Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 199 I admit defeat, Lord Wu is too strong!

"Brother Fuji, can you see what happened to the magic just now?"

Zhen Ling said in surprise: "I can't understand how Xiao Wu did it. 35

"I'm also wondering, it's obviously a playing card, not a robot part... Qingteng's face still has a look of disbelief.

"Could it be that the program team rehearsed with this parrot in advance? Lu Yuner asked.

Qingteng nodded: "It's possible!"

"I think so... I have a friend who is a magician. He said that magic is all traceable. I have never seen magic like today." Li Yu also expressed his opinion.

Sitting next to Zhao Rongrong, Han Qian couldn't help but ask, "Rongrong, your little parrot, how did this magic change? It's amazing!"

Zhao Rongrong showed a wry smile on her pretty face: "Actually, I don't know how he did it...

Of course they don't know that in this world, there is a superpower called "psychic power".

The magic just now was actually Lu Yuan's mind power, controlling the playing cards, and making various movements.


The chief director also couldn't figure out how the parrot just now did it.

Hearing that the 05 people in the guest room said that the program team had colluded with the parrot beforehand, the chief director felt very wronged.

Not to mention collusion, Zhao Rongrong's participation in the show was decided on an ad hoc basis, how to collude?

Seeing the warm atmosphere at the scene, the director-in-chief's eyes lit up.

It can be seen that after this episode is broadcast, the performance of the parrot will definitely be on the hot search.

And "Ace Showdown", maybe it can follow the fire all over the Internet!

Thinking of this, he immediately gave the host an instruction through the communicator: fully cooperate with the parrot and interact with the parrot more!

At the same time, he gave instructions to the photographer: "Old Wu, take more pictures of that parrot!

Originally, this kind of treatment was Qingteng's.

But this parrot turned out, which made the chief director change his mind.

He wants to make "Ace Showdown" popular, and this parrot may be an opportunity.

After the command, the chief director was thinking again.

This parrot is so defiant, if he becomes a resident guest, then the ratings of "Ace Showdown" will definitely be guaranteed.

Even the replacement person, the chief director, has already thought about it.

It's Lu Yun'er!

In terms of appearance, Zhao Rongrong is no worse than Lu Yuner.

Although Zhao Rongrong's performance on the field should be a little shy, but who made her have such a powerful parrot?

It is not so easy to replace the resident guests.

First of all, Lu Yuner came to participate and signed a contract.

If the chief director wants to change someone, it is a breach of contract, and he must lose money.

In addition, Lu Yuner was able to come because of the relationship, and the relationship between the leaders of Taili.

The chief director knew that if he wanted to replace Lu Yuner, he would probably encounter huge resistance...

All, let's wait for the ratings of this issue to come out!

on stage.

"Thank you Xiaowu for the wonderful magic! It's amazing!"

After being instructed by the chief director, the host Shen Ming suddenly turned to Lu Yuan, raised the microphone and asked loudly, "Everyone said, was Xiao Wu's magic show just now wonderful?


The audience under the stage gave a huge cheer.

"Let's give Xiaowu another round of applause!" the host Shen Ming said.

There was another round of applause from the audience.

Although Lu Yuan's performance was short, it has already conquered everyone on the scene.

After the applause stopped, the host Shen Ming came to Lu Yuan.

"Xiao Wu, can you tell everyone how you did the magic you just did?"

The host Shen Ming treated her with such enthusiasm, which was just not seen by Lu Yuner.

But Lu Yuan said: "Secrets, can't tell!"


Hearing what Lu Yuan said, the host Shen Ming could only reluctantly give up and stop asking.

"Okay, now that the talent shows of the two groups are over, then it's time for the audience to vote, and the audience will choose the winner. Everyone in the audience, please pick up the voting devices in your hands and feel that Yoona dances. If you dance well, please press the blue button, if you prefer parrot magic, please press the red button..."

"That, Brother Shen, wait a second. 35

Before the host Shen Ming finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by Lu Yuner.

"Yoona, what's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Lu Yun'er smiled bitterly and said, "I think the audience doesn't have to vote anymore, Xiao Wu's performance is so wonderful, I admit defeat...

When everyone heard this, they all laughed.

I have to say, this girl is self-aware and very smart.

She had a hunch that once the results of the vote came out, she would definitely lose a lot.

Qingteng smiled and said, "Yooner, don't you insist on trying? Maybe there will be a miracle?"

"Brother Teng, don't fool me, I know..." Lu Yun'er smiled.

Zhen Ling took it up: "Yooner is right to do this, at least the loss is not so ugly! 35

Everyone was smiling.

The audience was also amused.

The host Shen Ming announced with a smile: "Since Yoona wants to admit defeat, then give her face and don't vote. In this round of talent competition, the Yan Zhi team won again!

"Yeah!" Han Qian looked very happy.

The two little fresh meat also showed a fake 323 smile.

The host, Shen Ming, remembered the chief director's instructions, and did not announce the next round, but came to Lu Yuan's side.

"Xiaowu, you have won two games in a row. You, the captain, have contributed a lot! Do you have anything to say?"

Everyone looked at Lu Yuan, wanting to see what this magical parrot would say.

I saw Lu Yuan cleared his throat, then sighed, and said, "Oh, I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength doesn't allow it!


In an instant, there was a burst of happy smiles on the scene.

"Fuck, this parrot is too much..."

"I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength doesn't allow it? This is really interesting! 35

"666 Ah, there is another classic sentence from Lord Wu's mouth!

"Hahaha, it's fun, this parrot is so fun, I want to fan him! 39

"Yes, if you are so shameless at him, I will also fan him!

on stage.

The guests also laughed.

The host Shen Ming couldn't help but ask Zhao Rongrong: "Rongrong, how did you train Xiaowu?

"Yes, yes, that's a good question, I want to know too!" Qingteng said quickly.

Everyone looked at Zhao Rongrong, waiting for Zhao Rongrong to answer.

Second more.

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