Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 278: Owner of the heart

Noah shot up from his seat seeing them contacting all types of people, "Guys, aren't you doing too much without knowing anything? And I don't want you guys to work up and feel bad if we don't get to know anything."

Aria, Eva, and Rian: 😬

Noah: 😦

Noah sat back like an abandoned puppy. He heard them plan and replan out everything.

Seeing them rigorously planning to find Kyle Mason for him, he had no words describe how content he felt having them.

He wasn't sure if he could get Kyle Mason but he was sure, he was never going to leave his loonies who wanted his happiness and nothing else.

They had planned out everything and turned to Noah who was looking at them blankly while a slight smile hung on his lips.

Rian rubbed his own arms, "Aish! I'm getting goosebumps. Man, why are you looking at me like that? I have a fiancee, don't even think about trying on me."

Noah's lips twitched, "Let me die instead of thinking that."

The girls giggled and quickly went upstairs to change and leave.

Aria was going to Morgan Industries with Rian. Eva and Noah were responsible for getting any information out of Jake Davis.


Morgan Industries

Aria and Rian sped towards Morgan Industries. Rian went to talk to the Vice President whose son was working in the civil bureau.

Aria barged in Alan's office. Alan was on a video conference hence she couldn't talk aloud. She started dancing in front of the desk raising her forefinger at him asking a minute.

Alan had to purse his lips from smiling seeing her make faces requesting his little time. He really doubted if she was back to eighteen.

He looked at the screen and said, "Let's take a break."

He was yet to close the laptop screen, Aria jumped near him, "Alan, help me out."

Pulling her on his lap, he asked patiently, "And what is it?"

"I think Kyle Mason is in country A, as you said, her name might not be real so you have to help me contact the chief of the civil bureau."

Alan understood their plan after hearing her. "What do I get in return?"

Pecking on Alan's lips, Aria cheekily asked, "You have me, what else do you want?"

"I see, you are turning smart." Alan took his mobile and dialed a number.

Aria intently heard one side conversation.

"Hmmm... President Cooper needs some help to find a person, She will reach your office soon and I hope you could help my wife with her work."

Alan again hummed a few times before hanging up the call and telling Aria, "Done."

Aria was impressed by hearing him, "My husband is so cool..." She continued to compliment and pamper him for two more minutes until Rian called her.

Rian's end had no news because the Vice President's son was in a different city.


At a restaurant near the civil bureau.

"Thank you, Jake, for making some time." Eva greeted and tugged Noah to greet him.

Eva might forget and move on but Noah knew how Jake had annoyed Aria and judged her later.

"Hey" He halfheartedly said and remained quiet after it.

"What's special that you guys remembered me?" Jake was tall and well built with his good looking face.

Eva found it hard to ask directly so started going around the mountain, "I had thought you would be an advocate like your father. Why this profession?"

Jake smiled lightly, "Come on, I know you aren't here to know that. Do you guys need me for anything?"

Eva felt embarrassed by hearing him. Noah mocked indifferently, "You are sensible now."

Eva smacked Noah laughing awkwardly at Jake who didn't mind his comment. "Actually you are right. We have to find a girl but other than her picture, we have nothing. So we thought to ask for your suggestion."

Jake analyzed and asked, "Lodge a complaint against her and she will be detained soon. By the way, what is her offense?"

"Lying and hiding. I want to beat her up." Eva didn't think twice and said it.

Noah's lips twitched, "No, we don't have any complaints, we want to know about her and find her. That's all."

Jake shook his head after a few seconds, "Then it's difficult. Without a valid reason, we aren't allowed to check or share any citizen's information."

Eva pouted and spoke for a few minutes until the other two reached the civil bureau entrance.

Aria and Rian saw Jake. If she didn't know Eva and Noah went to meet Jake Davis, she wouldn't have identified him.

"Hey!" She greeted and turned to the other two, "We have to meet Chief Sood."

They entered and were about to ask the way to the office room of Chief Sood, Jake spoke reservedly, "I will take you guys there."

Then the four followed Jake as Eva kept nudging Aria pointing Jake. "Do you think his infatuation is over?"

Aria shushed her and five went inside. Chief Sood stood up looking at Aria.

"Hello, Chief Sood, I'm sorry about our sudden request and thank you for taking your time out from your busy schedule." Aria gave the respect he deserves.

Chief Sood shook her hand and pointed chairs for them to sit.

Jake was leaving, Eva thanked him, "Thank you, Jake. We will treat you once."

Jake nodded and turned to leave but was called by Chief Sood, "Jake Davis? President Cooper, do you know him?"

Aria didn't lie, "We are from the same batch in school."

"I see, then Jake, why don't you stay over and help them out." Chief Sood said to which Jake had no choice but to agree and stand silently.

Having no idea about the help they needed, Chief Sood asked, "How may I help you, President Cooper?"

Aria straight came to the point by pushing her mobile ahead. "We want to know about this girl."

Chief Sood nodded checking the picture, "Write down a complaint, and I will ask the team to get the information by end of the day."

Eva and Noah were annoyed by hearing that.

Aria and Rian looked at each other and Aria pointed Noah asking in a confused tone, "She stole his heart. Can we file like that?"

Chief Sood, Jake: 😶

Noah: 😵

Eva controlled from laughing out.

Rian changed the question, "Or can we file like he stole her heart? We should find the owner of the heart, you know."

Aria and Rian secretly low fived each other but didn't show anything on their faces.

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