Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 301 This is the legendary Lord Wu!

In the overwhelmed bushes, the strong man lost his eyes and twitched all over his body.

He felt that all the bones in his body were falling apart, and as long as he exerted a little force, he would be sore.

Even the strong man once wondered if he was hit by a car, or why would he suddenly fly up.

When thinking of this, the strong man suddenly remembered why he flew up.

Although he didn't see it very clearly at the time, he still knew that it was the damn parrot that slapped himself and used his wings.

What exactly is this operation!

The strong man was a little puzzled. Could it be that he had hallucinations at the time, and he was just a parrot all the time. How could he have achieved that level.

But, if it wasn't for a parrot, how did he fly.

This question, like the maggot on the tarsus, has been circling in the head of the strong man.

After thinking about it for a long time, he still didn't come up with something for granted.

Resisting the pain on his body, the strong man supported the small bush beside him and slowly climbed up.

As a result, as soon as his head came out of the bushes, he saw a scene that made him stunned.

On this side, seeing the strong man flying out, everyone's 467 expressions were very surprised. After all, no one thought that the loser would actually be that strong man, and he lost in the form of flying out.

Being knocked into the air and being knocked to the ground are two completely different things.

The eyes of many people looking at Lu Yuan became a little weird, and several of them began to show doubts, as if they were suspicious of Lu Yuan's identity.

In fact, among the parents who were watching, some of them felt a little familiar when they saw Lu Yuan.

But with so many parrots, it's not necessarily Xiu'er.

But what Lu Yuan said just now, as well as the explosive combat effectiveness, other than Lord Wu, no parrot can do this.

"Husband! I fought with you!

The woman's eyes turned red when she saw that her husband was fluttered by Lu Yuan's wings.

No one would have imagined that the woman was going crazy, pushing her son aside, rushing into the car, and sitting in the driving seat.

Seeing the woman closing the car door, everyone present guessed what she wanted to do, and they all showed panicked expressions, hiding as far as they could.

If the brawny man is arrogant, then this woman is completely insane.

The little fat man fell to the ground, completely stunned.

With the accelerator pedaling all the way down and the sound of the tires rubbing against the ground, the car that the strong man drove over suddenly accelerated and charged straight towards Lu Yuan and Li Xuelin Wan behind him.

Through the car window, Lu Yuan could clearly see what the woman's expression was like.

Zou Hongjun's car is very good, at least the starting speed is very fast, within a few meters of the distance, the speed has been completely raised.

The onlookers in the distance all covered the eyes of their children, not wanting them to see what happened next.

When they wanted to come, it was impossible for anyone to react within such a close distance.

And the fact was indeed the case. Li Xue and Lin Wan were both frightened and stood on the spot, watching helplessly as the car rammed towards them.

"go to hell!"

The woman sitting in the driver's seat showed madness in her eyes, and kept shouting, as if possessed by a demon.

Just when everyone thought that Lu Yuan and the others were going to be knocked out, Lu Yuan suddenly moved.

Instead of dodging, he took the initiative to take a step forward, then stood there, looking at the sprinting car in front of him.


With a loud bang, the car slammed into Lu Yuan who was standing there.

However, what happened next was beyond everyone's expectations.

In their imagination, if they were hit by a car traveling at full speed, even if they didn't fly out, they would definitely fall to the ground.

However, the one that was really scrapped was not Lu Yuan, who suffered the impact, but the car.

When the car hit Lu Yuan, it was as if it hit a road block. Not only did it not knock the road block away, but it smashed the front of the car sideways.

After suffering such a heavy impact, the airbag on the driver's seat popped out, saving the woman's life.

For this ending, Lu Yuan had already guessed it would be like this.

With his current physique, let alone an urban off-road vehicle, even if he was hit head-on by a truck, he would not be damaged at all.

Coupled with the power of thinking, Lu Yuan did not take a step back, and directly blocked it.

And when the strong man saw this scene in the bushes, he didn't care about the pain all over his body, he stumbled out, ran to the side of the car, opened the door, and carried his wife out.

At this moment, the woman has fallen into a coma because of the huge impact.

No one thought it would end up like this.

"Sure enough, it is Lord Wu! Apart from Lord Wu, which other parrot can do such a miraculous thing. 95

"My God, this is true and false, I'm not dazzled. 99

"How the hell did this happen? It's more magical than science fiction. 35

"You don't understand, it's Master Wu, there is nothing that Master Wu can't do.

"Is that the parrot you are talking about, the parrot? Why do you call him the parrot?

"Go back and watch TV, Lord Wu is so famous recently, you don't know!

The whispering voices of the people around did not make the strong man realize who he had provoked, but raised his head and looked at Lu Yuan angrily.

"I'm going to make you pay for it!

After speaking, the strong man walked to the car and took out a watermelon knife from the car.

The dazzling watermelon knife, with its sharp edge under the sun, looked extremely scary.

However, this time, after seeing the strong man take out the knife, many people not only were not afraid, but instead showed excited expressions.

What about taking the knife out?

On the opposite side is Lord Wu, who can even be caught by human traffickers!

Sure enough, everyone saw the strong man rushing towards Lu Yuan. Immediately afterwards, Lu Yuan jumped up, stepped on the knife with his claws, and slapped the strong man's face with his wings again.

With a crisp sound, the strong man fell to the ground, the blood flowing out of his mouth and his teeth were fanned out several times.

Lu Yuan was really angry, although he didn't kill him, he did punish him.

Those few teeth are even a lesson.

"You hit me, my brother won't let you go! 35

For this reason, the strong man is still speaking harshly.

"Your brother is Zou Hongjun, right?"

Lu Yuan asked the strong man.

When the strong man heard Lu Yuan's question, he thought that Lu Yuan was afraid.

"That's right, my brother is the boxing champion Zou Hongjun, you just wait to die.

The strong man said very arrogantly.

Seeing the appearance of this strong man, Lu Yuan shook his head.

"Since you are Lao Zou's younger brother, I will call him and ask.

Lu Yuan didn't say much nonsense, he took out his mobile phone and called Zou Hongjun.

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