Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 181 Live: God level magic!

Headquarters of Douhu Platform.

Seeing Zhao Rongrong's live broadcast room finally returning to normal and no longer discussing taboo topics, all the staff, including those bosses, are relieved!

If the discussion continued like the previous one, they had no choice but to temporarily ban Zhao Rongrong's live broadcast room again.

But if you really go this far, there is a danger of angering Zhao Rongrong...

The current Zhao Rongrong is not an ordinary anchor!

The stock of Douhu platform has risen sharply recently, entirely because of Zhao Rongrong.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zhao Rongrong's traffic alone is worth a platform!

If Zhao Rongrong is angered, makes Zhao Rongrong feel at ease with Douhu Platform, and is eventually poached by other platforms, then Douhu Platform will lose a lot.

Even if Zhao Rongrong is generally knowledgeable and generous, she will always ban Zhao Rongrong's live broadcast room, it will make netizens feel unhappy and leave.

This is also a kind of invisible damage to the fighting tiger platform.

Fortunately, Lord Wu is very powerful, turning his hands into clouds and covering his hands into rain, he easily diverted the attention of netizens and eliminated a hidden danger...

"Master Wu's magic is normal! 35

"Although I haven't figured out how Master Wu escaped from under the skirt, it's actually a simple trick."

"Yes, this kind of magic, you can find a lot of it on the Internet..."

"If it wasn't for Lord Wu's performance, I wouldn't even be bothered to watch it!"

"You are too picky. Although Lord Wu is very powerful, he is only a parrot, what else do you want? 39

“Upstairs +1!”

There are also many netizens who feel that the magic of Lu Yuan just now is not very good.

After all, it's just a simple visual spectacle. To put it bluntly, it's just a trick to use unknown props...

This kind of magic has long been rotten.

Many people are not surprised.

If it weren't for Lu Yuan being a parrot, it would be more novel for a parrot to perform magic tricks. If it was performed by one person, I'm afraid there would be no one to support...

"Xiao Wu, a lot of people say that your magic show isn't great 々||!" Zhao Rongrong said beside her.

Without Zhao Rongrong's reminder, Lu Yuan had already seen the barrage.

Originally, he performed magic tricks, but it was just an idea. In order to divert the attention of netizens, stop discussing what happened last night and avoid Zhao Rongrong's live broadcast being implicated.

Any magic, if you want to perform brilliantly, must be prepared in advance.

And how can Lu Yuan have any magic props to prepare? He can only focus on his mind power.

As for what netizens say is not exciting, Lu Yuan is indifferent.

He is not one of those stunned youths who, when provoked by others, will prove himself with a hot head.

However, Lu Yuan still intends to perform a more shocking magic trick.

Because he wants to maintain his "never disappointing" character, so that he can continue to increase his reputation.

He was very curious about what rewards would be given after the total reputation exceeded 100 million.

"It was just a warm-up, an appetizer!!" Lu Yuan deliberately showed a Tsundere appearance.

This made him go up, like a child who was denied, talking big words in dissatisfaction.


"Hahaha, it's so funny that Lord Wu is not convinced!"

"666, it's rare to see Lord Wu Tsundere like this."

"Yo huh? Appetizers will say?"

"Warm up? Hahaha, so, Master Wu is going to perform magic next time?""

"It won't be the magic of the bad street again..."

"What's wrong with the magic on the bad street? As long as it's Master Wu's performance, I like to watch it."

"Upstairs +1!

"Master Wu has such a big tone, I don't know what will be the next performance. 55

"As long as Mr. Wu doesn't overturn the car, it's good to say it out loud. If the car overturns, it will be a shame..."

"Yeah, almost 20 million people watch it online!"

Seeing Lu Yuan's performance, Zhao Rongrong asked amusingly, "Xiao Wu, do you know any other magic tricks?"

"Of course! 39

"Then you can show everyone another great show!

"No problem! 35

"Then let's get started!" Zhao Rongrong was also very curious.

Lu Yuan rolled his eyes: "I want props!

"Props? What props?"

"Thousand Paper Cranes!"

Zhao Rongrong was stunned and asked curiously, "Qianzhihe? Xiaowu, what kind of magic are you using Qianzhihe to perform?

"Stinky sister, there are so many words, hurry up and prepare!

"Stinky little parrot, you really Damn it!"

Although Zhao Rongrong said Lu Yuan Damn it, she stood up cooperatively, found a piece of paper, and folded the paper into a thousand paper cranes under the camera of the live broadcast room.

The paper is ordinary white paper, and netizens can see it clearly.


"Thousand Paper Cranes? What kind of magic is Mr. Wu trying to perform?"

"Is it possible to turn a stone into gold? To turn a thousand paper cranes into gold? Or is it to turn a thousand paper cranes into a real bird? 99

"Upstairs, have you read too many fantasy novels?"

"Curious, looking forward to Lord Wu's new magic..."

"It's so interesting, I hope the magic this time is not a mainland product.

"It's not good to expect too much. Although Lord Wu is powerful, he is still just a parrot after all. He doesn't even have hands. How can he perform advanced magic?"

The netizens in the live broadcast room all showed curious interest.

"It's folded! Here it is!

Zhao Rongrong placed the folded paper cranes in front of Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan didn't ink any ink, and directly activated his mind power under the camera.

When the mind force acted on Qianzhihe, countless netizens in the live broadcast room suddenly saw that the paper-folded Qianzhihe actually moved...

Afterwards, Qian Zhihe began to sway, as if struggling to get up.

Seeing this scene, countless netizens were a little surprised.

"I'm going? What's the matter? Qian Zhihe can move since (good enough)?"

"It's interesting, I didn't see Lord Wu touching it, how did it move?"

"There must be a wind blowing next to it, right?"

"+1 upstairs, I also guess it's the wind. 35

Just when many netizens thought it was the wind...

next moment.

The Qianzhihe's wings suddenly fluttered.


In the eyes of Zhao Rongrong, Tang Zichen, and countless netizens, the thousand paper cranes began to flap their wings hard, and kept flapping... slowly flying!

The thousand paper cranes fly very slowly!

At the same time, it is still wobbly, as if it will fall at any time...

Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded and speechless.

The entire live room was silent, and there was no barrage...

Second more.

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