Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 262: I will hold you responsible

Saira tried to continue weeping in guilt but failed to continue to speak.

Calvin continued clutching his fist, "Mom never agreed to send me to Uncle Oliver. But when I completed my graduation, he visited me to prove to me he was my biological father."

Calvin passed an old DNA paternity test report of Calvin and Oliver which mentioned it was a match.

"As soon as I got the papers, I came to meet Uncle Oliver. I was resolute on my decision. I told him to forget about the past and let me off. He had told me to talk to you and he wanted to make up for me but I didn't listen to him and again left the country A. I had broken my mobile in frustration and didn't use another one for two-plus months hence I had no idea whatever happened here. When I returned, I tried to investigate the accident. If it wasn't an accident, probably, he purposefully did it. Arrie, I wasn't really behind anything which is yours, I don't want any of it. I never thought about hurting you, instead, I always felt responsible for not being your side when you needed me the most."

Calvin finished whatever he had to say which he had hidden from past years.

Alan who was holding Aria realized her body had turned too cold and she was taking short shallow breaths continuously looking at the DNA report.

Aria wasn't the one to be in need of Skyline or properties. She knew she could stand alone if she wanted. She was ready to accept if Calvin was her brother but she wasn't ready to accept her father could be like what they said.

Her father was a man of words and principles. For her, he never could wish to kill an innocent child or he wasn't in need of a boy for the family lineage. Even if he wanted Calvin back, he could have told her unlike killing himself.

"Aria..." Alan lightly shook her arms to get a response but got nothing in return.

Calvin had noticed Aria's reaction, went up to her. He kneeled in front of her and wanted to console her saying 'nothing will change and he just prevailed the truth for her since she asked. If she doesn't want to see him, then he wouldn't come into her sight. He was even ready to move to a different country.'

He held her hand and had just called, "Arrie..."

Aria flung his hands away with a jerk and moved away from everyone. Her trembling hands pointed at them as she stuttered, "You... You are all lying to me... Just because I look innocent doesn't mean I will believe everything. My father isn't like what you all said. He never could do all that. I... I know him... I know him."

Then her voice increased and cried out, "He isn't like that. I know him well."

Sophia who heard her panicked and went out of her room. Aria was running towards stairs wiping her face when she heard Sophia's worried voice. "Young miss."

Aria went to her hugged as she cried on and on saying, "Aunty, They are all lying. Dad never could be like that. Dad never will try to hurt a kid. Dad wasn't self-centered..."

She continued mumbling without responding to Alan and without leaving Sophia. 

Sophia gently kept patting her back agreeing with her for everything without knowing what was going on.

"You are right, young miss... Master will not do. The Master is good..." She kept consoling Aria who was crying like a fragile child.

Alan realized he didn't talk for Oliver or supported her, confusing her that he might be doubting Oliver.

It wasn't about trust. He knew he couldn't investigate such an old matter deeply. He still has to talk to Rowan to know about those days. He decided to investigate the DNA report for fake or real.

He regretted never mingling with Oliver and he didn't know anything about him.

Knowing Aria wouldn't go with him, he told Sophia to take care of her, sending Aria to her room.

He returned to the living hall to see mother and son at a different end of the living hall. He knew he couldn't go for a DNA test for siblings. He started to think of alternatives.

"If I know anything I heard till now had a lie, I make sure you wish for death every day." His cold tone ended as he took the DNA report upstairs.

He knew it was too late but he couldn't rest at ease. He called Rowan who woke up from sleep to answer the call.

"Dad, I need to discuss a very important matter right now. Shall I see you now?"

Rowan felt fully awake hearing Alan's unyielding unemotional tone. He didn't delay the response, "I will be waiting for you."

Alan just hummed and went to Sophia's room where Aria was still sobbing in her lap. Sophia signaled to him that she will take care of Aria seeing him despair looking at Aria's state.

He exited the mansion without caring about the mother and son hearing the latter.

Calvin warned his mother, "If anything happens to Aria, Mom, I will hold you responsible."

Calvin wanted to check on Aria but he was scared she might continue crying.


Speeding on the road, Alan soon reached the Morgan mansion.

Rowan and Alan sat in Alan's study. Alan asked, "Dad, have you attended Dad Oliver and Mom Emily's engagement?"

Rowan wasn't sure why he was asking, he promptly answered, "Yeah, it was arranged on Sister in law's birthday at... Old Hotel Empire."

"Was Dad drunk on that night?"

Rowan responded remembering that day, "He was very much drunk. Sister in law had to force him to stop and she took him to his room... Alan, what's wrong?"

Alan asked instead of responding, "Did Dad mention you about a one night stand that day?"

Rowan frowned as he nodded, "Why are you asking all this?"

Alan again ignored his question, "Can you remember what he told you or what you guys did? Or anything related to it."

Rowan tried to remember and responded, "He said he didn't know who it was. Since the whole hotel was booked, we checked on every lady who stayed in the hotel and also the staff but none of them went to his room. Oliver was very upset and was scared to tell the sister in law. After our little push, he went to meet her on the second day to tell her but when he returned, he came back married to her. He told me that he informed everything to the sister in law... Alan, did anybody come to Arrie saying it?"

Alan answered by placing the DNA report on the table, "Calvin Parker seems to be the result of Dad's One-night stand."

"What?" Rowan's eyes widened in shock.

"Mrs.Parker? She is the best friend of Sister in law. how could she do that?... She had told, she wasn't the one."

Alan asked again in doubt, "Was she drunk that day?"

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