Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 179 Master Wu is going to make magic!

Seven o'clock at night!

Zhao Rongrong started the broadcast on time.

Immediately, the number of people in the live broadcast room began to explode like an explosion...

913 people.

5689 people.




2666362 people.



Another ten seconds to break 10 million!!

This is because Zhao Rongrong sent a notice in the afternoon that the live broadcast will continue tonight.

Fortunately, this time, the Tiger Fighting Platform has been prepared for a long time, but there is no situation like the last time.

"Hahaha, first first!"

"Number one is definitely mine.""

"Sons, tell daddy aloud, is daddy the first? 35

"The broadcast finally started, I thought the anchor Rongrong was going to get cold..."Three One Zero"..."

"Last night, the live broadcast room was suddenly closed, which shocked me!"9

"There was such a big incident last night, and a lot of people died, right? Why is there no report on the Internet at all?""

"Shh, don't talk nonsense, be careful to be invited to tea!

As soon as Zhao Rongrong started broadcasting, the live broadcast room was immediately overwhelmed by barrage.

Such explosive popularity can make all the live broadcasters jealous.

"Good evening everyone!" Zhao Rongrong said hello.

Immediately, countless netizens responded with a bullet screen:

"Goddess Rongrong good evening!

"Good goddess Rongrong.

"Goddess Rongrong, what about Goddess Zichen?"

"What happened last night, can anchor Rongrong tell me about it? 55

'That's right, everyone is dead, but there is no news at all on the Internet? 35

"Suddenly shutting down the live broadcast room, I'm afraid it was done by the top?

"Damn, I made a post today, and it's gone in less than ten seconds. It's so terrifying..."

"I lived near the pedestrian street last night and heard the gunshots with my own ears!"

"It's almost time for a small war, so why not report it?"

‘Anchor Rongrong, what kind of monster is that bald head?

‘Same question, that bald arm can actually be deformed? Is it a science fiction movie? 35

"The government must be hiding something from us!"

"The video I recorded last night was fine on the computer, but I can't find it today... Even my computer is hacked, too much!!"

"+1 upstairs, the video on my computer is gone too!"

"How can the government do this? How can such a big thing be hidden from the people?

"Grass, can you just say a few words less? Do you really want the live broadcast room of anchor Rongrong to be permanently closed?

Countless netizens were discussing what happened last night.

It was true that they were all shocked last night, but when they woke up this morning, the Internet was calm, and the government deliberately concealed it, and even controlled the leakage of information, which made them very unhappy.

Seeing the barrage of these netizens gave Zhao Rongrong a headache.

The topic of last night is now a taboo topic.

Zhang Aiping also told Zhao Rongrong that she should not talk nonsense.

After thinking about it, Zhao Rongrong said, "Everyone has forgotten what happened last night, just pretend that nothing happened...

Hearing this, some netizens expressed their understanding and support.

After all, they also knew that since Zhao Rongrong said so, she must have her own difficulties.

However, most netizens are still very upset.

"Damn it, it looks like the anchor Rongrong has been interviewed? Everyone, don't talk about it!

"Why forget last night? Citizens have the right to know, okay?

"Protest, this is violent evidence, I don't accept it!"

"I just want to know, what kind of monster was that bald head last night, and how many such monsters are there? Will it be hidden around us?"

"I heard that at least four people died in a chicken shop last night. Among them, three young ladies were eaten with only a pair of shoes left..."

"Don't let us talk, it's too much to hack our computer? This is an invasion of privacy!"

"Hey, if you keep talking like this, the live broadcast room of anchor Rongrong is really going to end!"

"Yeah, can only a few sentences work? It's useless for you to ask the anchor Rongrong!"

"Generally mentally retarded, do you have to make the anchor Rongrong take the blame for you to feel comfortable?

At this time, at the top of the screen of the live broadcast room, a warning notice from Super Tube suddenly appeared: "Please don't listen to rumors, let alone spread rumors, once you find out, you will be banned! 35

"Fuck, the dog is coming to bite, everyone run away!"

"Listen to the rumors? Are the rumors clear to everyone!

"Rumours f*ck! Who spread the rumors? Crap!!"

"I just want to know the truth, what's wrong?"

"In other words, the newcomer said that he was very confused. What happened last night?"

"Shut up the newcomer, don't ask if you shouldn't ask... 35

After a while, many red notifications appeared on the small screen of the barrage.

[User "Turtle King Eight" was banned for 24 hours due to inappropriate speech...]

[User "Little Little Pig" was banned for 24 hours due to inappropriate speech...]

[User "sinking your face" was banned for 24 hours for inappropriate words

[User "bbbboy Taotao" was banned for 24 hours for inappropriate words...]

[User "Dabao 123456" was banned for 24 hours due to inappropriate speech...]

A series of banning reminders appeared.

However, such means did not force netizens to submit, but really angered netizens.

If you can't fight against state institutions, you still dare not fight a tiger platform?

The big deal is to be permanently banned!

With such a mentality, many netizens continued to scold Chaoguan.

Seeing that the live broadcast room was about to get out of control, Zhao Rongrong panicked.

"You guys, can you stop scolding..." Zhao Rongrong didn't know what to do at all.

Lu Yuan has been watching from the side.

Because he guessed that there might be an accident in the live broadcast tonight.

There are a lot of keyboard warriors on the Internet, and they are also very cowardly in reality, but on the Internet, 3.9 pairs of people are definitely watching the fun and don't think it's a big deal. Lu Yuan has seen this kind of thing a lot.

Lu Yuan knew that last night, during the live broadcast tonight, someone would definitely say it, and it would be easy to be led into the rhythm.

So when Zhao Rongrong started broadcasting, Lu Yuan was by her side, but she didn't appear in the camera.

Seeing Zhao Rongrong panicked at this moment, Lu Yuan immediately flew to the computer desk and appeared in front of the camera.

"Old irons, good evening!

"Next, I'm going to be a magician!!

The best way at the moment is to find a novel topic to divert everyone's attention.

as predicted!

Seeing Lord Wu appear and hearing that Lord Wu is going to perform magic, all netizens are interested...

Second more.

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