Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 261: Wanted an heir

401 and 407

Saira looked at both sides in confusion because both looked 407 for her. She wanted to ask somebody for help but nobody was in sight so she tried again to clearly see and entered a room.

But she had entered room 401 where a man was half asleep mumbling something. In the dark faint lighted room, she had no idea who it was.

She still helped the man hearing him say water repeatedly. While she was helping out, he puked out all over her and fell asleep.

Due to the irritation of smell, she didn't think too much about it and bathed before going to bed without having any idea there was actually a man on the bed.

She couldn't understand the man's mumble but unknowingly she was humming to it but the man suddenly shifted on top of her.

Her strength wasn't enough to push him and her tipsy state cooperated with him that night.

When she woke up naked on the bed feeling sore all over, she noticed Oliver Cooper next to her in utter shock.

It wasn't the decade to just be alright with the one night stand but out of all, it was Oliver Cooper, her best friend's fiance.

She didn't dare to stay there for one more minute in the scare Oliver might see her or importantly, she didn't want to break Emily's heart.

She didn't know what else to do other than running away from there. She never uttered a single word about it to anyone.

She didn't meet Emily even once for two days feeling remorse and she didn't have the courage to face her either.

During that time she wasn't sure what happened, Emily and Oliver registered marriage and pulled up the wedding dates.

Emily was excitedly preparing for the wedding and Saira soon realized Oliver had no inkling that she was the one he spent the night with so she thought to forget about it too.

While helping her out in the chores, Emily's half brother Abel Parker proposed to her in front of everyone. All encouraged her to say yes and she desperately wanted to forget the night and move on so that Emily could live happily.

So Saira said yes and their wedding was also held in the same church and on the same day.

Within fifteen days after the wedding, Saira conceived. She was excited to announce it to her husband but she realized it was too early to be pregnant with Abel's child.

She consulted a Gynecologist and realized it was Oliver's child. It took her time to make her mind to meet Oliver.

She met Oliver at his company and revealed the complete truth because it was his right to know it.

Oliver was staggered. He loved Emily with all his heart. It never had space for anybody. He wasn't ready to leave her or get on negatives with Emily at any cost.

He asked, begged, requested, and did his all to keep it a secret. Saira never wanted to be between the loving couple, she just wanted to tell him the truth, deciding to lie to Abel and the Parker family.

But Oliver was still scared it might be disclosed to others so he prepared everything in the hospital and called her to there saying it was for check up but after reaching there, she got to know he wanted to abort the innocent child which hadn't done anything wrong.

-- Present --

Aria got up and splashed the glass of water on Saira's face.

Aria was trembling in anger. She wasn't ready to believe it because she knew her father could never do such things.

Even if he had done the mistake in a drunken state, he was somebody who would take responsibility for everything he did.

Aria never saw him back off from taking responsibility. Upon that, Oliver would never tell her to abort the innocent child hence she couldn't control herself.

"Saira Hayek, you and your son have written a great story but I'm sorry I can't invest in your movie so get your ass out of here right now."

Saira continued to sob but Aria still wasn't ready to accept it. Calvin clenched his fist tight and sat without reacting to anything. He had expected Aria to do something more hence it wasn't shocking for him.

Saira apologized, trying her best to be strong, "Arrie, I know I made a mistake. I owe to your mother. Even if you beat me, I wouldn't complain. All I can say is, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I wronged your mother."

Alan tried to hold Aria who was trembling in rage or might be because she couldn't accept it. But Aria flung his hand away.

"Sorry? Did you think I will believe whatever you say and doubt my father just because those two aren't here to clarify it? How long were you planning all these? If you wanted wealth and company, you could have asked me directly instead of making up all the stories."

Alan turned Aria towards him trying to calm her, "Aria, you have to be calm and strong now. Let's hear them comp..."

Aria cut him off, shrugged his hands away from her, "Hear them? Hear what? New stories? Alan, you don't know my father, don't just believe them."

Alan was still calm and held her tight and firmly said, "Quiet down. Don't judge too quickly. Listen completely and then we'll talk."

Aria knew he was determined to pull the past out but her mind was already a mess. She had only one thing in mind, 'My father isn't like that.'

"Don't judge? Don't judge them? Are you doubting my father? Alan, I know my father better than anyone of you here."

Alan knew he couldn't get angry and force her so he softened his voice, "You trust me, right? Do it again. Will you?"

Aria frowned. Of course, she trusts Alan and she also trusts her father. Her voice softened too and sounded helpless, "Alan, listening to them means distrusting my father."

"No, Listening to them means trying to solve the issue." He watched her calm down and nodded at weeping Saira.

Saira's trembling voice sounded, "As soon as I got to know Oliver's plan, I left the hospital and disclosed my pregnancy in the home by hiding my actual number of weeks into pregnancy. Oliver didn't get a chance to meet me again so Calvin was raised in the Parker family. Once Emily gave birth to you and then she was diagnosed with the terminal disease, he gave the job to Abel in Skyline with a huge pay scale so that we could look after Calvin better. When we lost Emily, Oliver again approached me wishing to look after Calvin by revealing the truth because he didn't want to marry again and wanted an heir to..."

Aria was enraged again. "You -" But Alan pulled her down rubbing her back.

Oliver never grew her up like a weak girl and he never wished he wanted a boy to look after his company or continue the family lineage.

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