Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 279: Encouragement for losing

The Fourie who stands for each other and goes to any length for them. Jake smiled to himself remembering them.

Chief Sood took time to react and hesitatingly spoke, "President Cooper, we aren't allowed to..."

Aria cut in, "Of course I know. If I could go by rules, I wouldn't be sitting here asking for help."

Chief Sood was now in a difficult position. He knew turning down Aria was the same as going against Alan Morgan, a cold-blooded devil who had all the proof to bring half of the administration employees on the road.

Half-heartedly, "President Cooper, I will work on it and get you the information soon."

"We want it before the weekend." Rian said, giving him two days of the deadline.

Chief Sood wasn't sure if he could manage it but he still responded, "Alright. I will send the information once we get it."

Happy with the temporary success, four stood up and Aria spoke, "Thank you so much, Chief Sood. I will look forward to listening to you SOONER. Have a good day."

They shook their hands and left the office leaving Chief Sood to brainstorm alone.

If nobody, Chief Sood knew what she actually meant by, 'I will look forward to listening to you SOONER.'

Aria and Rian thanked Jake Davis who was unusually too quiet like he was purposefully distancing himself from them but the Fourie had no time to think about it.

After going out, Aria mentioned the second mission, "Oh! Our dear President Wood, you will be with any of us until one hears you confess everything to your Ms.Invisible. Then try to talk to her to get information about her."

Noah tried his best to remain expressionless and commented, "Why do I have to confess in front of anyone of you? I will do it when she answers my call or when she calls me back."

Rian teased, "Aww look who is shy now? His skin turning red, Noah is blushing."

They continued to tease him throughout the lunch. Eva went with Noah to his office. Rian went to Skyline to see Roxy. Aria went to Alan.


A sports academy

Alan took Aria to City B's largest sports academy. Changing to sportswear, Aria excitedly played basketball with Alan.

Alan was tall and a very good player so it was easier for him to use game tricks on Aria and score so she started to cheat by distracting him and she was basketing the ball.

Alan was content seeing her happy and mischievous but, "Stop exciting me."

Aria pecked on his neck and stole the ball like other times again. She giggled heartily looking at Alan, "I won."

Alan raised his brows hearing her. Aria could almost imagine the wolf waking up in him and started running towards the exit seeing him stride faster.

She knew he would surely punish her for exciting his nerves.

Without letting her escape, he chased after her and held her easily. Her every technique to escape from him was useless.

He pressed her on the steel mesh and asked rightfully, "Shouldn't I get some encouragement for losing?"

Aria looked around but found none to escape from Alan. She shook her head but he ignored the response.

It wasn't like he wanted the response to that question.

He captured her lips in his. He was softly teasing and tasting her until she melted in his arms.

They hadn't kissed like a long time due to the revelation of Calvin's new identity so she wasn't just satisfied with his lips. She yearned for more, removing her hands from his chest, she wrapped them around him longing more of it.

Alan knew her mood was down for a long time. Even though he wanted to punish her for seducing him while playing, he didn't want to force her if she didn't have the mood.

Just by her small movement of craving, his kiss turned deep, fierce, and demanding by earning her moans lagging to match up with him.

Wrapping her securely in arms, he wished if he could merge her with him. The first time or anytime. in the room or anywhere, he loves how she gives herself to him without a small doubt.

Stealing her breath away, he slowed down to let her take a breath but remembered they were in open ground. Even though he had arranged to block the whole club, he couldn't stop each and everyone so let her off the hook.

He opened his eyes to see the flushed beauty in his arms. Half dazed, slightly parted reddened delicious lips, breathing irregularly holding him tight.

He wrapped his hand tighter, kissing her forehead, "My temptress! Liked the date?"

Aria hummed leaning on him stealing his warmth.

She had told him like years back that she liked to play basketball, she was naturally happy playing it and playing with Alan for the first time.

What she liked more was how she teased him while playing to distract him all the time even though it was dangerous to provoke the big bad wolf.

After some time, they returned indoors to change their sportswear but Aria's eyes fell on the direction board for the fencing hall and pointed it for Alan with puppy eyes.

"Can you hold the foil? Your hand." Alan concernedly asked checking her right palm.

"I think I can. If it pains, I will stop playing. I have never played with you, please... Hubby please please, please..."

He didn't have the heart to turn her down and took her for fencing without noticing sports clubs VIP members entering the private room.

Both quickly changed to a complete white protective clothing of fencing which had a jacket, gloves, protectors, mask, and others.

The duo reached the hall and Alan firmly told her to stop exerting force on her right palm so they were just warming up their moves.


Seeing Xin dived in his heaps of ununderstandable codes, Xoan forced him out of the office.

Xin hardly partied or went to clubs. Since they hadn't sported for a long time, Xoan wanted to go for off-road car racing but due to the weather, he changed the plans and went to the sports club where they were the third-largest shareholder.

One wanted to play tennis and the other one wanted to fence. While entering inside, they had seen Alan's car.

"This man has time to play but not to meet me." Xoan smirked while he commented. "I should show him who is the boss today."

Xin rolled his eyes while entering their private room.

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