Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 176 Where's My Cousin Go?

"Sister, do you want to take me in?" Li Xue asked.

Zhao Rongrong smiled and said, "It's not taking in, it's staying in my house temporarily. You also have to bear the rent. When you grow up and can make money, return it to me!"

Li Xue was a little moved, no one wanted to be homeless, not to mention that she was still a child.

However, Li Xue still shook her head and said, "Thank you sister for your kindness, I can't go..."

Zhao Rongrong was taken aback: "Why?"

The landlord also persuaded: "Girl, Xiao Zhao is a good person, auntie can guarantee this, you go to live with her, it is better than going out alone!"

The landlord agreed that Zhao Rongrong wanted to take in Li Xue.

This little girl is really pitiful for such a father. If it weren't for the fear that her house would be messed up by her father and cause big trouble, the landlord would not be so eager to take back the house.

Li Xue still shook her head and explained, "Sister, if I live with you, it will cause you trouble.

"What's the trouble?"

Zhao Rongrong's IQ began to drop again, thinking it was a trouble in life, she said with a smile: "Don't worry, I can make money now, and it's not bad for you. 99

"I know sister, you are a big celebrity..." Li Xue still shook his head: "Because of this, I can't live with you, and when my... father finds out, he will definitely make trouble.

Li Xue couldn't say anything after that.

Although Li Xue is young, she has experienced so much. She is very sensible and knows her father's temperament. For money, she can do anything.

Once she learned that she was taken in by the internet celebrity Zhao Rongrong, she would definitely come to the door to pester her for money.

Only then did Zhao Rongrong understand what trouble Li Xue was talking about.

Not only did she smile, but she was even more determined to save the girl in front of her from suffering.

To be able to get to such a level, and to think about others, can fully explain Li Xue's character.

"Forgot to tell you, my best friend, she's a policeman... just the sister you met the other night, and with her here, we're not afraid of trouble 々||.

Li Xue's eyes lit up when she heard the words.

With the police sister there, there is really no need to be afraid of her father coming to ask for trouble.

After thinking for a moment, Li Xue said seriously: "Thank you sister for taking me in, and I will definitely repay her kindness in the future!

Zhao Rongrong suddenly laughed.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to repay me later.

As for Lu Yuan, I have a good impression of this little girl named Li Xue, so I will not object to the family opening more mouths.

Next, Zhao Rongrong asked Li Xue to pack up and leave with her, but Li Xue stubbornly wrote a letter of guarantee, the content of which was nothing more than that she would be able to repay Zhao Rongrong in the future.

After solemnly handing over the letter of guarantee to Zhao Rongrong, Li Xue began to pack her things.

Her things, there are not many, just a few clothes worth packing.

As for the bottles she picked up, Li Xue was a little reluctant, but she also knew how impolite it was to bring garbage to other people's homes, so she could only reluctantly discard it.

After a while.

The taxi started and gradually moved away from the community.

Li Xue sat in the back row of the car, looking at the community all the time, as if reluctant to part.

Zhao Rongrong didn't have anything to give up. She was more satisfied with her new residence and asked with a smile, "Xiaoxue, can't bear to be here?"

Li Xue did not speak.

In fact, she was not reluctant to be here, but worried about her father.

The landlord has already asked someone to change the door lock and posted an advertisement for rent. When the gambler's father returns, he will definitely not be able to enter the door. Maybe the security guard at the door will no longer let him in.

That gambler's father must be homeless for the time being.

But now that she was taken in by Zhao Rongrong, she belonged to someone who could not protect herself, and could no longer take care of the gambler's father.

Thinking of this, Li Xue suddenly couldn't help shedding tears.

A good family has fallen to such a point, which makes her sad.

In addition, after the death of grandma, even if the gambler was very different, he once wanted to sell her, but he was her only relative.

"Xiaoxue, what's wrong?" Zhao Rongrong asked quickly.

Li Xue wiped away her tears and said firmly, "Sister, I'm fine.

Only Lu Yuan could see Li Xue's thoughts, but Lu Yuan did not speak.

No one noticed. When the taxi left the community, a greasy middle-aged man walked out from the corner and looked at the taxi that was far away with complicated eyes.

This middle-aged man is Li Xue's father!

Because he was hungry, he went home and asked his daughter for money to buy something to eat. He didn't expect to see this scene.

When he saw the landlord throw all the rubbish downstairs, he knew that the house could not be lived in.

And the daughter was taken away by a beautiful girl, and the middle-aged man did not come out to stop it.

That pretty girl looked kind and should be a kind person.

The middle-aged man has some relief in his daughter's support.

But when he thinks about his situation, he is very worried.

If he doesn't pay back the money, I'm afraid he will have his feet cut off and go to the street to beg for food.

The middle-aged man stood on the spot thinking for a moment, suddenly gritted his teeth, turned and walked somewhere.

"`" Child, don't blame me, Dad is also desperate...

The middle-aged man muttered to himself.

After half an hour.

The car came to the urban area.

Zhao Rongrong paid and took Li Xue out of the car.

"It's here, it's here!

"Xiaoxue, come with me!" Zhao Rongrong helped Li Xue carry her luggage and walked towards the community.

She had a pass card in her hand, and the security did not stop her.

Arriving in the house, Li Xue was immediately shocked by the decoration of the house.

She had never seen such a beautiful house since she was a child...

"Xiaoxue, you just... sleep in this room and sleep with me at night, okay?"

Li Xue said: "I just sleep in the living room!"

"How about that? That's it. You sleep in the same room with me at night. If you like to sleep alone, I will buy you a small bed. 99

"No need to use (good), just lay the floor.

The two were greeted...

at the same time.

Supervisor Wang Liang had already bought the vegetables and was about to go home.

The process of shopping for vegetables was not very smooth. He didn't know how many eyes he suffered, and later everyone looked at him with the eyes of "caring for the mentally retarded"!

It is Wang Liang's behavior, which is incompatible with normal people.

Whoever sells meat at one time has to buy half a pig directly...young...

When Wang Liang returned home with half a pig on his back, only his wife was at home.

"Cousin...where did you go?" Wang Liang asked.

"...Cousin, he has something to do, so he has to go to work first." The wife said perfunctorily and asked strangely: "Husband, why did you buy so much meat? 35

"Meat... delicious!

Wang Liang showed his signature stiff smile.

The second update, the third update is around eleven o'clock.

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