Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 177 Wang Liang's Day: Eat Meat!

Since the memory was not destroyed, although the parasitic time was relatively short this time, Wang Liang became more and more comfortable with the use of the new body.

In the morning, Wang Liang was already sitting on the sofa, watching the TV seriously.

"Human... society, it's strange, there is no... fighting, peace..." Wang Liang said to himself.

His wife Xu Erfeng was busy in the kitchen.

At noon, a plate of dishes was brought to the table by his wife.

Seeing Wang Liang sitting on the sofa with a comfortable appearance, Xu Erfeng had long been angry.

But today, Xu Erfeng was caught on the spot and had a ghost in his heart, so he didn't dare to lose his temper at Wang Liang.

When all the dishes were brought to the table, Xu Erfeng shouted, "Husband, it's time to eat!

Wang Liang put down the remote control, showed a stiff smile, and sat down at the dining table.

Seeing this smile, Xu Erfeng felt uncomfortable!

After all, there is a ghost in my heart, and I dare not say anything.

Because Wang Liang bought too much meat in the morning, the dishes at noon were almost all meat.

Green pepper stir-fried pork, braised pork, boiled pork slices, etc.

While serving Wang Liang, Xu Erfeng asked calmly, "Husband, aren't you going to work today?"

Wang Liang, however, has been studying the gesture of grasping chopsticks. Hearing this, he said, "My body... I'm not feeling well, I will rest for 310 days.

Hearing Wang Liang say to take a day off, Xu Erfeng frowned.

Wang Liang is resting at home, so she can't meet her lover.

"Husband, what's wrong? Xu Erfeng asked pretending to be concerned.


Wang Liang still stared at the chopsticks.

He found that it is very difficult to master chopsticks to eat.

Humans really like creatures asking for trouble.


Xu Erfeng frowned. Seeing that Wang Liang had been holding on to the chopsticks, she urged: "Husband, hurry up to eat, it won't taste good when it's cold. Why do you keep looking at the chopsticks? Didn't I wash them? "

Wang Liang glanced at Xu Erfeng eating with chopsticks, frowned, and simply dropped the chopsticks and ate directly with his hands.

"Hey... hubby, how do you eat with your hands? It's unsanitary..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Liang suddenly spit out the meat he had just eaten.

"The meat is not delicious!!" Wang Liang frowned.

Now Wang Liang is gradually able to grasp the facial expressions.

When Xu Erfeng heard the words, he suddenly became furious.

"Isn't the meat delicious? My mother worked so hard to cook for you, but you still don't think it's delicious? Why did you buy so much meat back? Our family can't finish it for half a month. If you think I'm not doing well Eat, why not just eat raw meat! 39

Her temper was not very good at first, and she had been enduring it before.

And Wang Liang almost spit the meat in her mouth on her face, making her mistakenly think that Wang Liang deliberately found fault, and revenge her for planting grassland on Wang Liang's head at home.

Unexpectedly, Wang Liang really agreed.

"it is good!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Liang walked to the refrigerator, took out a large piece of raw meat from the refrigerator, and even opened his mouth to bite!

"Crack! Kick..."

Wang Liang ate the raw meat in a big mouth, and the food was very fragrant, his face was stained with blood, and even the bones could be chewed and swallowed directly.

Soon, a piece of meat weighing at least three pounds was swallowed by Wang Liang in a few mouthfuls.

Xu Erfeng was stunned watching from the side.

It was obviously noon, and the sun was shining outside, but she felt a biting cold.

It is really Wang Liang at the moment, looking very scary.

How can a normal person eat raw meat like this?

"Husband...husband? You...what's wrong with you?'

Hearing this, Wang Liang turned his head, looked at Xu Erfeng and said, "I, eat meat.

After he finished speaking, he showed a smile at Xu Erfeng.

It's just that his face was covered in blood, he was holding a pile of raw meat in both hands, and he laughed very stiffly, like a ghost.


Xu Erfeng screamed and cried: "Old, husband, I was wrong, you... don't scare me, okay, I, I was wrong..."

Wang Liang asked strangely: "Where are you (afdj), what's wrong?"

"I...I, I shouldn't have an affair, I shouldn't betray you, I shouldn't cheat, I'm sorry husband, I don't dare any more..." Xu Erfeng was trembling with fear.

She seemed to see Wang Liang eating herself raw.

Wang Liang frowned and thought for a long time, but he didn't even understand what cheating was.

He knew that cheating was a kind of reproduction behavior of human beings.

However, Wang Liang doesn't care about this...

What he wants is a lot of meat to allow himself to evolve.

"You, eat, I, eat meat."

Abandoning this sentence, Wang Liang continued to eat meat, ignoring Xu Erfeng.

He is very hungry!!

In this way, Wang Liang has been eating for half an hour, and he actually ate half of the pork that he bought back today, all into his stomach...

Xu Erfeng, who saw all this with her own eyes, was so frightened that she fell to the ground.

How can a person's stomach fit half a pig?

However, her husband did...

As if Wang Liang's stomach is a bottomless pit!

At this time, Wang Liang touched his stomach, which was not very protruding, and muttered to himself: "No, human flesh, delicious..."

Hearing this sentence, Xu Erfeng suddenly went crazy.

"Damn it!!

She screamed, then rolled her eyes and passed out.

Such a phenomenon made Wang Liang stunned.

"She seems... frightened, is it me?"

Wang Liang muttered to himself, and then his eyes became cold.

"Can't, let her, go out..."

Having said this, Wang Liang no longer concealed himself, opened his mouth wide, and took a bite towards the unconscious Xu Erfeng. At the same time, a large number of tentacles appeared on his body, and they stabbed into Xu Erfeng's torso and quickly sucked.

Less than ten minutes.

Xu Erfeng was completely absorbed by Wang Liang.

"Still, humans... delicious! 39

After absorbing Xu Erfeng, Wang Liang did not look fatter.

On the contrary, his fat body became thinner and stronger.

"Can't, be found, found..." Wang Liang looked at the blood on the ground and muttered to himself.

The previous body suffered from this loss and was finally killed by that strange bird!

Then, Wang Liang went into the bathroom, took out the mop, and started cleaning the floor.

Just in the middle of cleaning, his wife's mobile phone suddenly received a quick message.

Wang Liang picked up the phone and found that it could not be unlocked.

As soon as he turned his eyes, the fingerprints of his fingers changed immediately, simulating his wife's fingerprints, and then he successfully unlocked the phone.

Third more.

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