Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 260: They never stalled time

Katie Archer knew Dustin wouldn't let her in after Finn's order hence she went to her agent.

"Some b*tch is in President Stanley's life. Find out who she is. I have to clear my path at any cost... And yeah, check about where I can meet Madam Stanley."

Katie's manager led her out as she spoke, "I heard President Cooper was in the company. Your new movie advertisements and publicity idea were given by her according to Manager Mike... She seems too close to President Stanley and Department managers were praising her."

Katie grounded her teeth, clenching her fist. She remembered something and asked, "I heard Skyline is checking on a new celeb for Diamond jewelry. How about me?"

Katie's manager hesitated before speaking, "President Cooper's standard for choosing the brand ambassador is too high and..."

"And what?" She roared.

"You... You don't meet the requirements unless President Stanley talks to her."

Katie sat in her company car laughing mockingly. "I don't meet the requirements? What the f*ck does she think of herself? Princess? Queen Elizabeth? She is just a runaway bride coveting President Stanley. Her experience in business isn't even half of my experience in showbiz. I don't care what you do but at any cost, I want to meet her. Do you get that?"

She snorted and closed her eyes to control her emotions trying to breathe calmly.


After getting off work, Alan picked Aria from her office.

Hooking her hands around his neck, "I feel like we are back to our regular routine."

Alan hummed and was thinking whether or not to tell her that Calvin was going to disclose the things he was hiding.

"Alan, What's wrong?"

Alan composed and shook his head, "Let's grab dinner before we leave."

"We can eat at home." Aria said but seeing his expressionless face, she agreed, "We will eat out. Cheer up."

Alan took her to a restaurant and had dinner before driving to Cooper mansion. Since he didn't know what Calvin was going to say about Oliver, he didn't want her to get sad and skip dinner.

Since he didn't get any proof after the investigation, even he started to feel like Oliver might have killed himself.

Aria entered inside to see nervous Saira and the troubled face of Calvin. Instinctively worrying about them, she asked, "What's wrong? Auntie Saira, are you alright?"

Alan spoke to housekeeper Sophia to send the maids away to leave them in privacy before pulling Aria to sit next to him.

"What's happening?"

Alan held her hand cueing Calvin to come to the point.

Saira stuttered exploding the first bomb, "Arrie, Calvin is your half brother, not a cousin."

Aria laughed mockingly without believing them, "So you want Skyline. Why the drama? Cut to the chase."

Alan rubbed her arm, "Shhh... Let's hear it out first."

Aria didn't listen to him, "Alan, I know my father better than anybody. Why do you want to hear them talk nonsense making up stories just because Dad isn't here to clarify?"

Alan knew that after seeing so many fake and real proofs, one or the other day, it was inevitable to distrust the real too.

He held her and coaxed her, "Just hear it once for me. Alright?"

Aria frowned looking at Alan. She couldn't understand who he was doubting.

'Is it them or my father?'

Alan had guessed there going to be a conflict of words, emotions, and decisions. Even though Aria might fall weak or might not be ready to accept the reality, he was determined to be her support whatever the truth might be.

Saira kept wiping her tears and continued to speak about things that happened twenty-nine years back.

--- Flashback ---

Saira Hayek and Emily Parker were best friends. They attended the same school, college, and hung out with each other all the time.

Emily being more beautiful, outgoing, sociable, and rich. She always carried herself graciously which always attracted men at her but she never accepted anybody.

Due to her outgoing personality, many used to get comfortable with her very soon and she earned a lot of friends, unlike Saira who was insociable and introverted.

Even with all those friends, Emily was close to Saira.

Once Saira had a blind date arranged by her family. She was very scared hence she tagged Emily with her.

Saira's blind date was also an introvert hence he brought a bunch of friends who actually occupied the next table without disturbing them.

Emily convinced Saria and changed her table to those friends' tables. Even though Saira and her date hardly spoke, Emily got along well with those men discussing their business and education.

There Emily met Oliver Cooper who was handsome, clever, and friendly. They hit off at their first meet, planned dates and soon they were in a relationship.

Emily always told everything to Saira so she knew Emily was head over heels in love with Oliver Cooper.

Those weren't the days to date for years, propose and get married. Those were the days, if they liked, they never stalled time.

Oliver met the Parker family. Every Parker family member liked Oliver who was independent at just the age of twenty-five with his own company.

The Parker family was well known in the city A so Lucas cooper and his first wife, mother of Oliver had no objection.

Everything was set but Emily and Oliver wanted to spend more time together before getting married so Oliver planned her birthday grandly.

He threw her birthday banquet at a luxurious hotel. They were friends and relatives of Parker and Cooper families to celebrate her birthday and engagement.

As planned, everything went rather well. Emily and Oliver had to greet everyone. Emily's alcohol tolerance was very low hence Oliver drank for Emily too in excitement and happiness.

By the end of the banquet, Oliver was drunk to even hold his senses right. Since Oliver had booked the whole hotel for them, Emily left him in the hotel room before checking on Saira who was tipsy with just a few drinks.

Emily spoke to her if she could manage to reach the room and gave her a room number 407. Stumbling on the ground, she reached the fourth floor and stood between two rooms.

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