Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 178 Come out to mix, so1r or later you have to pay it back!

(PS: Chapter 172 came out of the little black house, you can watch it!)

"Baby, is your husband gone?"

After unlocking his wife's phone, Wang Liang saw this message.

Such information makes Wang Liang feel very strange.

To be safe, he did not reply -.

But after a while, the other party actually called.

Wang Liang felt that he had to answer this call!

In his cognition, maybe this person, looking for his wife, is afraid that there is something wrong?

What should I do if I don't answer the phone all the time, causing the other party to suspect?

next moment.

Clearly visible to the naked eye, Wang Liang's throat and Adam's apple suddenly subsided and flattened.

Then, Wang Liang answered the phone.


Shockingly, there was a feminine voice in Wang Liang's throat!

It was exactly the same as Xu Erfeng's voice when he was alive.

Wang Liang, can simulate the voice of others, regardless of gender!!

"Hey, baby..."

On the other end of the phone, there was a monkey's anxious voice: "Baby, do you miss me?

"Is there something?" Wang Liang asked.

"It's alright, I just missed you, we didn't have a good time in the morning... Has your wasteful husband gone?"


Hearing that the man on the phone was scolding "myself", Wang Liang was indifferent.


"Well, baby will open the door for me, I'll be right over here!"

After speaking, the other party hurriedly hung up the phone.

Wang Liang looked at the phone, lost in thought...

After half an hour.

Wang Liang was sitting on the sofa watching TV, and he was watching the news.

He is through the news, to understand human society.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a knock on the door.

Wang Liang stood up straight and went to open the door.

Outside the door, it was the "cousin" who was standing in the morning!

Seeing that it was Wang Liang who opened the door, the "cousin" was taken aback for a moment.

"Uh..." My cousin didn't know what to say.

Wang Liang showed his signature smile: "Cousin, hello, come in..."

Since Wang Liang is at home, cousin instinctively does not want to enter the house, after all, there is a ghost in his heart!

But Wang Liang said so, and his cousin didn't know how to refuse.

Can't say it's just passing by?

He had to bite the bullet and enter the house, but in his heart he secretly scolded Xu Erfeng, that stinky bitch, even if her husband was at home, why didn't he say that he was not at home...

As soon as he entered the door, the cousin felt that there was a bloody smell in the room, and there was a faint blood stain on the ground next to him.

Upon discovering this scene, the cousin suddenly felt a sudden shock.

He had a bad guess in his mind...

Shouldn't that woman, Xu Erfeng, be beaten to death by her husband?

The more I think about it, the more I think it's possible.

Cousin can't stay any longer, he just wants to get out of here as soon as possible.

"That...cousin-in-law, in fact, I'm here to borrow money! My cousin had an idea: "There's a little emergency at home, I need money, I don't have enough money, I'm trying to find a way to raise money..."

In today's society, it is easy to turn people's faces when it comes to money.

He felt that his excuse was perfect and should get him out as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, the fat man in front actually turned around and said with a stiff smile: "Cousin, how much?"

"Uh..." My cousin was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but ask: "What, cousin-in-law, don't you need to discuss it with my cousin? 35

He deliberately said this, if Wang Liang really killed his wife, he should have spared himself at this time.

Even more unexpected things happened...

Wang Liang suddenly changed his voice, and Xu Erfeng's voice came out of his throat: "Cousin, how much?

The cousin suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Wang Liang in horror.


Just saying the word "you", the cousin immediately turned around and ran away.


Before reaching the door, suddenly, a tentacle as thick as an arm penetrated directly through my cousin's back and came out of his stomach.

Cousin's running posture came to an abrupt end!

The blood soon became red on his clothes, and his vitality was rapidly draining.


The cousin said a sentence with difficulty, and then slowly fell to the ground.

At the last moment of his life, he saw that the tentacle that killed him actually came out from under Wang Liang...

"I played with his wife, and he played to death? Is this retribution..."

This was my cousin's last thought.

Then, the cousin lost consciousness forever.

Wang Liang was unceremonious and began to devour

0.....for flowers.....

After eating, Wang Liang's body changed again!

"Low-key, developed, and reasonable... famous words!"

Wang Liang muttered to himself, a murderous intent suddenly flashed in his eyes.

He thought of that parrot!!

"Eat another... 100 people, and you can kill him!""


Tang Zichen got off work and came to his new home.

"Wow, what a nice house!! 99

For the new home, Tang Zichen liked it very much, but did not show much surprise.

Obviously, this girl's family conditions must be good, no matter how luxurious the house is, it is not surprising.

"Zi Chen, this is your room. I've helped you clean it up, how do you feel?" Zhao Rongrong introduced.

Tang Zichen immediately smiled and said, "Very good, my dear Rongrong, it's really hard for you!"

While he was talking, he still wanted to lean over and prepare to kiss Zhao Rongrong.

"Don't make trouble!" Zhao Rongrong pushed Tang Zichen away and said, "By the way, there is one more member of our family... Xiaoxue, have you packed up? 99'

"Okay, Miss Rong!"

Li Xue walked out of the room.

The little girl has already taken a bath and changed into a clean dress, which looks very cute.

Just a little thinner! It looks a little malnourished.

"Hey, this isn't..." Tang Zichen said in surprise.

"Now, Xiaoxue lives with us, and she sleeps in the same room with me at night. Zhao Rongrong smiled next to her.

"Oh? The relationship is good, and the family can be more lively in the future!

Tang Zichen is a smart girl. Although she has many doubts in her heart, she also knows that there are some things that she can only ask Zhao Rongrong in private.

"Dinner is ready, hurry up and eat!

"Sister Rong, let me serve you the dishes!

Li Xue was very helpful.

This afternoon, Zhao Rongrong cleaned up the new house, and she has been helping.

Perhaps because of one more person, Zhao Rongrong cooked five dishes and one soup tonight, which looked very rich.

Three people and one parrot sat on the table, the small dining table was very lively.

After eating, Zhao Rongrong began to prepare for the live broadcast.

She now only needs to live stream for two hours a day.

First mouth.

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