, Lu Yuan rolled his eyes and suddenly thought of an interesting idea.

Then, without saying a word, Lu Yuan flew towards the eagle...

The second is sent to the sixth.

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