Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 180 The Great Change of Living People? Living Birds?

"Fuck, stop arguing, Master Wu is going to perform! 39

"666, watch Lord Wu show!""

"Good evening, Mr.

'All hurriedly stopped and watched Master Wu's performance. "5

"Magic? What the hell, Master Wu will do this? 666 Ah, look forward to it! 35

"Hahaha, Master Wu, who never disappoints, will definitely not disappoint everyone!"

"Look at the magic of wool, and tonight you have to figure out what happened last night..."

"Hehe, catch a rhythm dog upstairs alive.

"I said that the live broadcast room suddenly became chaotic. It turned out that some people couldn't see the good anchor of Rongrong, and they were setting the rhythm! 39

"Where's the housekeeper? Why don't you kill the dog quickly?

In fact, netizens did not have much resentment in their hearts, but the feeling of being concealed made them very unhappy.

Hearing that Lu Yuan was going to perform a magic trick, the attention of netizens was immediately attracted.

Even if there are people with rhythm, it is no longer possible to stir up chaos.

From this we can see how strong Lu Yuan's appeal is!!

And Zhao Rongrong was also very happy to see that the live broadcast room was attracted by Xiaowu and returned to the right track.


Zhao Rongrong was surprised when Xiao Wu said she wanted to perform magic:

"Little parrot, can you still do magic?

Lu Yuan rolled his eyes and said to himself: If it hadn't been for you, this silly girl, Dad wouldn't have jumped out!

Although he complained in his heart, on the surface he had to cooperate: "Yes!

Zhao Rongrong became even more curious: "What kind of magic do you know?

"The big change!


Zhao Rongrong was very surprised.

Of course, she had heard of the magic of changing the living.

Of course, this kind of magic is all aided by organs, and it is absolutely impossible to hide people in the organs directly.


Hearing the magic that Lu Yuan was going to perform, countless netizens were excited.

Humans perform magic tricks, and they take it easy.

But parrots perform magic for the first time ever!

"666, a big change in living people? I'll just see how Master Wu has made a big change in living people today.

"Hahaha, is it a big change of living bird? Lord Wu used the wrong word."

"Could it be that Mr. Wu learned it after watching TV? I don't know if it looks like it, just don't overturn the car."

"I feel that the parrot is going to overturn this wave, how can a parrot perform magic tricks?

"Master Wu never disappoints, I believe Master Wu!"

"I'm afraid that Mr. Wu overturned the car, I'm afraid he forgot his lesson, right?"

"Is there a bet to eat shit? I have diarrhea..."

The live room was very lively.

In the ridicule of netizens, Lu Yuan flew to the side and found a black dress from Zhao Rongrong's wardrobe.

"Little parrot, what are you doing with my clothes!""

"Perform magic!

Hearing this, Zhao Rongrong was silent for a while, and looked at Lu Yuan curiously.

At the door of the room, the little girl Tang Zichen and Li Xue also peeped curiously.

"The show begins!! 35

As soon as Lu Yuan finished speaking, he picked up Zhao Rongrong's skirt and covered it over himself.

However, he was holding the skirt with his beak, and he had no hands, so it was quite difficult to cover him with the skirt.

Lu Yuan built it for a long time without success.

"Stinky sister, help!" Lu Yuan said without curiosity.

The live broadcast room was suddenly very happy, with a large "Hahaha" barrage.

Zhao Rongrong was also dumbfounded and asked, "How can I help?

"Cover me!"

Later, with the help of Zhao Rongrong, Lu Yuan stood on the computer table, and the skirt completely covered Lu Yuan.

Facing the camera, Lu Yuan deliberately raised his wings and moved to show netizens that he was under the skirt.

"Look good!"

When the voice fell, Lu Yuan quietly supported the skirt with his mind power, and then he quickly got out of the skirt and directly under the table.

Zhao Rongrong and Tang Zichen could see his behavior, but netizens couldn't.

Because Lu Yuan is performing right in front of the camera!

In the eyes of netizens, the skirt is still supported, indicating that Lord Mu is still inside the skirt.

Netizens couldn't see it at all, Lu Yuan still quietly walked away from the back of the skirt...

next moment.

Lu Yuan dissipated his thoughts.

Without the support of mind power, the part of the skirt that was supported immediately fell back to the table under the action of gravity.

In the eyes of netizens, Mr. Mu, who was originally under the skirt, suddenly disappeared!!

"Fuck??? What's the situation?"

"Master Wu is awesome, how did you do it??

"Is there a mechanism for this computer table? There must be a movable exit. Master Wu must have fallen under the table."

66 'Upstairs +1, those magicians perform a big change of living people, it is also this set. 39

66' Anchor Rongrong, take off your skirt and let's look at the table!!

"Hahaha, no matter what, Master Wu's magic is quite successful!"

"Yes, the show works great!

"Master Wu is awesome (screaming)!

Zhao Rongrong was a little amused, but also a little surprised.

She saw with her own eyes that Lu Yuan got out of her skirt.

But what surprised her was that after Lu Yuan got out, why did the skirt remain as it was without the "support"? Her skirt is made of pure cotton, which makes no sense at all!

Of course, although Zhao Rongrong was puzzled, she would definitely not expose Lu Yuan.

Seeing the barrage in the live broadcast room, Zhao Rongrong removed her skirt to let everyone see the table.

"My table, but there is no mechanism..."

As Zhao Rongrong spoke, she tapped the spot where Lu Yuan had just stood with her hand, making a solid wood "dong dong", and said, "Solid!"

Lu Yuan secretly praised the silly girl, then turned to the side, flew down from mid-air, and landed on the table again.

It looks like it fell from the sky...


"??? There is no mechanism? Then how did Master Wu suddenly disappear?"

"Yeah, the same question, how did Lord Wu disappear just now?"

"It's kind of interesting, Lord Wu's magic is so incomprehensible. 99

"There must be a problem in some link..."

"Hahaha, Lord Wu really didn't disappoint. 99

"Master Wu is really powerful, this magic is very successful. 35

"I'm really too smart, Master Wu, did anchor Rongrong teach it beforehand?

"Master parrot, one more!

The first update, ask for various data, ask for automatic subscription!!.

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