Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 175 1 more family member

Hearing Zhao Rongrong's request, the landlord, although strange, didn't say anything.

Afterwards, they went up to the twenty-fourth floor, and Lu Yuan naturally followed behind.

"It's this one.

The landlord said, and then knocked on the door.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Is anyone home?"

There was no response from inside the house.

"It looks like he's not at home. 55

The landlord said, "I heard that the child now occasionally distributes flyers and picks up bottles on the side of the road. I guess he goes out to earn money? After all, she can't count on her father!"

Hearing this, Zhao Rongrong felt a lot of love, and felt that the little girl was too pitiful.

At this time, the landlord took out a large number of keys from his pocket.

She shook the key in front of Zhao Rongrong and deliberately said to herself, "Where is it from?

It is not uncommon for the landlord to have a spare key in the tenant's house.

But the landlord is too obvious. The keys in her hands are labeled with the room number, so there is no need to look for them...

Estimate 05 plan is to let Zhao Rongrong see her house too much? Then regret it?

Or do you want Zhao Rongrong to change her mind? To date her son?

For whatever reason, it's ridiculous.

Zhao Rongrong is now a veritable little rich woman!

Even if there are ten houses in the suburbs, it is not as good as one house in the city.

There are only less than twenty keys in the hands of the landlord, so Zhao Rongrong may not be rich!

"Found it! 35

The landlord deliberately searched for a long time before finding the key.

"Go in and have a look." The landlord opened the door with the key.

In fact, according to the regulations, the right to use the house during the rental period belongs to the tenant, and the landlord cannot enter the rental room without the consent of the tenant.

But the landlord is probably legally illiterate, or doesn't care about it at all.


As soon as I entered the door, the landlord screamed.

Because she found that the furniture in the house was missing a few pieces, and even the TV in the living room was gone.

"Where's the TV??"

You don't have to think about it to know that it must be that rotten gambler who secretly sold the TV.

In addition to the TV, there are also many drink bottles in the house, which look very messy, as if they have come to a garbage recycling station.


When the little girl jumped off the building last time, the landlord planned to force the father and daughter away.

Otherwise, if she seeks death again, and she is dead, won't her house become a haunted house?

Today, seeing that even the TV has been removed and the house is still like this, the landlord finally made up his mind.

"No, no, I can't let them live anymore. I have to let them move out today." The landlord shouted.

Zhao Rongrong watched from the side, not knowing what to say.

After all, this is not her house.

The landlord did what he said, immediately rolled up his sleeves, and started throwing things out of the house.

"Aunt Landlord?

Just then, the little girl came back.

On her back, she was carrying a large black bag, and it could be seen that there were bottles in it.

Seeing that the landlord was throwing away her belongings, the little girl was in a hurry, but she didn't dare to rent.

She immediately put down the big bag, took out a handful of crumpled money from her pocket, and handed it to the landlord.

"Aunt the landlord, this, this is 672 yuan and 5 cents. I'll give it to you first. I'll pay you back the rest of the rent as soon as possible. Please don't throw my things away..."

It can be seen that these more than 600 yuan are all the savings of the little girl!

It should be what she has worked hard to earn recently.

At her current age, she can't work (child labor), so I'm afraid she can only sell the money by picking up junk...

When Zhao Rongrong saw it, her tears were about to fall.

Even if he was as hard-hearted as Master Wu, he was moved with compassion at this moment.

The landlord also changed his face and stopped what he was doing.

She still had a conscience and didn't ask for the money.

"Girl, I don't want the rent, but I have to take back this house today. I can't let you live there. If you let your father live there, I'm afraid even my house will be sold in a few days!"

Not to mention, the landlord really guessed.

The little girl's father did have this idea, and was looking for someone to make a fake real estate license, intending to cheat a wave of money.

Hearing this, the little girl burst into tears.

If the house is repossessed by the landlord, then she truly becomes a homeless wild breed.

Counting on her father? It would be a good thing not to sell her!

She also knew that the landlord had already treated her very well, and it was reasonable for them to take back the house now.

Just thinking that she will sleep on the street in the future, and her only son will face the terrifying darkness, the little girl can't help but feel sad, and she can't help but start choking.

The landlord didn't feel good about it, but he soon became ruthless.

Today this house must be repossessed!

Live for that rotten gambler, something will happen sooner or later.

"I'm sorry, auntie landlord, I owe you the money, I will definitely pay it back in the future..."

The little girl said, and began to take the initiative to pack her things.

At this moment, she has accepted her fate.

If the normal development is followed, in the future, she is very likely to sink into this, turning into a dust girl, and selling her jokes to make a living...

"Little sister, is your name Li Xue?" Zhao Rongrong finally spoke.

This girl's eyes were red, and as soon as she looked at it, she knew that she had just shed tears.

As for the little girl's name, it was found by Tang Zichen last time.

In fact, the little girl naturally noticed Zhao Rongrong and the parrot long ago, but she was so destitute that she was about to be driven away, so she was embarrassed to say hello to Zhao Rongrong.

Hearing Zhao Rongrong's voice at this moment, she nodded: "Yes, hello sister."

"My name is Tang Zichen!" Zhao Rongrong showed a bright smile: "I'm going to move out, change to a bigger house, and live with my best friend. If you don't mind, I'm here to invite you to live with us. 99

"Of course, if you don't live in vain, the rent will be paid back to me when you grow up and earn money!

Zhao Rongrong is very smart. She knows that children of this age have strong self-esteem. If she gives alms directly, she will most likely be rejected.

That's why she asked for rent.

Of course, paying back when you grow up is actually the same as not asking for rent.

The landlord was on the side, and was very surprised to hear this, knowing that this little Zhao was moved by compassion and wanted to take in the little girl.

She is a kind girl, and she is beautiful, but unfortunately her son is not so lucky.

And the little girl was even more surprised...

The first change.

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