Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 104 Accept a Silly Big Bird as a Younger Brother! (3 shifts)

(PS: My account in the book review area is unable to reply to comments, so here is a solemn explanation, the little girl who jumped off the building is now being dealt with by the police, and when the protagonist comes back after winning the championship, she will be taken away, please don’t bring the rhythm to the book review area. Now, since I have written it, I will definitely not ignore it without asking, just laying a foreshadowing, your patience is so poor?)

"f*ck, Xiuer wouldn't want to fight again, would he?"

"After killing the anaconda and the great white shark, now even the tiger-headed sea eagle is not spared?""

"Hahaha, the three overlords of sea, land and air will all be educated by Xiu'er!"

"It's not in a fight, or on the way to fight... Brother Pingtou is not as strong as Xiu'er!"

"Fuck, isn't this parrot's head too hard? Why do you want to provoke anything you see? Can't you just not cause trouble? 99

"Hahaha, can you be called Xiu'er without Tou Tie? 99

'What are we going to watch if we don't cause trouble? Xiu'er is "080" to increase everyone's eyesight, do you understand?

"Visually, this tiger-headed sea eagle is going to be unlucky, and it is estimated that it will be miserably abused..."

"The market is open, the market is open, Xiu'er VS tiger-headed sea eagle, who will win if you buy?"

"Buy Xiuer to win 1 deduction!



Seeing Lu Yuan flying towards the tiger-headed sea eagle, all netizens knew that there was another good show to watch.

As for the result of tiger head and sea eagle VS Xiuer, everyone is unanimously optimistic about Xiuer.

Although the size of the tiger-headed sea eagle looks bigger than Xiu'er, few people think that the tiger-headed sea eagle can win.

It's really Lu Yuan's record in the past two days, it's too defying...

No matter how netizens see it, Lu Yuan is already close to the tiger-headed sea eagle.


Lu Yuan fell to the ground, causing a puff of dust.

He didn't mean to hide his figure in the slightest, let alone attacking this tiger-headed sea eagle.

Because Lu Yuan didn't want to hunt this tiger-headed sea eagle...

Seeing a large parrot suddenly land next to him, the tiger-headed sea eagle was startled and jumped several steps away from Lu Yuan, and then looked at Lu Yuan vigilantly.


The tiger-headed sea eagle stared at Lu Yuan, making a vigilant cry, threatening Lu Yuan and leaving its territory.

Lu Yuan's current size, which is only one size smaller than this tiger-headed sea eagle, has exceeded the scope of the tiger-headed sea eagle's recipe, and is regarded by the tiger-headed sea eagle as a potential threat enemy.

Seeing that Lu Yuan did not intend to leave, the tiger-headed sea eagle immediately opened its wings, the feathers on the back of its head also stood up, and its eyes were sharp, like a fighting cock.

Obviously, this is the fighting stance of the tiger-headed sea eagle.

It looks like if Lu Yuan doesn't leave, it's ready to go to war!

Compared to the tiger-headed sea eagle's looming enemy, Lu Yuan seemed a little lazy.

Finally, Lu Yuan spoke up.

"Get down!!"

Although Lu Yuan said this sentence in anthropomorphic language, in fact, he used the ability to "rule the birds".

The tiger-headed sea eagle on the opposite side has obviously bent its legs...


Something unexpected happened to Lu Yuan!!

The tiger-headed sea eagle actually didn't lie down, but reacted quickly, stood up straight, and made a sharp cry at Lu Yuan.


Even the netizens in the live broadcast room could hear that this tiger-headed sea eagle was angry!!

"Pfft, Xiu'er actually wants this tiger-headed sea eagle to lie down?"

"Hahaha, it was the first time I saw Xiuer pretending to fail!"

"Laughing and peeing, this parrot really thinks he is the king? Just move it and let his arrogance leak? Let other birds surrender?

"The car overturned, the car overturned, after waiting for so long, Xiu'er finally overturned the car once!

"However, the tiger-headed sea eagle did squat a little on the ground just now..."

"I saw it too, what's the reason?"

"Anyway, this big eagle is already angry, and there will be a good show to watch..."

Lu Yuan was surprised.

Just now he clearly used the ability of "dominate the birds", why does it fail?

At this time, the system gave an explanation in a timely manner: "Please don't doubt your ability, the effect is not good because the object you use does not recognize that you are stronger than it, and cannot easily yield to you, after the host makes it yield , you can effectively use the dominance ability.39

The system's reminder sounded directly in the back of Lu Yuan's mind.

Hearing such a reminder, Lu Yuan was slightly taken aback.

"Domination of the birds" still has this condition? Need the other party's approval?

Let the big eagle on the opposite side soften?

It's so easy!

With his strength, he can completely crush this big eagle.

Just when Lu Yuan was about to do it, a sudden movement occurred in his heart...

Perhaps, without the need to do anything, this foolish eagle can be subdued.

Lu Yuan also has the ability to "deter".

Deterrence is very useful. When chasing anacondas before, anacondas were frightened.

However, when Lu Yuan opened the attribute panel, he found that in the special ability row, the name of "Deterrence" had actually changed...

It has become "Golden Crow Coercion"!

Lu Yuan was stunned.

He quickly realized that this should be the reason why he had just obtained the Golden Crow bloodline, which led to a change in the ability of "deterrence", which relies on momentum to suppress.

Lu Yuan really wanted to know whether the changed "coercion" would work or not.

At this moment, the tiger-headed sea eagle on the opposite side was slowly approaching Lu Yuan, as if he wanted to take the initiative to attack and drive away the "intruder" Lu Yuan!

Without saying a word, Lu Yuan directly used the "Golden Crow Coercion"!

"Boom! 99


An astonishing momentum rose from Lu Yuan.

That momentum is extremely powerful, as if it has the will to burn everything in the world, it is very terrifying.

Even the netizens in the live broadcast room felt that Lu Yuan was very unusual at this moment.

As for the tiger-headed sea eagle on the opposite side, facing Lu Yuan's imposing pressure, he instantly felt that his brain was about to explode.

The innate suppression from the bloodline made the tiger-headed sea eagle no longer have any thoughts of resistance. His legs softened and he knelt down in front of Lu Yuan's body, his 0.6-inch head pressed against the ground. , didn't even dare to look up at Lu Yuan!

The tiger-headed sea eagle fell down.

Lie down!

Seeing the tiger-headed sea eagle trembling, Lu Yuan was surprised.

He just released a little momentum and scared the tiger-headed sea eagle into this?

The changed "Golden Crow Coercion" is too strong!

Lu Yuan was very happy and felt that the system reward was really good.

Afterwards, Lu Yuan looked at the tiger-headed sea eagle and spoke majestically:

"From now on, follow my orders! 95

That's right.

Lu Yuan bullied this tiger-headed sea eagle entirely to get a little brother who was running errands.

In the future, small things like hunting small animals will be handed over to this silly big bird!

Third more.

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