Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 281: Little girl

Xoan wasn't getting time to clear his mind by continuously trying to defend and fail because if he was defending for one move but her alternate move would hit him.

He wanted to embarrass Alan but he was embarrassed to death losing to a girl in front of Alan.

'Noob?' Even his ego was about to die for the lady.

'Lose pridefully?' He understood she meant to say she wasn't going to leave little of his pride.

Aria was done with the play and tossed his fence away before kicking his back of the knee to kneel him on the ground.

"Xoan West, if the opposition doesn't play dirty doesn't mean they don't know. Why does a female have to be a noob without even knowing her game? I needed just minutes to crush your male ego. Don't forget to remember today before judging a woman."

She took steps towards him and raised his head to face her with the fence. Her unyielding tone was intimidating.

"And about Alan, Xoan West, you couldn't match me, so stop dreaming to face Alan. Before you try to touch him, try to cross me. If you think you can take a step against Alan, I will stand and push you ten steps back. Before you try to attack him, you will find me first. Now, bog off."

Xoan grounded his teeth hard but after losing, he wasn't at any place to speak. His urge to know the arrogant woman tearing the mask was intensifying but another urge was dominating it.

Xin wasn't sure what she told and saw his friend all defeated. If Xoan was lost to Alan, Xoan wouldn't have felt his blood boil but Xin was sure, his pride was hurt seriously.

Alan loved her ferocious way and solicitous about him. He knew she would even dare to stand against anything for him. The only thing he had seen her weak and couldn't handle was losing her loved ones or judged by them.

Anyway, he prioritized her and her wound first.

Aria almost jogged to Alan and extended her right hand, "Remove it. It's paining."

There she goes as his sweet little wife.

Alan bopped her helmet and removed the gloves and bandages to see the cuts open on one edge.

Xoan who had looked at them before leaving saw a long cut on her palm. He was dazed while he walked out and went to the private room.

Alan helped her out of the helmet and mask first and then he twisted her ear, "Do you remember what I had told you?"

Aria pouted pitifully, "Is my pain important or scolding me?"

Alan gave up and took her quickly to the infirmary. He disinfected then applied medicine, and wrapped in bandage before breathing a sigh of relief.

"Is it still paining?"

Aria promptly nodded slightly pouting her lips.

"Is it bearable? Do you want to take a painkiller?"

Aria gave it a thought and shook her head, "I will distract my mood and I will be fine."

Alan cupped her face and said, "Why are you so stubborn?" but he couldn't bring himself to punish her either.

Aria smiled for it and went to his arms, "I need a hug..." pouting in his embrace, "Should I attack Focus?"

"Stay low..." Alan didn't want to disrupt much between them and Focus but Xoan was provoking them uselessly.

"If he tries to reach you again, I will sell his company data and push him to bankruptcy. Hmph."

Alan chuckled. He had thought Focus was behind Aria and he should protect his wife. He couldn't understand why everything was getting reversed.

Caressing her head, "What do you want to eat?"

"I'm open to all types of tasty yummy food."

Alan led her out as he responded, "Then you can eat me. Why waste money?"

Aria: ○_○

"Braised pork balls in gravy, Peking roasted chicken, Sweet and sour pork, Chow Mein or Yang Chow fried rice."

Alan hummed and asked, "Are you gonna try me first and then those? Or overturn?"

Aria pinched his waist but still, she chose in his choices, "First them and then you."

"So you mean, I am your dessert."

Aria flushed and continued to argue while Alan successfully diverted her mind away from her wound and pain.


Xin entered the private room to see zoned out Xoan. He had to shake his shoulder to hear any response.

"F*ck... I lost to a little girl. Do you know she had a long cut on her right palm? Like this long..."

He showed on his palm and continued, "How the hell did she play? Who the f*ck Alan Morgan is dating? She is good at analyzing contract papers and here to fight against me. Crap... What the freaking hell is going on with my life? I have the bloody advanced certification in fencing. I think it's all fake..."

Xin was speechless hearing Xoan talk so much and upon that he was totally admiring the girl instead of wanting to skin her alive.

"Xoa..." Xin couldn't cut in and heard him going on and on.

"Never mind, The point is, who is she? She is the perfect material to have in one's life. Her vigor, braveness, attitude, dainty figure, aggressiveness, everything is so bloody perfect. Why didn't I find her first? No doubt Alan Morgan left that little bunny of yours for this one. I had just thought she was just a spoiled girl when I had seen her first. Come to think of it, I lost to her and she has only a bad image of me, even if I find her and woo, will she accept me? It isn't like I look any less..."

Xin had checked his temperature once, forced him to drink water but Xoan rambled on and on about the girl.

Xin even yawned and was preparing himself to take a nap when Xoan stopped and asked, "So?"

Xin was caught off guard and asked back without knowing what he was asking, "So?"

Xoan smacked him and repeated his last question, "Do you think I will have a chance to covet her from Alan Morgan?"

"What do you want me to say? You were saying he would teach her a hard way and now completely head over heels after losing to her."

Xoan waved his hand as he responded, "Let bygones be bygones. She is one to be treasured, shall I kidnap her?"

By whatever Xoan said, Xin could say that the girl was fond of Alan and very protective towards him. He didn't want Xoan to get hurt or use evil tricks on them to get the girl.

"What if she ugly?"

"I don't care."

Xin was in complete shock. Xoan's one night stand or just a few minutes makeout flings were beauties from head to toe.

"Xoa, do you have any idea what you are saying? Don't ruin somebody's life for your short term attraction."

Xoan snorted, "What the hell do you mean by attraction? This is the first time I want somebody but not for face or figure. It's a complete adoration."

Xin just prayed for Xoan's safe heart and heard him continue to speak about the girl saying 'Little girl' repeatedly just because he had seen her in mickey mouse top and skates.

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