Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 302 is a younger brother

Hearing Lu Yuan's words, the strong man was stunned.

After saying this, Zou Hongjun immediately hung up the phone, as if worried that Lu Yuan would refuse.

Zou Hongjun said.

"It's just a car. Where are you, I'll have someone come over to deal with it. The main reason is that I'm not in the capital now, otherwise, I'll definitely come over in person."

"Forget it, I'm afraid I'll get my wings dirty. Since it's yours, I can't teach you a lesson. You should deal with it yourself. By the way, I seem to have caused a little problem with your car. I don't need to pay." 5

As long as it's a gift, how could Lu Yuan refuse it? As for the exchange of gifts, Lu Yuan doesn't care, just accept the gift first.

He never thought that Lu Yuan actually had Zou Hongjun's phone number.

"Is there such a thing? My family has three generations, when did I have a younger brother. Wait a minute, I will ask my driver, the car should be with him."

"Impossible, the damn parrot must be pretending this time. It's impossible for me not to have an impression of someone Zou knows.

The phone on the other end of Zou Hongjun was also silent, as if he was waiting for something.

After speaking, Lu Yuan looked at the strong man.

When Lu Yuan said this, he took a special look at the car, and the whole front of the car was flattened in. It seemed... it was just a small problem.

It's just that all this is not clear to the person on the phone.

None of them would have imagined that such an arrogant and strong man was actually just the driver of Zou Hongjun, not a real brother, at best a "diDi"

"Why isn't anyone talking? Hello? Brother Xiaowu, this is your phone--isn't that right?"

"Zou... President Zou, it's me, Ronaldinho.

Lin Wan volunteered to send Lu Yuan and Li Xue home.

Seeing that Lu Yuan was being educated by Zhao Rongrong and Tang Zichen, Li Xue hid in the room and did not dare to come out. When the two women were not there, Li Xue quickly came out, hugged Lu Yuan, and then went back to her room. .

"Then why do I have someone here who claims to be your brother and drives your car."

Zou Hongjun said with a smile, his tone was very forthright, and there was no dissatisfaction at all.

Lu Yuan didn't care about the strong man's gaze, he not only knew Zou Hongjun, but also the godfather of Zou Hongjun's daughter.

As for the little fat man's family, Lu Yuan didn't care at all what happened.

Hearing the familiar voice on the other end of the phone, the strong man's face suddenly turned pale, he raised his head and looked at Lu Yuan in disbelief.

But what Zou Hongjun didn't expect was that this guy dared to provoke Lu Yuan.

But soon, he reacted and thought it was absolutely impossible.

Zou Hongjun was a little inexplicable: "It was stolen? When did it happen, how come I don't know?

As for whether Lu Yuan would hate himself because of this incident, Zou Hongjun was even less worried, he believed that he would not see the wrong person.

Just as Lu Yuan himself thought, at least in this way, he can make some compensation.

Sure enough, Zou Hongjun said directly on the other end of the phone without any hesitation.

Looking at Li Xue's little girl, Lu Yuan couldn't help sighing, but Lu Yuan was still very happy with the reward of "Little Loli's Hug".

Zou Hongjun knows very well who the person on the other side of the phone is, and he can even say that he sees you every day.

"Hello. 35

For Zou Hongjun, this is not a big deal, it's just that there is a man under his command who is arrogant, and then he provokes someone who shouldn't be provoked. It's that simple.

By this time, the people around were speechless.

But with what this guy did, how could Lu Yuan help him.

"Don't ask, I'll let this guy who claims to be your brother tell you directly."

"I don't know who you are, why do you have my car?"

The strong man looked at the phone in front of him, his face no longer had the arrogance he just had, instead, a look of fear.

After returning home, Lu Yuan naturally had to ask questions, but to Lu Yuan's relief, Li Xue's little girl seemed to treat her a lot better.

The other end of the phone was quickly connected, and Zou Hongjun's voice came from the phone.

Zou Hongjun didn't know that his car was already scrapped, and even if he did, he probably wouldn't care.

"Old Zou, has your car been stolen?

Zou Hongjun was exercising originally, but when he heard this voice, he stopped the movement of his hand, and his face became a little gloomy.

Hearing what Zou Hongjun said, Lu Yuan sneered.

After a long time, without hearing any response from here, Zou Hongjun took the initiative to ask.

The little hope in his heart was completely extinguished.

The strong man raised his head and looked at Lu Yuan begging for mercy, as if he wanted Lu Yuan to help him.

Lu Yuan asked into the phone.

When he thought of this, the strong man suddenly felt at ease, and looked at Lu Yuan playfully, as if he wanted to see him make a joke.

Lu Yuan really wanted to tell him, he thought too much.

Zou Hongjun's tone was a little puzzled, the phone was clearly connected, how could there be no one there?

But even more awesome is Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan glanced at the strong man with some disgust, and then said something to Zou Hongjun.

Lu Yuan didn't speak, but directly turned on the speaker and put the phone in front of the strong man~.

0.....for flowers.....

It's just that Zou Hongjun seemed to have a bit of a brain, so he made a phone call to Lu Yuan.

The strong man didn't speak for a long time, and looking at his appearance, the people around him also understood that this guy is not the younger brother of the boxing champion at all, and as for how the car came, no one knows.

Seeing the appearance of the strong man, Lu Yuan knew that the younger brother of the boxing champion was probably fake.

Li Xue had been frightened enough, and if she continued to stay, who knew what else would happen.

What happened next is not for Lu Yuan to deal with.

"Brother Xiaowu, you can rest assured, that guy will never appear in front of you again. By the way, regarding this loss, I have prepared a gift for you.

"Thank you little parrot."

He never thought that Lu Yuan seemed to know Zou Hongjun.

After the strong man revealed his identity, the whole person was a little lost. He knew that he would definitely not be able to keep this job, and it was even possible that he would be retaliated against.

"Tell me, tell Lao Zou, are you his brother?"

"Brother Xiaowu, this person is my driver, if he hits you, don't take my face into consideration, you can deal with it as you please. 35

Although they have heard the legend of Lu Yuan, but seeing it with their own eyes, this is the first time for them.

What Zou Hongjun said caused the strong man to fall to the ground at once, and he couldn't get up again.

At this time, the strong man also knew that if he didn't speak again, he was afraid that he would have no chance.

But since Zou Hongjun said that he would not let that family appear in front of Lu Yuan again, then Li Xue would never see that little fat man in school.

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