Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 105 Confirmed eyes, really big guy! (4 more)

"???This big silly bird, why is it lying down again?"

"What's the situation? Didn't you just plan to attack Xiu'er? Why did you kneel all of a sudden?"

"Fuck, do you guys feel that Xiu'er is just so imposing!

"+1 upstairs, wouldn't it be Xiu'er who used her aura to overwhelm that stupid bird? 99'

"What did Xiu'er say just now? Do you want to take this tiger-headed sea eagle back as a younger brother?

"I don't think this should be possible, right?"

"I just went to Qiandu to search. The tiger-headed sea eagle is the largest bird of prey in the sky above the bay. It is equivalent to a king of the sky. Usually, he hunts alone and is untamed. It is impossible for such an existence to yield to one. Parrot's? 99

"Are you right upstairs? The king? Look at the big silly bird lying in front of Xiu'er now, how does it look like a king?"

"I'm a long-time fan of Xiu'er, and Xiu'er has performed a unique skill before: commanding sparrows! I feel that Xiu'er has her own way of communicating with birds? Maybe she can really command this tiger-headed sea eagle? "

"Funny? Can a sparrow be compared to a vulture?"

In the live broadcast room, there was another debate.

Of course, the arguments of netizens did not affect Lu Yuan05 in the slightest.

The tiger-headed sea eagle, who was almost scared to death by the "Golden Crow coercion", had no thought of resisting Lu Yuan at all.

Therefore, Lu Yuan successfully used the ability of "dominating the birds" and successfully subdued this big silly bird.

"Get up and stand up!"

Lu Yuan issued the first order.

Although he spoke it in human language, it did not hinder him at all, and the tiger-headed sea eagle could understand it.

The ability to control birds is so magical.

next moment.

The tiger-headed sea eagle really stood up, and stood up straight, like a guard.

Netizens in the live broadcast room who saw this scene:

"Damn it? Did you stand up obediently?"

"A coincidence, a coincidence for sure!"


Lu Yuan originally wanted this silly bird to hunt, but after seeing its performance of catching pheasants before, thinking about it temporarily gave up the idea.

"follow me!"

Lu Yuan dropped a sentence and immediately spread his wings.

An astonishing scene appeared...

That tiger-headed sea eagle did not choose to escape, but flew up, like a little brother, obediently following behind Lu Yuan...

Netizens in the live room: "???"

"F*ck, is this fake? I'm watching a funny movie, right?

"Grass, can this parrot really command the tiger-headed sea eagle to obey?

"What's the situation? It's amazing, isn't it?"

"666666! Xiu'er is so beautiful, I worship! 35

"666, Daddy Xiu'er, please accept my knee!

"Could it be that Xiu'er is the reincarnation of a phoenix? Is it the true king of birds? Otherwise, how can I explain it, the tiger-headed sea eagle should be so obedient?"

"Unbelievable!! 35

"It feels like Xiu'er is on the way to be anatomically studied..."

When the barrage exploded in the live broadcast room, Lu Yuan had brought the tiger-headed sea eagle to the vicinity of a coconut tree.

"Go, pick some coconuts!"

This time, the tiger-headed sea eagle did not move, but looked at Lu Yuan hesitantly, and let out a soft "coo" sound.

Lu Yuan understood.

This stupid bird doesn't understand the meaning of picking coconuts.

Unable to roll his eyes, Lu Yuan had to do it himself.

Coming to the coconut tree, Lu Yuan quickly got seven or eight coconuts.

Then, Lu Yuan grabbed one with each paw and issued an instruction to the tiger-headed sea eagle: "Take these coconuts and follow me! 35

The tiger-headed sea eagle did not dare to disobey Lu Yuan's order, although it did not understand at all what the big boss wanted these coconuts for.

It's not meat, you can't eat it at all!

This tiger-headed sea eagle also learned from Lu Yuan, grabbing one with each paw, carrying two coconuts, flying up and following behind the master Lu Yuan.

The tiger-headed sea eagle does not have the concept of "owner".

However, now Lu Yuan is its "king"!

Back to camp.

Lu Shishi found Lu Yuan who flew back from a distance for the first time, and was very happy.

"Sister Rong, the little parrot is back!

When he saw a huge "eagle" following the little parrot, the smile on Lu Shishi's pretty face instantly solidified.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Shishi shouted: "Sister Rong, it's not good, there is a big bird chasing Xiao Wu, let's go and help him!!"

Lu Yuan's hearing is excellent now, and when he heard Lu Shishi's words, he almost fell from the air...

How on earth can you tell that Dad was chased by a big bird? Didn't you see the big silly bird behind him, with two coconuts on his claws? This big silly bird is obviously a porter, okay?

Unexpectedly, Zhao Rongrong actually believed it.

I saw Zhao Rongrong scream, and immediately picked up a thick branch and rushed towards Lu Yuan.

It is estimated that he wants to help Lu Yuan block the tiger-headed sea eagle behind him...

Not to be outdone, Lu Shishi also picked up a branch and followed behind Zhao Rongrong, with a worried look on her pretty face.

Looking at the performance of these two silly girls, Lu Yuan was both moved and somewhat dumbfounded.

When he got close, Lu Yuan immediately said: "It's a friendly army, don't do it!

Hearing this, Zhao Rongrong and Lu Shishi were both stunned.

Then, Lu Yuan landed next to the two girls.

As for the tiger-headed sea eagle, it landed far away, and 080 did not dare to approach.

For humans, it is still very vigilant.

A month ago, a group of humans (crisis investigation team) came to this island and eliminated many poisonous snakes and venomous insects, which also made it homeless for more than half a month...

Only now did Zhao Rongrong and Lu Shishi see that the big bird was also holding two coconut fruits on its feet.

Seeing the big silly bird hiding so far away, Lu Yuan suddenly shouted: "Come here!!

The attitude is very bad, full of commands.

However, the tiger-headed sea eagle has no temper at all, grabbing the coconut, jumping and jumping, obediently approaching Lu Yuan, like an angry little daughter-in-law...

Zhao Rongrong and Lu Shishi both stared blankly, their eyes stunned.

"Xiao Wu, what's the situation?" Lu Shishi asked in surprise.

Lu Yuan said succinctly: "I caught it and tamed it!"

"So... Xiaowu, now it's your little follower? 39 Lu Shishi swallowed, her pretty face full of shock.

Zhao Rongrong is also not much better.

It is really the size of a tiger-headed sea eagle, at least one-third bigger than Lu Yuan, and it looks fierce.

Such a ferocious bird of prey, yet willing to be the little brother of a parrot?

Who can believe it if you don't see it with your own eyes?

Fourth more.

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