Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 200 Don't question Master Wu's talent! (3 shifts)

"This... I don't know what's going on with Xiao Wu, he is born very smart, I usually don't care about him at home... Oh, by the way, he likes watching TV, maybe he came to school from TV? 99

Zhao Rongrong said a little embarrassedly.

"You came to school on TV?" The host Shen Ming asked in surprise, "Does Xiaowu like watching TV?"

"Yeah!" Zhao Rongrong nodded.

The host Shen Ming smiled and said to everyone: "Everyone heard it? This is the secret to raising a smart parrot, hurry up and write it down!"

"But, even if you like watching TV, you don't know this kind of magic, right? You can speak so well. I have never heard what Xiao Wu said just now." Zhen Ling said.

Xiao Xianrou Wu Zhonglei echoed: "I also love watching TV, but I have never heard this sentence.

From the beginning of the show, this guy has always been a marginalized character, and if he doesn't speak, he will soon become a passer-by!

"I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength doesn't allow it... This is a classic! Usually people who are not cheeky can't say it!" Qingteng commented.

"I feel that this sentence may be on the hot search!" Han Qian said.

"Which TV line is this sentence from, have you heard of it?"


"Have not heard."

Everyone shook their heads.

The host asked Lu Yuan: "Xiao Wu, where did you learn that sentence you just said? 99

Lu Yuan rolled his eyes at host Shen Ming and said lightly, "You can deny my handsome appearance, but please don't question my extraordinary talent!


The crowd burst into laughter instantly.

"My God! Brother Teng, I thought you were thick-skinned, but I didn't expect that there are still strong hands in the strong!" Zhen Ling said while laughing.

Qingteng was speechless and exaggerated: "Don't compare me to Xiao Wu, I'm ashamed!"

The people around looked at Lu Yuan in surprise while laughing.

It was Lu Yuan's performance that refreshed their understanding of parrots.

The audience under the stage, in addition to applauding, also talked a lot.

"This parrot is too smart, isn't it? Is the parrot so smart 々||?35

"I don't know, I haven't seen it anyway.""

"Master Wu is really getting smarter and more beautiful! 35

The host Shen Ming: "Xiaowu, you mean, you thought of that sentence just now?"

Lu Yuan didn't say anything, just put on a proud look.

Qingteng said in a timely manner: "With his shameless strength, I believe he said it! 99

"Little parrot is so smart! Could it be a monster?

Another little fresh meat "Wang Zusheng" suddenly spoke up.

This is really unpleasant.

Zhao Rongrong's pretty face sank immediately.

Afraid that the silly girl couldn't control her temper, Lu Yuan hurriedly said, "If I were to become a monster, I would be the first to eat someone like you!

If Zhao Rongrong gets angry on stage, it will definitely have a bad influence. After all, there are thousands of spectators in the audience.

When Zhen Ling heard this, she didn't think it was a big deal to watch the fun, and asked, "Why?"

"Neither male nor female, it should be better!" Lu Yuan said lightly.

As soon as his voice fell, the expressions of everyone on the stage changed.

This is equivalent to scolding that little fresh meat shemale.

Wang Zusheng exploded on the spot, his face was blue and white, his eyes were fixed on Lu Yuan, and he wanted to step on the parrot to death.

Unfortunately, he still can't have a seizure.

Because the other party is a parrot, as a human being, can he care about what a parrot said? Aren't you afraid of losing face?

What's more, there are so many audiences watching...


Many male audience members in the audience were all whispering.

"Hahaha, Lord Wu is really powerful, he scolds so well, but he just can't stand these bitches! 95

"Neither male nor female...hehe, the description is true!

"Looking at Wang Zusheng like that, I'm almost dying of anger."

"It's a good scolding, I wanted to scold it for a long time, I'm so happy, I'm a fan of this parrot!"

on stage.

"Next, we enter the next game session..." the host Shen Ming said quickly.

He was afraid that something unexpected would happen and cause the guests to quarrel, which would not be very good.

If there is a quarrel during the recording of the program, it will not be good for the reputation of the program group.

"The new round of games is called the 'Bowling Contest'!

The host Shen Ming said: "The rules of this round of the game: There are different items in the props grid after each number. After the two teams send players in turn to draw the props, they will use the props to hit the ball pins, and the team with the most total knockdowns will be knocked down. ,win!""

In the process of the host introducing the rules, the staff of the program team also brought game props to the stage one after another.

Game props are a rug, a set of bowling pins, and a cabinet.

On the cabinet, there are twelve numbered grids.

There is something in every cell.

Next, the two teams will use the items in the grid to play bowling.

Because the confidentiality is relatively good, no one knows what is in all the grids.

"`" Two teams please prepare!"

The host Shen Ming smiled and asked: "Currently, the strength team is two points behind, or should the strength team come first? 99

Zhen Ling shouted: "Yooner come first!"

"Ah? Well, I'll come first!" Lu Yun'er agreed.

The host asked, "Yooner, from 1 to 12, do you choose one, which one do you choose?"

"Yun'er, it's time to test your character, choose a good one!" Qingteng laughed.

Lu Yun'er came to the cabinet, looked at it carefully, and finally chose number "2".

However, when Lu Yuner opened the "2" grid and saw what was inside, the pretty face stepped down immediately.

"What's the matter? Yun'er, what's inside?" Zhen Ling asked.

The host Shen Ming smiled and said: "Yooner, after you have chosen (okay), you have to take out the things. 99

Lu Yuner reluctantly took out a pair of sandals and slippers from the No. 2 grid.

"It's really surprising that there is still this... Excuse me, how do you play bowling with this?"


When everyone saw the slippers, they couldn't help but laugh.

"Can this still be rolled?" Zhen Ling asked with a smile, "Is it worth throwing a dart?"

The host Shen Ming said: "It can be thrown. 99

"That's fine." Zhen Ling smiled, "Yun'er, just throw it like a dart! 35

"Or hit it like a brick!" Qingteng also came up with an idea.

"I also think it's better to smash it out..."

Lu Yuner came to the place where the line was drawn, saw the bowling pins on the carpet, pointed a sandal and slippers in her hand at the bowling pins, and smashed them out...

The third update and the fourth update will be released later.

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